Welcome to Thunderblade! [38]

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"Welcome to my favorite event. Thunderblade!" Chen shouted.

"Hey, I know this game. It's just like- -" Tuner mast of speed began to say.

"No, it's not like that! This my game, I made it up! Fully original! A Jade Blade for you, Lloyd, Master of Power, as Chen threw a blade and a green helmet. And another for Camille, Master of Form. Where? Where are you? Where are you? Oh, there you are. Ha, ha." Chen said as Camille shifted back to herself Chen threw her a blade and a orange helmet.

"Rules are simple. Each lap you complete with your blade in possession, a point. Most points before time expires, you win." Chen explained.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?" Master of speed asked.

"You get to help anyone you wish or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator." Chen said.

Every elements masters went on Camille's side.

"What was that you said about us having targets on your backs?" Lloyd said to Jay.

"Don't worry we're still a team- -" Kai said then fell to the ground.

*Sigh*" We gotta be honest. This doesn't look good."Jay said.

"You can say that again." The girls said union.

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