We will help you [37]

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Ninja's P. O. V.

The Ninjas and Garmadon walked downstairs where they saw everyone was crowded around the brackets.

"What's all the communication?" Jay asks until they all gasp as they saw Jay vs Cole on the brackets.

"No.  He can't do this." Cole said.

"He already did,"Lloyd said.

"We gotta fight each other!"

"Ah, but why does it say I have to fight Cole? It's didn't say that before. I'm not ready to fight. It was supposed to be my day off," Jay said.

"I tried to warn you, but you never listen. Talk? Yea. Listen? Not so much." Cole said.

"Is there a problem, ninja?" Clouse asked.

"You cheated!  You changed the brackets." Cole shouted.

"Oopsie." Clouse chuckled and walks away.

"What do we do? They can't fight each other. We came here to become whole, not fall further apart." Lloyd said.

"You can't undo what's been done. My only advice is to be at peace with it." Garmadon said.

"Peace? One of us has to lose! Oh, my gosh, it's totally gonna be me.  He's got supper strength and what do I have? Quick, tell me! What do I have!?" Jay screamed.

"Don't listen to my dad.  We find Zane then none of us have to battle. Your fight isn't until tonight so we still have time to figure out what Chen's up to and stop this". Lloyd said.

"I think I know just the person who can help." Kai said.

"Wait you not suggesting..." Lloyd pause for a moment knowing what he going to say next as Kai nodded.

"Yes, I guess we have to ask them." Kai said.

                             [-With the Girls-]

Riley and Madison where outside, Riley who was reading a book, while Madison who was practicing her new trick Riley look up and saw the ninjas she jump off the tree and  taped on her sister shoulder.

"What?" Madison asked, but then turn around to see the ninjas.

"Oh, so if it isn't Greenie," Madison said in a sarcastic tone.

"Look, Madison I know we got off on the wrong foot here but we need your help." Lloyd said.

"Oh, so you finally want our help? Why that?" Madison asked raise a eyebrow waiting for his question.

Lloyd sigh and said." Look, you where right about Chen,"

Madison smirk." So you finally believe us well, sis should we help them?" Madison turned around to o her sister who nodded.

"Alright then it's settle we will help you."

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