The Past of Garmadon [40]

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The girls were trying to find Nya but no luck until they spotted a symbol they continued following the symbols when they spotted Lloyd and Garmadon.

"Good we found you," Madison said as Lloyd and Garmadon turned to see the girls.

"Madison, Riley! are you guys oh okay!?" Lloyd said with an worried look.

"Don't  worry Lloyd, we fine thanks to Garmadon's words we actually made our own element dragon!" Riley said.

"Glad my words help you two now let's go so we could find Nya." Garmadon said.

After an hour trying to find Nya Garmadon explained about his past.

"Wow, so..." Riley said but trail off trying to find a word that fits in.

"Mom, thought that letter was from, you." Lloyd said.

"As I'll told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of Misako controlled and led me down a dangerous path.  A path I hope to one day make peace with." Garmadon said.

Then they find another symbol as they continue walking through the forest.

"Father, I don't understand. You trained under Chen, yet you fought beside Wu in the war. What happened to truce?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah what happened?" Madison asked.

"When Chen said, I Never trust a snake. He was right. The Serpentine struck first. The Alliance of the elements masters fought back. But they had never seen the likes of an Anacondrai warrior. They where bigger, and smarter, natural leaders on the battlefield. The Anacondrai  were proud on tribe who thought warrior land. And with them  in command, they proved to be too much for the Alliance to handle.  Chen stood to gain more if he sided with snakes and wanted to help him. Though the evil  in my veins temped me, I wouldn't fight a war for him. I only fight to see Misako again,From now on. Chen  and I went out separate ways. So I could join my brother  in battle, we were the sons of the first spinjitzu master. And together with the Alliance of the elements masters. We stood a chance Chen's influence changed all that. He found a way to the alliance against each other. The battle was all but lost, but our darkness hour, we found hope. And hope found  a way to end the war, the Serpentine were divided and Locked away in tombs. Chen and Clouse were exiled. And the Anacondrai generals were given the strictest sentence banishment to the Curse Realm. So that will never set foot in Ninjago again."

Garmadon explained.

"Woah," The girls said.

"Even after all this time, you never told Wu about your past with Chen?" Lloyd said.

"What would I have said? I would have lost your mother, as well as my brother. Not to mention- -"

"Some one once told me you need to control your fear, and not let fear control." Lloyd said.

"Hm, you're right. Once we put all of this behind us, I'll make things right. But first, we need to find Nya. Come on." Garmadon said.

The girls, Garmadon and Lloyd continued walking when they bump into Nya.

"Nya!?"Lloyd said.

"They took Jay. They took everyone!" Nya said.

"Slow, down Nya." Garmadon said.

"You, Madison, and Riley are the only ones left, Lloyd . Both of you are the only ones who can stop it." Nya said.

"Stop what?" Lloyd asked as he took the spell from Nya and read it.

"A transformation spell it can't be." Garmadon said surprise.

"Transformation? Transform into what?" Lloyd asked.

"An Army of Anacondrai, the tournament may be. But the next Serpentine war may just had begun." Garmadon said.

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