*~ Beelzebub - Delicious Temptations - Obey Me ~*

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  !! - Slight NSFW: Be warned - !! 

A special chapter to celebrate the release of Nightbringer, enjoy! 


Knocking on Beel's door at 12am, seriously what am I thinking right now? No it's not what you think at all; maybe I just missed his presence. But what if Belphie wakes up? For privacy, the greenhouse isn't crowded at the moment. But whatever, what am I thinking right now? Get a grip for fuck's sake. You're just going to talk to him, right? You're bored out of your mind right now and there happened to be something you wished to clear up, an incident that happened during class a few hours ago. I sighed, smoothing the creases on my casual outfit and knocked on the door softly, yet loud enough to be heard.

I had rehearsed the lines several times in my head, making sure I don't mess it up. But as soon as Beel appeared in front of me, all sense of rationality flew out the window.

Dressed in a simple black tank top that manages to bring out his incredibly ripped biceps and casual grey sweatpants, the demon also happened to be drenched in sweat. He must have been working out, now that's intense. I swallowed a nervous lump, feeling my mind and heart race overwhelmingly. My eyes couldn't help but dart between his glistening body and his curious eyes.

"MC? What brings you here?" He asked, comforting warmth and a subtle hint of breathlessness obvious in his voice as he folds his thick arms and leaned against the doorframe, slightly leaning closer towards me.

I had to tilt my head up to meet his eyes directly. "Couldn't sleep, huh? Yeah same here; I was just thinking if we could, you know....have a chat, just the two of us?"

Inclining his head to one side, he replied. "Is there something wrong, MC? You look a little....flushed. Do you by chance have a fever?" Lifting his hand to touch my forehead, I gasped at the slightest of physical contact from him out of all people. My heartbeat quickened. Glancing up at him, I silently prayed to the Celestial Realms that he isn't sharp enough to pick up on what's he doing to me right now.

With a relieved smile, he pulled his hand away and I finally exhaled. "That's good, you're alright. You head on to the greenhouse first, MC, I'll take a shower and change. Looking at the state I'm in right now, I bet nobody would enjoy having to chat with someone that had just finished a rough workout, all sweaty and smelly like this. I'll be as quick as I can. "

"I'll be waiting for you then." With a satisfied beam, he gently closes the door and leaves me in silence again. After one full minute, reality crashed down on me and I ended up blowing a fuse. Ugh, this guy.......Making my way to the greenhouse, I had to keep slapping my face, chasing away the tomato blush and those embarrassing thoughts that just wouldn't leave me at all.

*~ Delicious Temptations ~*

A few minutes later, Beel soon found me waiting patiently by the fountain. A table had been set up, with a fancy red cloth laid above it. There was also an assortment of delicious pastries, freshly baked and still warm from the oven - A tasty chocolate cake, two strawberry milkshakes, some red velvet cupcakes, a tray of blueberry cookies, macarons, some strawberry eclairs, sugar-powdered croissants and cream-filled donuts. At the sight of those delicacies, Beel's mouth started to water and his eyes widen with a twinkle of excitement.

Standing up with a smile, I carefully carried a donut and handed it to him, winking. "Don't tell your brothers about this. I did not spend the entire day shedding blood, sweat and tears baking these only to have them all get devoured by Mammon and Levi. They are all yours, Beel. "

He pause mid-bite after hearing my words. "Wait, why is that? Is there a special occasion going on, MC? I mean, I'm truly grateful for this special treatment you're giving me right now but, is there something bothering you?"

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