Chapter XXXV

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A familiar bright light blinded Athena in her sleep. She blinked slowly, letting her eyes adjust to the bright light before taking in her surroundings. She could feel her gandmother's presence in every little thing in this place, from the butterflies to the trees. They all radiated the same warmth and comfort as her grandmother. But right now Athena didn't want any of that warmth. Her grandmother had suddenly stopped contacting her, it made Athena furious because her grandmother knew that they had only a few days before the war. She hated the fact that she understood why her grandmother might've stopped contacting her, maybe something important came up 'Maybe you just weren't important enough' a voice nagged in the back of Athena's mind. She quickly shook the thought off, her grandmother would never give up on her. She hated how helpless she felt. It was now a mere day before the war. The situation in her pack was tense. People refrained from laughing believing that too much happiness was always followed by sadness. They spent most of their time preparing for the war, the rest of their time was spent soaking in every moment with their loved ones. The uncertainty sewn into 'tomorrow' made every second of 'today' even more precious.

She felt guilty knowing that innocent lives were going to be lost because of her. Because they believed that her life must go on, they felt that her life was precious, more precious than theirs. Athena couldn't help but question herself. Was her life truly worth living? Would the pack love her, even after losing their loved ones? Would the war stop if she just ended everything? A hand being placed on her shoulder brought her out of her spiraling thoughts. Athena shrugged the hand off, knowing who it belonged to due to the warmth it brought along with it.

"Athie, my darling, please look at me," Her grandmother's sweet voice pleaded when she saw that Athena refused to look at her. The young girl huffed and shook her head as she continued to look at the tree. "My love, please try to understand, I couldn't contact you because I had some important work," The Moon Goddess said as she tried to reach out to her granddaughter. "More important than me?" Athena knew she was being childish, but she couldn't help it, she felt as if her grandmother was regretting her decision, regretting choosing her. "No! Nothing more important than you my flower, it was something that I had to do, something to help us with the war," Selene said as she gently strocked the young girl's hair. Athena turned around quickly, her eyes full of hope "Will it help us win the war!?". "I hope it helps, I really hope it does," She said as she kissed her granddaughter's forehead. "And no my love-" the Moon goddess stopped her granddaughter "I can't tell you about it." Her statement made the young girl pout once more.

"How about we begin by discussing what we are going to do tomorrow," Selene suggested as she ran her fingers through the  soft raven hair which was so similar to hers. The atmosphere became serious as a rather large map laid itself out in front of the pair. "This is the map of the place where the war is meant to take place," Selene began once she saw Athena's complete focus on the map. She marked the left more mountainous side of the map "This is the side chosen by the rouges, they have a clear advantage as they will be able to see exactly how many soldiers you have and their archers will have a better aim on your pack. But what they don't know is you have an elemental on your side, he will need to do something and get all of them down the mountain. The moment they're on plain land is when we must attack. One vampire and one werewolf each should be assigned to attack the rouge's Gamma, the head hunter and his right hand man. Two wolves and one vampire should attack the rouge's Beta, their priority should be keeping him away from his Alpha. And as for the hunter's right hand man two werewolves should be more than enough. But make sure they are quick and sneaky with their attack, he may be human, but his nose is quicker than that of a werewolf when it comes to sniffing out trouble." Athena nodded along to her grandmother's words. "Our pack will come from the more plane side, but we will have to make the most of it. The only problem is that so far I am unable to come up with ways to overpower the rouges and give us enough time to kill the Alpha," The Moon goddess's eyebrows scrunched in concentration as she focused on the map.

"I think I know a way we can help our pack win," Athena said as she looked at her confused grandmother. "Well, what is it?" the older woman asked impatiently, "The river-" Athena began as she pointed at the water body on the map, "there is a river flowing by the battlefield, we can use that to our advantage!" The bewildered expression on her grandmother's face caused her to continue. "We have an elemental on our side, he can help by manipulating the river and the trees,". "That's actually a great idea!" Selene said after a moment, "but-" she began before her granddaughter could rejoice "we'd have to be quick, an elemental is powerful, but they can only exert themselves for a limited amount of time, excessive amounts of exertion can put their life at risk,". "Well then we will use his powers wisely, I believe we will be fine for the beginning of the war, may pack is trained for that. It's the rouges cheap tricks that I'm worried about." Selene hummed in agreement. "Well then ask the elemental to use his powers when you feel like your pack is slowing down, or when you feel suspicious," Athena voiced her agreement.

"I must go now my love, the battle will take place tomorrow. Inform your father of the plan, prepare and encourage your pack-" Selene's words were cut off when a body threw itself onto her. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Selene asked the young girl in her arms. "I-I don't know if I'm ready," Athena said as she hugged her grandmother tightly. "Ready for what? The war?" The older woman asked as she pet the young girls hair gently. "Ready for the war, for losing members of my pack, possibly those I love, I am not ready for any of it, and I'm not ready for it to be my fault. I'm not ready to be the reason behind the loss of innocent lives," tears flowed freely through her eyes as her grandmother held her tightly. "My sweet Athena, the war was meant to happen and it would have taken place, one way or another, you are a strong, independent, and courageous young girl who will overcome this. Those whose lives will be lost tomorrow would have died for a courageous cause, their love and loyalty towards you and their pack runs deeper than their love for materialistic things. And finally, none of this is your fault. If anything it's my fault. My fault for gaining feelings towards a human, my fault for making him my mate, my fault for having wished to have a baby even though it was forbidden. Don't get me wrong, I love your father with my whole being and your family is the greatest gift given to me by the universe, but as a mother and a grandmother I feel like I have failed, failed to protect you, failed to keep you from the horrible things in the world. Instead I have thrown you into war," Selene's head hung low, unable to look at the young girl.

"It wasn't your fault grandma-" Athena began as she slowly lifted her grandmother's head "it wasn't your fault to fall in love and wish to become a mother, it's the rouge Alpha's fault for having let his anger and lust rule his senses. I will win this war, not only for my lack, but also for you and grandpa, for your right to love and have your family with you. I promise to make you proud," Selene smiled with tears in her eyes as she kissed her granddaughter's head "You, your brothers and your father made me proud the day you were born,"she whispered against the young girls head. "I must go now, I will see you tomorrow my love. And remember that you aren't in this alone, I'll be right there beside you, at all times. Just call out to me whenever you need me," the moon goddess sad as she pressed one last kiss to her granddaughter's head. The surroundings slowly melted away and Athena slipped into rather troubled sleep.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 ... I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.
P.S. My semester exams are going to start in two weeks! I will publish the next part as soon as I am done with my exams. Thank you all so much for you love and support. I love reading your comments so do leave some, I will read them in my free time❤️
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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