*~ Lan Xichen - The Reaper And The Lan - The Untamed ~*

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Having been given this task seemed pretty unexpected for a 900 year old trained assassin like Valerion. She hails from a distant land, beyond the regions of the East and the sole remaining survivor or an already fallen clan. The blood of her family runs in her veins, and she seeks revenge on their cruel deaths. Maybe this job, she began to realize, just isn't exactly adding up to her. The girl quietly made her way up a steep looking rocky path and stopping just right in front of a white concrete archway. Pausing, she lifted her hand and created a crystal blade, which shot forth and was repelled right away by an invisible barrier. As expected from the Lan clan, she thought to herself. Self-righteous as always, these people. 

Taking a wary look around, Valerion could only assume that the barrier only exists within that archway. She had wanted to use her given magic, only to change her mind so as to not leave  behind any unnecessary residue of the spells she cast. The girl turned and strolled a few steps away, thinking hard to herself. How do I get in then? She glanced up towards the sky, sighing. Well, just this once wouldn't hurt, right? I'll just reduce the amount of spiritual energy required and channel it into pure elemental energy instead. What's the worse that can happen? 

As she closed her eyes and clouds of orange golden mist poured out of her hands, Valerion began to chant the spell softly, in smooth ancient words. All of a sudden, there was a bright explosion of light and magic, followed by the screech of a massive beast. 

One of the Lan clan disciples walked down the hallways, and knocked patiently on the door of a large building. After waiting for a response that came from inside, he stepped in. Facing a low desk and the person that sat behind it, he bowed politely and began to speak. "Zewu Jun, the Second Young Master Lan has requested that your presence is very much needed near the waterfalls, by the mountains. He claims that there has been a disturbance of some unknown magic around that area." 

Seated calmly in a kneeling position, dressed in fine elegant robes and with his headpiece adorned elegantly atop his head, the clan leader of Gusu glanced up with curious eyes. "An intruder, perhaps?" 

The disciple replied. "He is unaware of that, still. There has been no further evidence that had been gathered other than the given information. But it is best that Zewu Jun heads over to the waterfalls for a more detailed investigation. "

He stood up and retrieved his sword, holding it closely to his side and followed the disciple out the door. "Alright, I'll be there right away. In the meantime, I would like you to pay a visit to the Library and give it a check. If there are indeed intruders here in Gusu, those important books must never be tampered with at all costs. I will personally head over to see my brother." As Xichen left for the waterfalls, he couldn't help but sense a sinking feeling in his gut. He somehow knew that something wasn't right, but yet he couldn't exactly tap his finger on what and why he happened to feel that way. Was he just sleep deprived? Or stressed out? 

As soon as he had arrived, Xichen began to scan the area for his brother, sadly to no avail. Wangji was nowhere to be seen and the areas around the waterfalls seemed to look perfectly fine. But no doubt he was able to sense a foreign magical presence in the air, both strong yet indescribable. What happened here? Who did this? Xichen was ready to unsheathe his sword and fight, but he remained calm, as according to the many rules of the Lan clan. Elegance and respect, along with duty and honor. Those were the virtues that has been drilled into his mind ever since his childhood days, together with Wangji. He was always one that never rushes in for a fight, but would rather he stand in the sidelines and observe patiently, before waiting for the opportune moment to make his move. Well, in the world of martial arts and cultivation, Xichen was aware that every step he takes and every word that leaves his lips, will completely depend on the outcome of a fight. It's also better to stay silent for now. 

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