The Devil

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Note: Please read bottom notes throughly and don't forget to vote! Gratitude :)


Anne sighed deeply, "Marcy, this is not going to work."

"Anne, it's going to work." Marcy gave her a hand gentle squeeze.

"This is a bad idea." Anne began shaking their joint hands.

"No ideas are bad ones, Anne."

"This one is."

"Anne, relax." Marcy rubbed down Anne's arm.

"We should have picked a different dessert to make."

"The dessert is fine, Anna Banana."

"Too much is on the line for brownies." Anne put her hand over her heart.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Marcy rubbed Anne's back, "Sasha loves brownies, especially your devil fudge brownies, you know that."

"This is not going to work." Anne began to fan herself.

"Anne, how do we know if you don't knock?"

"No, you knock," Anne whispered.

"No, you knock," Marcy whispered back.

"No, you." Anne's whisper louder.

"No, you." Marcy matched her tone.

"No, me." Sasha said sarcastically standing against the door frame causing Marcanne to jump back. Both noticing her biceps looked bigger and more defined. They looked down with a hint of color to their faces matching her silk pajama set.

"So, what brings you here, Boonchuy? Wu?" She leaned more in the frame flexing a little. "...besides arguing on my porch?"

"We brought Thai food." Anne held up her free arm with the bag.

"And brownies." Marcy smiled nervously.

"How did y'all even get in here? It's a high security gate community."

"Oh, Steve recognized us from last time." Anne smiled.

"And we offered him brownies." Marcy added.

"I really need to talk to Steve." She placed a hand on her head. "Well come in, I guess." She said dryly while stepping aside to let them in. "It's only because y'all have brownies." She added while closing the door.

"See, I told you." Marcy whispered with a smile.

"Okay, you were right." Anne squeezed Marcy's hand, before looking at Sasha. "Well, we have to make them." Anne said.

"Even better, I suppose." Sasha sat on the couch stretching her arms on the back of it.

Anne's face warmed up and she cleared her throat to calm herself. "Do you want to put a robe on?"

"Hey, this is my house." She looked at Anne's flustered face and smiled, "I was relaxing watching TV when y'all showed up."

"I'm just saying it's polite." Anne crossed her arms.

"I don't mind," Marcy tried to hide her own blush.

Sasha looked at Anne's hue turn a shade deeper with a grin. "Anne, it's just my arms. You've seen them before."

"Well we were on different terms then."

"Fine, I'll change, Flowery Foxx." Sasha said sarcastically with a wink.

"Flowery Foxx?" Anne muttered as Sasha went to her room to throw on something.

"Can you believe her?" Anne said, putting the groceries into the kitchen.

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