Well We Are One! [42]

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(A/N this is what Riley element dragon looks like)

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(A/N this is what Riley element dragon looks like)

Then Garmadon had been transformed into a snake person.

"The spell. The spell, it's completed. If anyone with the Mark of the Anacondrai is affected that means..." Garmadon said.

They all turned around and saw Chen's guards that had been turned into Anacondrai they threw off the rope binding them easily.

"Oh..." Lloyd said worried as he look at his father.

"Don't worry, Lloyd your father is on our side." Madison  reassured to Lloyd.

"Let's get them, guys!" Cole shouted he flipped up his mask and ran.

"Ooh! This is gonna be fun!" Madison shouted as she used her element of wind and blew them away.

As the other elemental fighters tried to help but the Anacondrai was to stronge.

"They're too strong!" Cole shouted as he was trying to throw a punch but it didn't work.

"They're too fast!" Tuner said as he ran around the island however one of the Anacondrai stopped him.

"And they are too many! Retreat! Get everyone to the palace!"Garmadon shouted.

"Everyone, to the Palace!" Lloyd shouted  he turned around to find Madison who was fighting the Anacondrai by using her element but no effects he ran towards her and dragged her to the palace.

"Retreat! Everyone retreat!" Karloff shouted.

As everyone went to the palace then Jay gasped and used his element and shouted." Snake among us!" As he saw Garmadon, Madison snicker at Jay's comment.

"No, don't. It's my father!" Lloyd shouted as he jumped in front of Garmadon to protect him.

"First it was four arms, then you became a dragon. Would you mind picking a body and sticking with it, please?" Jay shouted.

"Could use a little help." Cole shouted, the doors began to slammed against over and over again.

"Does anyone know any knock-knock jokes? Cause this ain't funny anymore." Cole asked.

Then suddenly the banging stopped and everything became quite.

"Where did they go?" Nya asked.

Cole was about to open the door when Jay stopped him." Don't! It could be a trick!" Jay shouted.

Madison spotted  a ladder then ran towards it and climbed up the ladder." Uh, guys you may want to see this." Madison shouted.

Everyone instantly quickly ran to ladder and clumped up the ladder when they spotted Madison who was looking at something they look at her direction and gasped as they stood their watching the Anacondrai and Chen were leaving using the vehicles.

"Take care of the island, it's yours we'll be taking Ninjago Now!" Chen shouted then began to shoot at of all them.

"This, this is just priceless! He took the Roto jet and all of he Blade copters!" Jay shouted.

"What have we done?" Nya said.

"We all have families in Ninjago!" Tuner exclaimed.

"Argh! And we had to destroy any other way off the island! Who's idea was that!?" Jay continued shouting.

"Your father was right, Lloyd. We thought we had the upper hand. Our guard was down and look what happened." Cole said.

"Nobody listens to me! You all say I overreact, but no!" Jay shouted again.

"I'll go alone." Lloyd said.

"And take on his whole army?" Nya asked a little worried.

Madison shook her head." No way in hell! You're not going alone and take that whole army! I'm coming with you rather you like it or not!" Madison shouted  grabbed his hand.

"I'm the only one with an element dragon, I can't have you get hurt Madison." Lloyd said.

"Not anymore!" A voice said as he was riding his element dragon.

"He unleashed the dragon too!" Karloff said.

"Oh, Zane none of us could go that before. You gotta tell us how you did that!" Jay  shouted in shock but happy at the same time.

"I faced my fear when I realized it wasn't something in front of me that held me back, but something inside m, I found a deeper power a dragon power." Zane shouted as everyone was cheering.

"Zane's right."A familiar voice said everyone turned to see Riley who was riding a element dragon as well.

"Sis!" Madison shouted happily to see that her sister was all right

"We all have this power inside of us.  But, you have to see that it's not the Anacondrai we're afraid of it's our doubt." Kai said as he was too riding a element dragon along with Skylor who was behind him who was also a snake person.

"Divided, we failed. But together, we will succeed." Riley shouted.

"Energy!" Lloyd shouted as he jumped off the wall as his dragon appeared.

"Lighting!" Jay shouted as his element dragon appeared as well then everyone created their element dragon now it was Madison turned.

"Time Jump and wind!" Madison shouted as she jump off the wall as a element dragon appeared.

"The battle of our past had returned, but we will rise to meet that challenge." Garmadon said.

"Chen brought us here so that only one would remain. Well, we are one!" Kai shouted.

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