The First Task [36]

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Madison's P. O. V.

I got into new comfortable clothes." Huh, they really got my taste," I thought there were bookshelves filled with her favorite books, an art room, her wall was dark blue that has an Eiffel Tower on the wall her bedsheet was black and white with decorations on it.

I hurried to Lloyd's room but stop and think." Should I tell him how to get Zane back?"  I thought. "What if he doesn't believe me?" I shook my head then knock on his door.

Lloyd's P. O. V.

"Yeah, this is sweet. Heh, heh." I said looking at myself in the mirror and look at the picture of Zane and the others." Don't worry we're gonna find you, pal." Then I heard a knock on my door, He opened to find Madison who wasn't in her usual outfit anymore.

"Oh, hey, Madison, you need something?" I asked her.

"Um, I was wondering I could talk to you." Madison said, I raise an eyebrow curious what she has to say so I let her in my room we just stood there in silence until I said something.

"Okay, what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"I know how to get Zane back but you have to promise me you won't be shocked about what I have to say." Madison said looking very nervous.

"How do you know about Zane?" I asked I was now suspicious, how does she know Zane.

"Well if you didn't cut me off I was about to explain!" She snapped back.

I threw up my hands and said quickly, "Okay, okay, continue then!"

"Well, uh you see Zane is trapped somewhere under and inside this island, Unfortunately, I'm not hundred percent sure were...but I know if we work together we might be able to find him." she said

I was trying to hide the disbelief on my face, but I guess I wasn't doing a good job at it because she blurted out in a rush. "I know this because Riley and I aren't from this world somehow we were transported here and that's how we got here! Riley's my sister and she also knows what going to happen before it does!"

"Yeah, Um...I don't think I believe you, I'm sorry but that's such an outlandish clai-" I started to say but, was cut off by Madison shouting  "Look I'm telling the truth! I'm not from this world or my sister! You guys don't exist in our world you're made-up characters where I'm from. And the longer you don't believe me the longer Zane is stuck here!"

I narrowed my eyes at her and said, "Listen Madison I don't believe you, and don't bring Zane into this. I have to admit it's strange that you somehow know about him. But I'm not believing your ridiculous made-up story!"

Madison then stomped her foot and said, "It's not just a made-up story! And if you don't believe me! Fine, then my sister and I will find and save Zane ourselves!"

Before I could retort back or tell her not to, I was interrupted by Chen's voice who was on the speaker.

"Fellow fighters, hidden around my island are enough Jade Blades for every participant except for one. Those who return to the Place Arena empty-handed loses. The tournament begins... now!" Chen announced.

"And I'm going to start by showing you I can get a Jade Blade all on my own!" Madison said with a scowl and she dashed out of my room.

I rushed after her out of my room, the girl had to be crazy what if she got hurt!

When I made it out into the hall I saw her already holding a jade blade in her hand into the air. She caught me staring at her and she gave me a wink said, "See, Greenie! I know what I'm talking about! Now looks like your going to have to catch up!"

Madison's P. O. V.

I hurried to the room where Chen was and handed my blade over, and then walked over to where my sister was.

"What took so long?" Riley asked me.

"He doesn't believe me, so there's a change of plans we try to find Zane ourselves tonight," I said and glared at Lloyd as he came hurrying in with a Jade Blade of his own. Although I won't admit it I was still relieved he managed to get a blade. Even if I knew he would anyway. Many of the other elemental masters were already there except for... Kai and Karlof.

"Where's Kai?" Cole asked

" Ha, ha, ha! Karloff wins!" a voice boomed

As Karlof entered the room holding the Jade blade everyone cheered except for the ninjas and the girls. But suddenly Karlof's hand that was holding the Jade blade fell to the ground.

"Ah, looks like you got a screw loose." Kai said and grabbed the Jade blade and used his powers to fly over the stage and placed the Blade inside the holder.

"We have a loser!" Chen announced.

"That's not fair, he cheated." Karlof shouted pointed at Kai.

"I did what I have to do." Kai said.

"That's is not how you win!" Garmadon said to Kai.

"Fine, I lose. Karlof never wanted to be on the stinking island." Karlof said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy your stay. I guess this worked out for the best this is goodbye!" Chen said and pushed a button as a trapped door opened and Karlof fell in.

"As you can see, lose and you see outbreak any rule, you are out. Never bite the hand that feeds you, Master  Chen delicious noodles! Now rest up tomorrow the tournament will recommence!" Chen said.

Author's note

Hello so the one who help me on this story is the
is Evelyn is Eccedentesiast
She just helps help brainstorm ideas and smooth details out.

Indigo and the Sky Blue: The Tournament of Elements Where stories live. Discover now