*~ Lucifer - Blinding Lights & Champagne- Obey Me ~*

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You lure me in like a moth to a flame, I can't resist, wanting to know your lips and how they taste.....Oh how I enjoy the chase.


"The point of this masquerade is to dance and enjoy the night, but the catch being having to wear a mask at all times." Asmodeus spoke to me as we strolled into the ballroom. "Sounds exciting, doesn't it?"

"Like a tragic tale of romance and betrayal," I continued, catching the eyes of so many fine dressed nobles entering the Demon Lord's castle, expensive and luxurious beyond compare. "I wonder what interesting event will unfold this yonder night, for I shall seek thee out in a dance of forbidden love, and you to mine."

Asmodeus laughed, seemingly amused. "Oh wow, it appears that someone has been spending some time with Satan and his boorish books, what a familiar line."

"It does ring a bell, doesn't it?" I answered cheerfully. "By the way, what will you be doing tonight? I assume you don't plan on sticking to my side for a total of 5 hours now, do you?"

"Oh goodness, no!" He gasped, looking bewildered. "I plan on using my seductive charms tonight and dance to my heart's content, indulging myself in drinks and entertainment! As a proper demon should, if you will."

I playfully held his hand and twirled Asmo around, a fluid dancing motion. He chuckled and spun, flaunting his gorgeous outfit before landing right back in my arms. We stared at each other for a moment, then bursting into choking giggles. Seeing him go with a wave, I then went inside and mingled about with the crowd, having small talk with familiar faces and catching up with some of my friends. I guess Diavolo has really gotten out of his way to plan such an extravagant event to celebrate his birthday, what an incredible prince he truly is. Perhaps once I can ever see him around during the ball, I'll personally give him my word of thanks.

Come to think of it, where's Lucifer? Is he late?

Wait.......Lucifer, being late?! Now that's new.....

"Everyone, welcome!" A loud voice boomed across the hall, slightly startling me. Turning up to the very front, there he was. Diavolo was standing tall and proud in a stunning red suit with glistening gold accessories decorating his outfit. His shining gold tie really does bring out his appearance really well, a perfect color contrast against his smooth bronze skin. He also has his hair slicked back and two expensive earrings adorned his ears, making him look both charming and also classy. I smiled up at him, wondering if Diavolo had personally asked Barbatos or even Luke to help with his styling. "Thank you so much for attending my birthday celebration, I truly am grateful for your support in by doing so. I couldn't be more glad to see the unity and love evident in the Devildom, as the prince I shall reassure my fellow demons that the future of our kingdom will forever be in safe hands! I wish you all a lovely evening!"

The crowd cheered and I clapped enthusiastically, a proud beam on my face as I watched Diavolo exchange a few flustered words with his butler standing nearby. Now's my chance to have a conversation with Diavolo! I thought, making my way through the huge crowd. Trying my best not to seem too rough and impatient, I carefully stepped around, keeping my eyes on Diavolo. But just like that; he, too, soon disappeared out of my sight and I ended up losing him amidst the crowd of people surrounding me. I stopped, sighing in disappointment.

"So much for getting a head start....." I muttered. Well, who knows if he'll even recognize me if I just started talking to him without taking my mask off. Or we could just have some alone time elsewhere. Heading over to the side of the hall where the food and drinks are laid, I decided to get myself a glass of champagne, letting its silky taste of it calm my feelings down. Parties aren't exactly my thing, although I do love the thrill of a raging crowd dancing and jumping along to good music. But then again, my taste in entertainment somehow varies depending on my mood sometimes.

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