The Forgotten Element [41]

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"He knows I'm coming. But I can't just hide here and do nothing!" Lloyd said as Garmadon, Nya, Riley and Madison were watching the building from away.

"I have to agreed with Lloyd we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Madison agreed.

"We have to wait until nightfall there's too many," Nya said.

"And then what? Every minute we're here, he grows more power." Riley said.

"Son, girls, Chen grows strong by taking from others. But real power does the opposite. It empowers those around you. Lien the way, you've empowered me. We will get you to Chen and you four will destroy his staff." Garmadon said.

Garmadon, Lloyd and Nya were talking about how to get inside while the girls just stood in silence.

"Sis," Riley said.

"Yeah?" Madison said raised an eyebrow looking at her sister.

"How are we supposed to get back to our world?" Riley said.

"I haven't thought about that I mean it's fun to be here but I miss our family I miss our friends and siblings." Madison said.

"You and me both." Riley said.


"But what?" Riley asked.

"When are you going to confess to Kai?" Madison said with a smirk.

Riley blushed," I don't know yet."

                              [Skip Time]

It was now nightfall Lloyd, Garmadon, Nya, and the girls where ready to attack.

"Remember, destroy the staff and everyone's power returns. You came  here  to make your team whole. Finish the job." Garmadon said. Lloyd flipped up his mask Nya shot a grappling hook and all of them slide down.

As they slowly walk down the hall Lloyd trip on a boo trap that caused an alarm. Then three guards came in Garmadon kick one of the down as Nya and Lloyd did the same soon two more guards came outside of the window which the girls kick them off the window as they fall.

But more came in," Seriously!? How many do we have to fight these guys!?" Riley said getting annoyed.

"There's to manny of them," Lloyd said.

"I'll hold them. Your four, find Chen." Nya said.

But as they soon ran down the hall they where stopped by Clouse.

"Look out!" Garmadon shouted. Clouse then use dark magic to make all of them fell to the ground.

"Okay now that's just playing dirty." Madison grumbled as she got up.

"Go, Son, Madison, and Riley. Leave Clouse to me." Garmadon said.

"Good luck." Lloyd said.

"Your father doesn't believe in luck." Clouse said

"Oh he knows but he wasn't talking about him." Madison said

As the girls and Lloyd all run down a hallway they all fall into a trap door.

"Chen and his trap doors." Lloyd said

"Ugh, I forgot that was there." Madison said getting sick of Chen traps.

"Uh, g-guys do you hear that!?" Riley said as they heard a growl in the distanced.

"Lloyd, Madison, Riley! This is way! Come on!" Kai shouted holding a torch.

As the girls and Lloyd finally got away from the snake Lloyd was happy to see one of his friends escape."Ka, you escaped. What happened?" Lloyd asked.

"I managed to slip free, but Chen took all our powers. If we can find them- -" Kai said.

But Lloyd cut him off." There's no time. We  have to stop Chen."Lloyd said.

Kai didn't say anything and then looks at the girls and Lloyd the girls however know what going to happen.

"What? What is it?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm sorry, "Kai said as he blew out the torch." This will all make sense when it's over."

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