*~ Genshin Impact - The Mind Breach II - Neuvillette ~*

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A gasp escaped his lips, drenched in cold sweat and shivers, lying on a hospital bed. He snapped to life with a start, his heart beating loudly. The world spun in dizzying speeds, a nauseating vertigo overtook his systems, Neuvillette choking then rising up to a bucket next to his bed and retched everything in his stomach. He puked and puked non-stop. Roughly a few seconds later, he stopped, too weak to even move or speak. Lying on his back, he groaned, squinting his eyes to clear that morbidly blurred vision. He blinked rapidly, frowned, then his head tilted to one side. Confused, shaken, lost, scared. Frozen in bed, his chest rose and fell to the rhythms of his breathing. The faint voices of doctors and nurses could be heard outside, passing by his room. The ticking clock, chirping birds, a splashing fountain. His mind was jumbled into disgusting mush, unable to think straight. 

 Out of nowhere, a jolt ripped through him. His sunken eyes flickered and twitched rapidly, before his head jerked to the left. Gazing out the window, his body unconsciously rose and moved to stand before it. He looked out at the city, fearful of what he has become. Or most likely, who he was now. Unable to control himself, his eyes turned glassy as he stumbled away again. 

Carefully opening the door and, he crept out. The nurses who saw him were worried and had pestered him to stay. He only shook his head and pushed past them, out of his damn mind. His legs were terribly weak yet he managed to reach the elevator, pressing the buttons until its breaking point. Neuvillette left the hospital, still dressed in the plain white gown and those shitty slippers, back into the streets beyond. Those that saw him gasped and fainted from shock, others pointed fingers while muttering things he couldn't quite understand. 

His stomach churned once again and he rushed over towards a nearby bin, curling over and coughing out ruthlessly. He could feel a lump in his throat, a gooey disgusting substance that Furina had previously mentioned. It shook him with fear as it fought against his wishes to escape. He gagged and choked, his eyes tearing up and swelling red until it eventually slipped right off. It was sickening. The man wiped his mouth furiously as he stared at what horror he managed to concoct. It was a large chunk of what had seemed to be blood clots, in dark round splotches with a strange texture to it. As if the liquid itself was alive, it squirmed and breathed for a few moments before it slithered carefully away, dropping into the river close by from the bridge. He swallowed nervously, backing away from that monstrosity. 

"Just as I thought, your body truly is sensational." 

A voice spoke to Neuvillette and he screamed, scaring the people who walked by. Darting around with a panic stricken look, pale with fright, he flailed his arms around. "Who.....what the hell......who the fuck are you?" 

"Oh shut up, you pathetic piece of shit, you're starting to look insane." That mysterious female voice seemed to echo from all over, in the air and in his mind at the same time. It drove him nuts, with no power to silence her. "In case you've forgotten, here's a reminder. Let's just say you saw me in the office. The last thing you now clearly remember was waking up in a hospital bed feeling like you're having the worst identity crisis ever known."

He shook his head, wiping off droplets of sweat from his forehead and palms. Flexing his hands, the man was terrified to realize that his powers were had now gone dormant and useless. He kicked a trash can, "I need you out of my head, right now. Get the hell out!" 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you why." She refused coldly. 

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" He shrieked, balling up his fists and punching himself in the face. The force of it caused him to fall and choke his own neck. He struggled, desperate to get rid of this voice that plagued him like a parasite. Many of the people whispered and shook their heads at this embarrassing sight of their once high and mighty chief of justice. He shouted and pleaded, "Just shut up! Shut the hell up, get out and leave me alone!" 

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