Tournament of Elements [35]

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Lloyd's P. O. V.

I was packing my stuff for the tournament of elements I went to grabbed my sword when I remembered." Leave your weapons behind."

Then I heard a knock on my door I turned around to see my dad." I was just on my way to help Nya and Wu restore the Bounty. Would you like to join? Guess you could say it's all hands on deck." Dad joked.

"Uh, sorry, the guys and I are going fishing. Team building exercise." I lied.

"Hm, good to hear the team's back together l." Dad said about to leave.

"Dad? Our element power... Are there others out there with powers like us?" I asked.

"Why would you ask?" Dad asked getting suspicious.

"No reason. It was just on my mind." I lied again then grabbed my stuff and headed out." See ya, early bird catches the worm." I said as I walked out of my room.

[Skip Time]

We all arrived at the dock as we looked around and saw all of these other elements masters.

"Ah. I told you we shouldn't have worn them." Jay said as he tugged at his ninja uniform as he glanced around them.

"The Tournament of Elements. You think all of them have powers like us?" Kai asked.

"When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious... like he's keeping something from me." I explained.

"The fortune cookie said tell no one or else there'd be consequences." Cole said.

"Relax, we're cool." I said.

"Do you think those girls are here for the Tournament?" Kai questioned.

"Who knows." Cole shrugged.

"We don't know yet if this is trap. Whatever they take us, we have to stick together." I said.

" Watch your step madams. A man warned he had came off the boat he was dressed in elegant robes. Then I saw that girl who helped us at the restaurant earlier.

She had long red hair that was in a ponytail, beautiful blue eyes, wearing a red jacket, and some tattoos with blue shorts, and black shoes, with blue glasses, then she turned around and glanced at me I immediately blush but shook my head I look at Kai who was looking at the other girl that was right beside the red hair girl.

"We can't let anything distract us. You hear me Kai?" I warned.

"Huh? Uh, yeah." Kai said not paying attention.

"Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjitzu shall fare favorably in his tournament." The man said to us.

"Hey, we're not here to fight. We're here to save a friend." Jay snapped.

"Don't be so pretty, Master Jay. Everyone here has something to fight for." The man said as he pulled out Jay's nunchucks from his bag.

"Chopsticks. I'm a big eater. Heh,." Jay said nervously but the man threw the weapon. Into the water below then motioned for Jay to step on board, but before I stepped on the boat I heard a familiar voice." Lloyd, wait! " I turned around to see dad." If you get on that boat you may never return."

"What are you doing here, Dad?" I asked surprised to see him here.

"Master Chen is a dangerous man who should never be trusted. Whatever he promised you, do not believe him." Dad said.

"Lord Garmadon. It's been a while, It's Sensei now, correct? I cannot remember." The man said.

"Clouse. I see Master Chen still has you running his errands." Dad said coldly.

"I have to go, Dad. This is about Zane. It's about family, If we're ever going to be whole again, I have to get on that ship." I said.

"Last call. Are you in... or out?" Clouse said, I walked onto the boat.

"I can't stop you, son, but I can join you." Dad said about to go on the boat, however.

"Sorry no more room on the ship." Clouse said.

"No room?" Dad said then jumped on the board then kicked one of the men that were on the boat and into the ocean.

"I stand corrected. There's room now." Clouse said.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to compete, only to look out for my interests," Dad said and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Let's ship out!" Clouse shouted.

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