Spy for a Spy [39]

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The ninjas and the girls were sitting at a table with plates that had food on it, Kabuki brought some more food but strange food.

"Try the horned wasp eggs. Delicious!" Chen said.

Riley and her sister Madison however look disgusting of what they are seeing.

"Uh, I think I'll pass," Lloyd said.

"Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja, this isn't a trick this is a feast to celebrate the eight of you making it to the second around." Chen said as the Kabuki clapped and laughed.

"And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow right?" Chen said as the Kabuki started to laugh.

"Laugh harder! Ha-ha-ha!" Chen shouted at the Kabuki as they started laughing harder.

"Poor Kabukis," Riley said.

"You can relax, Lloyd. Even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about Chen's dirty plot to steal our powers, we're safe in our secret alliance." Kai said.

"Not for long Kai." Riley and Madison mumbled.

"I tried to enlist Shadow, but that dude's throwing some serious shade,"Tuner said.

"Well, if you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board. Each fighter that loses, gives him strength. Soon he'll be too powerful for even all of you combined to overcome." Garmadon explained.

"It has come to my attention that there are rumors floating about that I am stealing everyone's power. I am." Chen said.

Everyone gasp and began to whispered.

"But it's all for this staff." Chen said suddenly the Kabuki hold up a fan," No, no. Not you, staff. I mean my real staff."

One of the Kabuki brought Chen staff.

"The Staff of Elements. It holds the power of your fallen foes, and soon it'll hold all but one. For the last standing in my tournament will win the prize plans be the greatest fighter ever in the history of Ninjago." Chen said.

"That's a lie!"Riley shouted slamming her hands on the table as everyone jump in surprise and look at her."There's no tournament, you just want to have all the elements powers  to perform a spell, so you can just destroy Ninjago!" Riley said as her eyes were glowing light purple and so was her hair but suddenly clam down when she felt a tap on her shoulder she look down to see her sister Madison telling her to clam down.

"Spell? What spell?" Clouse said.

"Don't believe him, it's just another trick. Neuro read Clouse'd mind and saw it. Tell them what you saw, Neuro." Lloyd said to Neuro.

"I-I don't remember. Truthfully, I'm a bit more interested in knowing more about that staff." Neuro lied.

"And why we be so quick to believe everything you say? How do we know you're not lying to get the staff for yourself?" Tuner said.

Everyone was whispering, Skylor who had a fortune cookie and break it when she read her fortune cookie she gasped.

"So much for the alliance," Gramadon mumbled.

"They believe him over us?" Lloyd said.

"If we're gonna convince anyone, argh, we need proof." Jay said and he grunted Madison and Riley know that the Kabuki that was hitting Jay it was Nya.

"We needed to, argh, find that spell. Would you cut it out?" Jay shouted at the Kabuki disguise  as Nya.

"Jay it's me," Nya whispered.

"Nya?" All of the ninjas except for the girls said in disbelief.

"Lower your voices. I'm undercover. And to be completely honest, a bit out of my element and I heard what happened to Cole. That was big of you both." Nya said.

"Love is like war, Nya.  Everyone gets hurt." Jay said.

"Oh brother," The girls mumbled and rolled their eyes.

"Is it just you sis?" Kai asked.

"Dareth's also on the island." Nya told Kai.

"What up, ninja?" Dareth  voice come from Nya's bracelet.

"And in contact with Wu via a mobile base," Nya said noticing the girls who was listen to the whole conversation.

"If you're undercover, that to means you can get close to Clouse's Spell Book. All we know is that it's on page 149. I think he might have in his quarters." Kai said.

"I'll look into it. And it sounds like you have your world out for you too." Nya said.

"How so?" Jay asked.

"Well, what Nya is saying Jay that we might have a spy," Madison said.

"A spy?" Ninjas all said in surprise.

"Who are these girls?" Nya asked looking at Madison and Riley.

"Nya, we want you to meet our new members in the Ninja group, Nya this is Riley," Jay said pointed at Riley who waved." And Madison,"

"Hi," Madison said and waved.

Nya smiled," Nice to meet you it's finally  to have some girls in the group that I'd can talk to anyway I have to go bye." Nya said then left.

"Do you know that servant girl?" Skylor asked as she walked up to Kai.

"Uh- - Know that girl? Heh. Of course not. Why jealous?" Kai asked.

"My fortune tells me Cole and your friend Zane will be breaking out. You're lucky this didn't end up in the wrong hands." Skylor said then walked back to her seat.

"He found Zane, I can't believe it. Thanks, Skylor. It's good to know there are some people here we can trust." Kai said.

"A spy? Who do you think it is?" Jay questioned.

"I have my suspicions." Lloyd said looking at Shadow.

"It's Skylor of course she Chen's daughter," Riley whispered to her sister ear.

"They have to find that on their own sis and next time cool you're temper," Madison said.

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