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4:00 am was displayed across Anne's phone screen as she scrolled with one eye open, trying not to make any sudden moves, so she wouldn't wake up the other two. Thoughts have flooded her mind and woke her up. She exited the app to be met with the screen saver of the three of them in the photo booth. Anne sighed and put her phone back on the nightstand before she laid on her back to stare at the ceiling.

The question of why was she so mad that Sasha went on a date? was eating at her. For some reason four in the morning with less than two hours of sleep felt like the best time to figure this out. It sucked that Sasha had ditched them and broken her word, and that's reason enough to be upset, but Anne knew it was more than that. She looked over to Marcy and started to think of her eventually dating someone else too. The thought started to stress her out even more, so she ignored it while snuggling back into the two. Anne tried to calm herself while reminding herself that she suggested just being friends, so she tried to shake it off and close her eyes.

6:00 am displayed across Sasha's phone screen as she smiled at the booth picture as her phone's wallpaper. She looked over at Anne and Marcy curled into each other peacefully and smiled before slowly getting out of the bed in an attempt to not disturb them. Sasha knew Marcanne wouldn't be up for another two hours, so she went into the living room to make a call with a heavy sigh.

Anne woke up for the second time at 8 am that morning, stretching her arms. Looking over to see Marcy still sleeping peacefully, but no Sasha in sight. She got out of the bed slowly to avoid waking up Marcy. She looked at her sweet sleeping face one more time before walking out the room.

"Hey Boon Boon." Sasha was standing in the kitchen looking at her phone.

"Hey Sash." Anne leaned against the counter across from her. "I thought you left."

Sasha looked up from her phone perplexed."... you thought I would have left without saying goodbye?" She tilted her head. "That's interesting." She tapped her chin with her finger. "No note or nothing, huh?" She went back to looking at her phone. "Not really my style."

"That's true, but you did ditch us for a date yesterday." Anne crossed her arms over her chest. "Didn't think that was your style either."

Sasha looked up guilty, "fair enough."

Anne smiled smugly. "Why are you on your phone?"

"I'm waiting for something." Before Sasha could say anything else they heard the doorbell ring, "I'll get it."

"Is it a good idea for you to answer Marcy's door?" Anne walked after her.

"You answered Marcy's door."

"... I did, but I told her that I was."

"Don't worry, Marcy won't mind."

"But—" Anne watched Sasha open the door and grabbed some paper golden bags with handles.

"You were saying?" Sasha smirked walking past her.

"What's that?" Anne followed Sasha to the kitchen.

"Take out." Sasha smiled proudly.

"Wow, those are some fancy restaurant bags."

"It was wrong for me to ditch you two last night, so I hope breakfast from a fancy restaurant could be a start in making up for it." She smiled. "And since we all know I can't cook —"

"Good call. We wouldn't want to alert the fire department." Anne teased.

"Keep it up Boonchuy, and I wont feed you." Sasha glared playfully as she started to take the containers out of the bag.

Trio of Hearts (Sashannarcy/Amphibia)Where stories live. Discover now