The Chariot

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"What's going on?" Marcy rubbed her eyes.

"Nothing." Sasha said in a panic while waving a magazine in front of the screaming smoke detector. "I'm just making y'all breakfast."

"Making it or burning it?" Anne yawned before coughing from all the smoke that got in her lungs. Marcy hurried to pat her on the back a little too hard. "Ouch, okay okay, Marmar."

"Sorry, Anna Banana." Marcy said with a pained smile.

The pair grabbed whatever flat pieces of paper, to help Sasha wave the alarm. Marcy stopped fanning when the alarm stopped. They opened the window in the kitchen to let the smoke out. Once the area cleared Marcy saw the eggs burning on the stove. They went to turn it off and fell in the process. Marcy jumped up quickly to see a worried Sasha and Anne.

"I'm okay." Marcy turned the stove off, grabbed a spatula, and began to scoop the eggs into the trash. "Sash, what were you doing?" Marcy said concerned.

" I was trying to make y'all breakfast before we went to work." She slumped on the couch.

Anne laughed, " you can't cook, remember?"

"Thanks, Boonchuy." She averted her eyes.

Anne sat next to her. "I'm sorry." She placed a hand on her arm. "It was sweet that you tried."

Sasha smiled. "Thanks."

Anne returned the smile, "Well, I'm going to open the door and a few more windows, it's still smoky in here."

"Don't tease, Boonchy."

Anne giggled softly. " I'm not, I promised." She bit her lip to hide her teasing. " I'm just surprised you had food to cook since you never use the kitchen."

"I bought the food on the way home from work yesterday." She smiled. "... just in case y'all stayed over."

Sasha did hope they would stay over last night. However, she imagined the scene to play out a bit differently. She would confess her feelings leading Anne and Marcy to do the same, leading them to cuddle in her bed instead of on her couch. She was grateful for any cuddles at all, if she's being honest.

"Hello earth to Sashy. "Marcy waved her hand in front of Sasha's face.

"Oh what's up?" Sasha said, clearing her throat.

"I said, I can make us breakfast." They smiled.

"You sure?" Sasha scratched the back of her neck, "I kind of burnt everything"

"Let me just look at our leftovers." She smiled at Sasha and Anne who held their stomachs thinking about how full they were last night. "Don't worry, It's going to be a whole new experience." Marcy grabbed the Thai sticky rice with mango, and some milk and strawberries from the fridge. She shooed the two women out of the kitchen while she went to work.

"I wonder what Marcy is making?" Anne tried to peek her head in the kitchen.

"Hey!" Marcy had caught her.

Anne jumped back and put her hands behind her head as if she didn't do anything.

"I know it has to be better than what I made," Sasha said in a hush tone.

She was beating herself up. If friendship was the best bet, why did it still hurt so much? Sasha felt a soft finger on her chin moving her face upward where Anne's eyes met hers.

"It's okay. It's the thought that counts." She said with the brightest smile that melted Sasha's heart.

"It's done!" Marcy set the two bowls in front of Sasha and Anne before going to get their own.

Trio of Hearts (Sashannarcy/Amphibia)Where stories live. Discover now