Lighting Vs Earth [37]

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It was the day of the competition Riley and Lloyd was standing with Cole as Kai, Jay and Madison where standing on Jay's side.

"So you ask Neuro if he could get closer to read Chen's mind?" Riley asked Lloyd.

"Yes, we did if there's a way to get out of this Neuro is the one to help us." Lloyd said.

That when Neuro came running over to Kai, Jay, and Madison shook  her head. Riley look at her sister knowing that the only thing they knew is that Neuro went through Clouse  mind of a spell book.

"So? What did he say?" Cole ask Riley, " Sorry but he didn't get close the Chen because of Clouse guarding him but he did manage to read clause mind for a second it seems they where collecting elements to preform some kind of spell, its in his spell book on page 149. That's all he could get. " Riley explained  to Lloyd and Cole.

Lloyd sigh until Cole said." You don't have to say it. It was inevitable we were gonna have to face each other, may as well be Jay. This fight's been a long time coming." Cole said.

"Well, I'm not at peace with this, but that doesn't mean you still can't fine peace with each other, we don't have control when we fight but we do have control how we fight. Jay's not your enemy Chen is remember that." Lloyd said.

"Wu once said the best way to defeat your enemy,  is to make him your friend, but how are you supposed to defeat your friend?" Cole said.

"Cole." Riley said out of the blue Cole and Lloyd looks at her waiting for her to answer." I have a question for you."

"Okay what is it?" Cole ask raise one of his eyebrows.

"Will you sacrificed yourself to save Jay?" Riley said.

Cole pause for a moment then looks at Riley and nodded.

" I guess why?" He ask her again.

She smiles and said." I just want to know that's all."

Then the bars on Cole's door slide down Lloyd back away so did Riley he grabbed Riley's arm and dragged her.

"Remember Jay is not your enemy Chen is!" Riley shouted over the Fanfare that started to play.

"You tried your best, the rest is up to them," Garmadon said when Kai, Madison, Lloyd, and Riley had finally gotten into the stands.

"I hope they can see that too." Lloyd said.

"Oh they will," Madison said to Lloyd.

"And how do you know that?" Kai ask Madison.

The sisters just smirk at the boys and said." Just watch and you will see what we are talking about."

Kai and Lloyd just look at each other and shrug.

"Let the tournament continue! Jay, Master of Lighting  versus Cole, Master of—" Chen but when he began  to say the last part but he didn't because Cole and Jay ran at each other and began to fight.

Jay shot a bolt of lighting towards Cole but Cole dodged it and jumped over it, Cole then  smashed the ground with fits as it sent earth mounds speeding towards Jay who dodged it.

"Ha, ha. That's all you've got?" Jay shouted." Least valuable ninja!"

"Eat dirt, Blue-belle!" Cole shouted back as he shot dirt at Jay, Jay shot lighting at Cole.

""Jeez they reminded about us huh sis," Madison said to her sister Riley who nodded.

As the two of them continuing  shooting their element at each other." Stronger than you thought eh? That's your betrayal flowing through my veins." Jay shouted.

"I'm looking forward to the peace and quit when you're out of the tournament." Cole shouted at Jay.

Then Cole's element then pushed Jack back as he then hit him and Jay fell to the ground.

"What are we doing? I don't want you out. Riley's right you're not my enemy Chen is." Cole said finally realized what Riley said to him earlier.

"Oh, sure lower my guard by pretending to be my friend, then swoop in to steal the prize. Typical Coke maneuver," Jay said getting back on his feet then he use both of his hands held in lighting.

"I never meant to hurt you, Jay. If I knew it would destroy our friendship, I'd take it all back." Cole said.

"Well, if we're being honest, I was upset about losing Nya, but I take the blame for that. I was more upset about losing you. We used to be good friends." Jay said.

"The best! Right? We should've been honest with each other, instead of bottling this up," Cole said.

"Agreed. But how are we supposed to stop fighting? We can't both win?" Jay question.

"Well, maybe we can draw it out till they call it a tie. Quick, attack me. But not hard." Cole said.

"Ag, what is this? Pattycake? I'm bored!" Chen whined." Release the Condrai Crushers!" Then cars appeared with spinning blades and lashing tails as it drove of the door.

"I've got your back." Cole said.

"And I've got yours!" Jay said agreed.

"Ninja Go!" They both shouted and used their Spinjitzu and moved out of the way the drivers crashed into the wall.

"Haha! You've got this you guys!" Riley and Madison cheered.

"Ah, they fight together. Good work son." Garmadon smiled at his son.

"Yeah I do listen to you every once in a while." Lloyd said.

Cole leaped into the air and smashed the ground with his fist a ramp was then created out of the dirt and the car flew in the air Cole then grabbed it by the tail and swung it around in the circle and into the other car. Then the driver sped toward Jay who jumped and landed in the car as he started zapping lighting onto the driver.

"Enough! I know what you are trying to do. If neither of you will win, then both of you will lose." Chen shouted.

Cole and Jay jumped around avoid falling through the holes." We can't both lose. Chen's  right , there can only be one." Cole said to Jay.

"And it should be you. You and I know I'm lucky to have even made it this far. You take the Jade Blade." Jay shouted, Cole ran towards the blade and as he climbed the poll it was in and picked it up and then throw it to Jay who caught it.

"Winner! Loser. Master of Lighting moves on." Chen said.

"She's yours, Jay. I should've bowed out long ago. Win this thing." Cole said. Then Chen pressed the button as Cole fell into it.

"Ah. About time. Phew!" Chen said.

"Cole may be gone, but he did not lose. Let what he did here today be a lesson for us all. Know thine  enemy, but more importantly thy friend. He fought like a true ninja." Sensei Garmadon said.

Riley and Madison look at each other and agreed what Garmadon said.

Indigo and the Sky Blue: The Tournament of Elements Where stories live. Discover now