Chapter Fourteen

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"What do you mean the earth will die?" Nathanial asked, even as Lettie was slowly nodding.

"When Jael spoke to me, he alluded to this," Lettie explained, "he said both the fae and the earth are weakening, and that the order, doesn't understand the connection."

"They do. They don't care," Prue said with a sigh. "Why should they? All vampires need to survive is blood. If the earth becomes some barren wasteland, we still live on."

"I thought the council represented all beings," Nathanial questioned.

"Sure, there are werewolves, warlocks, and witches on the council for the show of it, but mark my words; the order belongs to Lilith," Prue said with firmness to her tone.

"If the earth dies, though, the animals will starve, and so will humans," Lettie pointed out, "What would vampires feed from?"

"She'd find farm blood and engineer food," Prue said.

"She already farms humans for their blood," Nyx added, "has been for centuries."

Lettie shuddered; when Nathanial took her blood, it was always a pleasurable experience. She tended to forget that not all vampires were like him.

"So, what do we do? Jael is the oldest being on the planet and the father of all fae," Lettie reminded them, "I am an eighteen-year-old, half-human, half-faery without wings."

Prue laughed softly and peered at the young girl, "but your mother was born from a faery and an angel. That means you also have angel blood running through your veins and the little parlor trick you can do with realms proves that."

"So you're much more than a halfling," Nyx confirmed.

"How old must my mother be? Jael disappeared centuries ago, right?" Lettie questioned.

"Yes," Prue nodded, "angels are immortal, and a fae that closely connected to Jael,  I can only assume she is immortal."

"That means Lettie's lifespan is likely longer then a natural human," Nathanial mused. 

"I'd assume so," Prue agreed. 

The perks were starting to roll in... longer life meant more time with her mate.

"If my mother had a choice, and one was to make the earth lush and happy, why wouldn't she choose that?" Lettie asked, "why is she hiding from her own choice?"

"That is an excellent question," Prue commented. "I think maybe the key to all this is her."

"She told me not to..." Lettie cringed... trust anyone, and she was telling Prue and Nyx about her.

"Not to what?"

"Tell anyone but Nathanial about talking to her," Lettie said with a worried look.

"You can trust me," Prue said, "I've known about you all this time and didn't say anything, right?"

"What do you want, though?" Nathanial asked with a pointed look of his own.

"The earth not drying up would be nice," Prue said in an irritable tone, "come on, what? Are you assuming I have selfish intentions? I don't. Nyx and I have taught and trained countless vampires' control; we help get rid of street vampires; we want to do what we can to keep unliving on."

"I think you want something," Nathanial countered. "helping hunters, training vampires, doing this, it doesn't get you into trouble with The Order, but helping us will. So why are you taking the risk? What do you really want?"

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