Chapter Eight

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Nathanial lay awake as Lettie slept restlessly beside him. Her eyes lids fluttered heavily, and her heart was racing periodically. He imagined she was dreaming of the sordid tale they were told tonight.

His eyes found her sleeping face. Studying her now, he realized how beautiful she really was. She had not one birthmark, freckle, or any other human blemish on her skin; he was surprised he hadn't noticed that before. She was a peculiar one, this Lettie girl. She was full of innocence and yet, at the same time, an old soul. He'd never found himself so intrigued by someone before. Her sweet and trusting nature could be deadly for her. Such opposition to him. He didn't trust a soul and never did. It was no wonder the witches paired her with him.

She started to make noises again. Her face flushed some as her heartbeat picked up. He touched her cheek and found her skin soft and warm as he closed his eyes and focused. He entered her mind carefully or meant to when he suddenly felt himself getting pulled in fast. It stopped short, the pulling feeling. He opened his eyes to darkness. So much darkness he couldn't see a thing. It felt off; the energy, the air, everything felt so off. He didn't like it at all. He wanted out, but first, he had to get to her.

"Lettie?" He called out to the darkness.

"Nathanial?" She called back, "How did you get here?"

"I tapped in, or I was, then suddenly I felt like you pulled me in," he explained.

"I must've done that," she mumbled, "I had a lot of weird dreams after that story, but I still felt you next to me. When I came here, I couldn't feel you anymore. I think I reached out for you."

But Benjamin had said that wasn't a fae thing, so how? How did she enter his mind and pull him into hers?

More importantly-

"Where is here? Is this the nightmare you keep having?" He asked.

"Yes, but usually I just end up here and don't want to be." Her voice seemed closer to him, so he reached for her and finally felt her soft skin. He gently grasped her arms and pulled her towards him.

"Oh, Nathanial!" She suddenly flung her arms around his neck and embraced him. "I'm always so alone here."

"You're not alone," he said in what he hoped was a soothing tone. Comforting someone wasn't exactly one of his strengths, but he felt he had to try.

Shaking that thought out, he gently released her but kept his hands lightly grasped on her arms. "Where are we?" He asked again. She was right in front of him, and he couldn't see her.

"I think we're nowhere, Nathanial," she said quietly, "that's what it always felt like to me. "Nowhere?"

"Yes, I know, that doesn't make sense, but we're not anywhere now."

Well, that would explain this feeling of wrongness.

"The voice isn't here today," she continued, "I don't know if it's because I came on my own?"

"What voice?" He asked. "What does it sound like?"

"That's the thing, it's in my head, and it never sounds like anything. I just hear the words. "He could feel her warm breath against his chin; she'd come nearer to him. He found himself pulling her back in even closer; he didn't like not being able to see her.

"What words?"

"They usually ask me to try something, and I don't want to."

"Do you know what?"

"No," she sounded frustrated. "I always hate it and scream at it to go away. I can't remember it clearly when I wake up."

"Now that I want to hear it, it's nowhere to be found!" Her voice was full of fraught.

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