The Fool(s)

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Author's Note:

Cover art by instagram: @ssand_and_sky (Do Not screenshot and use any art I post.)

Hello everyone! I'm excited for you to join me on this journey. Whenever you come across this story welcome! I won't keep you long just wanted to say this story is done, all 22 wonderful chapters of it. I'll be updating each chapter every week. The reason for this is to give me time to work on the other Amphibia WIP, so once we come to the end of this journey. I'll have another one ready for you. So please comment, vote, and follow. Enjoy!


Sasha nervously checked her face in her rearview mirror. She let out a soft sigh while tucking a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Why was she so flustered to see Marcy again? She's known the woman practically her whole life, but it's been six months since Anne's twenty third birthday. The girls kept in touch over video chat, phone calls, even a few letters, but for them to all be together again was a little overwhelming. Sasha turned on her radio to ease her nerves and cleared her mind. she took a deep breath as the song filled the car.

I heard from a friend today
and she said you were in town

She side eyed the radio and adjusted herself.

Suddenly the memories came back to me
In my mind...

She adjusted her hands on the steering wheel.

How can I be strong I've asked myself

Time and time I've said

That I'll never fall in love with you again —

Turning off the radio, deciding music was not helping as she drove towards the airport — thoughts of the past six months flashing in her mind. A smile spread across her face because of how many times she's driven there to meet Marcy, or gotten on the plane to see her. Marcy and Sasha started dating not too long after Anne's birthday, two weeks to be exact. The time they spent together was always filled with joy and laughter, but the distance tore their hearts apart causing them to end their relationship after three months. Sure, the three months after the break up was awkward, trying to go back to being friends, especially since the feelings were still there. But, they meant a lot to each other, so they continue to try. If Sasha was being honest with herself she secretly hoped that her and Marcy would reignite the flames after seeing each other again.


Sash drove around arrival three times since the airport police said she couldn't wait there longer than three minutes. The fourth time the officer walked up irritated, knocking on her window which she ignored at first. He continued to knock.

"Ma'am," He said firmly, "Ma'am!" He was practically yelling at this point.

She rolled down her window to look him in his eyes, "Chill, I'm waiting for my girlfriend." The statement surprised her more than him. Why would she say that when they hadn't dated in months? She didn't have much time to analyze why she said it since the officer was yelling again,

"Ma'am if you don't move your vehicle you and your girlfriend will get a ticket."

"She's not my girlfriend." She corrected him, but more so herself.

"Didn't you just say–"

"I mean she is my girlfriend in a friend who's a girl, but not romantically" She bit her lip "Well, not anymore."

He sighed holding the bridge of his nose "Just move, please."

"Alright, alright I'll move." She started to turn out of the parking space, but heard Marcy call her name. Sasha gave a smug smile and pointed in Marcy's direction, "see, there she is."

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