The Magician

352 18 11

Notes: TW: Mentions of Panic/Panic attack


Marcy felt overwhelmed after spending the day with Anne and Sasha. She felt proud, accepted, loved, and so many other emotions that she couldn't quite name. They also question what exactly were those moments between Anne and Sash, she didn't understand it.

Sure, her and Sasha had moments of their own, but it's because they dated. She started to panic, what if Anne figured out that Sasha and them dated. They sat on the floor counting her breaths while holding her head. They didn't want to lose their friends, but she couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. Marcy decided to write a new chapter of her Webcomic which was going to be a long one since she knew she wasn't getting another night of sleep.

The week and a half has been the same for Marcy; she would have whatever breakfast her mom made, then head to the studio to discuss her new graphic novel, the tv series, and movie. Marcy would meet with the illustrators of the book, and writing team of the series, and have lunch with the executives. They would head back home, eat dinner with her parents and go to their room to work on the webcomic until she fell asleep.

Marcy had her drawing of the photo booth pic hanging in her room with the original inside her clear phone case. She sighed and thought she should just call them, but her chest tightened at the question of why they didn't call her. Maybe the time together at the Thai temple, the arcade, and the cave wasn't as special or as intense for them as it was for her. Maybe Anne and Sasha were just being nice. She shook her head. She knew they still cared, even if they didn't want to date her, they loved her as a friend.

She threw herself into her work even more, writing the webcomic, working on the graphic novel, and even making a fanfic based off her own story. She wrote the fanfic as a way to have the three heroines date without facing backlash from the studio or fans. She questioned was this a studio she wanted to work for or fans she wanted to have. Sadly the relationships in her mainstream work had to be open for interpretation to be well received. They worried the world wasn't ready for a healthy poly relationship in kids and young adult media, and it was ridiculous to have to feel this way. She knew she was in love with both of her best friends before she even knew what the word poly was, or before they ever saw any piece of media portray it. She shook her head and went back to writing.

The next day Marcy was in her office so engulfed in her fanfic that she didn't even see Jessie approach her opening door. She didn't think of closing it because everyone was usually off in their own space.

"Knock Knock." A gentle voice said while knocking.

The knocks were faint, but still surprised them.

"Oh my Frog, Olivia, and Yunnan." Marcy jumped, slamming down her laptop. "You scared me"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to - ."

"No, it's okay I was just lost in my thoughts. How can I help you?"

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, sorry."

"it's okay."

Jessie giggled an adorable giggle, Marcy thought and before she knew it she was smiling. No one but Anne and Sasha's giggles made her smile like that.

"I was wondering if you would like to write with me some time?"

"You want to write with me?"

"Yeah, why is that so surprising." She smiled warmly.

"I guess I wasn't expecting it." Marcy ran her fingers over her laptop cover.

"Miss Wu -"

She held up her hand. "You can call me Marcy."

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