*~ Genshin Impact - The Mind Breach - Neuvillette~*

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This fanfiction is inspired by: Stranger Things

Disclaimer: Mentions of drugs and use of substances.

"Monsieur, the trial has officially ended, you did amazing back there. I'm assuming you shall return to the office now?" A woman asked calmly as she held a stack of papers, dressed for the occasion. "The criminal was declared guilty and the case is now closed, thanks to the evidence we got."

"I'm glad everything turned out well," He agreed, adjusting his sleeves and collar to breath a little easier. "Though I must say, that was indeed a ridiculously complicated situation. The fact that the criminal has thought everything out in advance before executing the crime, that person clearly understood the many rules and laws of Fontaine. Still, it is our sacrilegious duty to carry out justice when it is rightfully due."

"Indeed monsieur," She added, flicking through the papers and tapping some of them. "Alright, I'll bring this over to be checked. Thank you so much for taking this case, it has been a great pleasure. I'm sure the suspects will be released soon and they will be thrilled to meet with you later."

"Of course, I shall speak with them shortly." With that said, the lady strolled out of the office and closed the door politely behind. Silence fell, that once peaceful quietness that Neuvillete treasured all so graciously. He leaned against the desk and poured himself a glass of shimmering clear champagne, letting its flavor calm his rampaging nerves. Yet, his heart raced and his mind swirled down into the abyss of uncontrollable thoughts once more. He curled over, a hand tangled anxiously in his long silky white hair. He could have slipped and made a horrible mistake. One wrong move and his entire career would be over. His life, everything he had worked for, were on thin fucking ice and he struggled not to break the surface. 

It was all he could do not to drown himself in the dark and haunting ocean waters below. 

A knock sounded by the door, then a muffled voice. "Monsieur, there is something you have to see." 

A group of armed soldiers made their way down the busy port and to the very grand entrance of the city. Fontaine: A Nation of justice and ever-flowing oceans and seas, there was nothing that had never ceased to amaze him. The soothing waves brought tranquility to his mind, yet remaining as a grim reminder of the dangers that lay deep within its abyss. Passers-by who saw Neuvillette gasped and waved, blessed to be graced by his very existence. He nodded back as he walked on. They turned into a quieter street, where it was dark and clearly abandoned. The shops were closed and tables were toppled over, the previously clean roads were now flooded with rotting corpses swarmed in maggots and fleas. The guards gagged and recoiled, utterly disgusted as bile rose up in their guts. Neuvillette frowned. 

What the hell? 

Entering the alley of twisted nightmares, the group scanned for any other signs of survivors and possible clues as to how and why this had happened. The air was nauseatingly foul, as if someone had unleashed a whole truckload of elephant feces. Their boots squashed onto puddles of fresh blood and spilled organs littering everywhere. Unable to control it any longer, one of the older guards stopped and retched out his innards in a sickening manner, his companions patting the man's back. 

Neuvillette finally paused in his tracks, asking warily. Narrowing his reptilian Amethyst eyes, he roughly counted down to at least over 20 dead bodies, not including those hiding within the shadows. The strangest thing was that he wasn't able to detect just what exactly this stench was, what it was made of or where it came from. He leaned down and with a gloved hand, cautiously poked at a pile of nasty goo and slime, watching it slither away as if it was almost alive. The buildings nearby were also cracked, destroyed and infested; overgrown vines and parasites ate at whatever was in its paths. This was a literal ghost town. And to think that the people nearby were unaware of such a threat. 

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