*~ Ver Vermillion - Here's My Life - Xsoleil ~*

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"여기 내 인생이 있습니다, 산 제사가 되게 하소서."


"Who are you?" 

"My name is Ver. " 

  That was all I knew about him, stranger by the sea. Those soft amethyst eyes, a gentle voice and a hand that reached out to me. Soaking wet, he had pulled me out of the water and dragged me to shore a few weeks ago. Well, that was unexpected. 

Thinking back amidst my clouded memories, I remembered the sensation of water filling my lungs and drowning out all oxygen from within. I struggled and flailed underwater, although a part of me had felt guilty for such a reckless decision. Trying to give up by taking the leap had seemed ridiculous and stupid, but back then.....I wasn't in the right headspace at all. At that moment, on the brink of death, as my heartbeat slowly faded into oblivion, I could have sworn I had felt something warm graze the edge of my hand for just a split second before I passed out. 

He had saved me, hadn't he? From my stupidity? I owe him one now. But the problem is, where can I find him? And how? 

Slowly sitting up on my bed, I rubbed my sore eyes and instantly felt a throbbing headache pulsing irritatingly. Outside my window, I could see the busy city going about their daily lives. I sighed, suddenly feeling homesick, longing for the whimsical magic of my homeland. I yearned for the sight of creatures soaring high and proud in the sky, with their squeals and roars like songs of Nature. Placing my hand on the smooth cold glass, suddenly the city felt nothing but a temporary home that does not quite satisfy me. It was a risk, but to find him, I was going to take it. 

My grip on the window tightened and bright yellow light slowly swirled and turned into a scrying glass. I could now peer out into city and far beyond, stretching as far as my magic would allow. Using whatever energy I had, harnessing control over everything the sun's light touches, the scrying glass began to perform it's duty and scan every inch of this vast world. Towards the most southern regions, the coldest of wastelands, far and wide.......watchful eyes never left the screen on the window. I could tell this wasn't exactly etiquette appropriate, as if  I was on a secret man hunt. But without magic, how long will it take for me to find him? That was what bothered me. 

Suddenly, the scrying stopped moving and I blinked. There he was, sitting on a desk filled with papers and writing away. He seemed to be tired and exhausted, as if he had been working all night and day. But even from afar, I could tell without a doubt it was him. My hands hovered just inches away from the glass, as if I was able to just pluck right off then and there. But self-awareness took over and I pried them away reluctantly. 

Deciding on a different move, I changed course. Taking a small step back, I began to chant softly in an ancient language unknown to the humans that live here, for it is very old. With it's exotic pronunciation sounding like both a song and a spell, I chanted in a rhythmic tune as rivers of light spilled out of my eyes and onto the ground below, twirling and moving on it's own around me. The spell, filled with the most powerful of magic and energy taken from the room filled with the sun's light, is capable of creating an elemental creature. 

The river of light began to morph into several different shapes, shining gloriously. It soon exploded into a burst of pale yellow flames, heat inside the room slightly intensifying as the creature took the shape of a magnificent white tiger. With silky white fur and stripes as dark as night, the big cat landed on it's soft but muscular paws, armored with sharp claws and pale red flames pouring out of it's tail and ears. The tiger growled and chuffed, greeting me with anticipation. As I stared back at it's big round eyes, I carefully lifted my hand to gently stroke it's large furry face, making the tiger nuzzle into my touch with deep growls supposedly to represent a purr. Feeling ecstatic, I went straight in for a hug, letting my magic become one with the tiger. Brilliant yellow flames enveloped a girl and her large tiger inside the room, a hurricane of light and magic. 

"And now, I shall place inside you a fragment of my soul." With those words, I pulled away from the hug and reached into my chest. With a pained scream, I yanked out a shimmering piece of crystal that glittered with the light of a thousand suns. Stunning, powerful, precious.......having stripped myself 2,000 years out of my immortal and agonizing life; placing it within this tiny jewel, I can only allow fate to decide it's course from now on. Watching it slowly flutter it's way towards the tiger's forehead and disappearing into it in a gust of glittering flames. 

With a nod, the tiger understood my signal and walked towards the scrying glass which then transformed into a huge portal and allowed the beast to step through. As everything vanished at last, I toppled down to the ground, completely drained of all energy. My vision blurred and my mind turned hazy, my body finally giving up. I feel so weak and faint, almost as if that soul transferring was enough to actually kill me. I stared out of the window with heavy lidden eyes, trying desperately to stay awake long enough to scry on the man again. But as trembling hands reached out barely inches off the floor, they fell down again as my vision turned dark once more. 

That tiger.......what was it's name? 

Oh, I wish I knew.......

But that tiger contains all the life I have in me now......I have granted them to man, for he has saved my life, so I shall do the same from here on out. 

I wonder.....if that spirit animal will be enough to protect you then, Ver. 

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