Chapter XI

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"I'm home!" a now fifteen-year-old Athena called out as she stepped into the house. Her black hair swayed as she turned to close the door. "Anybody home?" She called out after a few minutes of silence. "In the kitchen" a familiar voice replied from the kitchen. Athena walked into the kitchen only to see her elder brother Andrew, who had been out of town with his mate for the past week, seated in one of the chairs as their mother and his pregnant mate prepared dinner. "Ashie you're back!" Athena exclaimed as she hugged her sister-in-law, making sure not to hurt her growing belly.

Ashley embraced the little girl and kissed her forehead. Athena bent down and kissed Ashley's stomach only to feel a tiny kick against her lips. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Andrew said playfully as he failed to hide the tinge of jealousy in his voice. "Nope," Athena said as she kissed her mother's cheek, mischief shone brightly in her eyes.

"Oh really, my lovely sister?" Andrew said as he stood up slowly. "I am afraid so, my dear brother" Athena replied as she took a step back. The siblings chased each other around the house as they laughed happily. Athena suddenly stopped running, which caused Andrew to topple over himself, trying not to hurt his sister.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Andrew exclaimed as he rubbed his head in an attempt to soothe the pain he felt. The sound of a throat clearing made Andrew look up only to see his grandfather and father looking down at him, amusement evident in their eyes. Andrew quickly stood up as his face reddened a little.

"Dinner is ready!" Angela called out from the bottom of the stairs. "Thank God" Andrew muttered softly. "What was that?" Adrian asked his son curiously, even though he had already heard everything due to his heightened hearing. "Huh, oh I was wondering whether mom made any hot dogs" Andrew replied nervously. "Right," Adrian said stretching the "I" in the word out as his daughter giggled softly. Andrew glared at his sister as he walked with her towards the dining table. Athena smiled cheekily as she took a seat in between her mother and Axel.

The wind howled and the trees whispered in the crisp winter night. Athena tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep due to the excruciating pain she felt. She whimpered loudly waking everyone in the house. "No, no, no, this shouldn't be happening right now, it's too early" Serena voiced in disbelief. "What shouldn't be happening!?" Adrian growled out, his wolf on edge. "She is shifting," Serena said causing everyone in the room to gasp.

A female wolf always shifted at the age of seventeen for the first time and the Moon Goddess was supposed to first shift at the age of eighteen. Adrian acted quickly and picked his child up and ran towards the backyard where he placed her on the grass, in an attempt to cool her body down as her temperature rose to horrifying heights. Athena grunted when her father placed her on the cool grass, the cool wind licked her skin sweetly. She groaned as she opened her eyes and looked at her family, silently pleading for them to help her. "It's alright Athie, you'll be fine, just close your eyes and embrace the feeling, don't fight it," Axel said as he looked at his sister, wishing he could take her pain away. Athena slowly closed her eyes.


I could hear the sickening sound of my bones breaking and readjusting themselves. I screamed as I felt fur sprout on my body and closed my eyes due to the unbearable pain. I saw a bright light shine before me. "Don't worry. I am here now" said a sweet voice in my mind. "Am I losing my mind?" I thought to myself. "No silly, I am your wolf" the voice resonated in my mind. "Could you tell me why I shifted now? I am merely fifteen years old." I asked, curiously. "Is there something wrong with me?" I thought fearing her answer. "No, there is nothing wrong with you, but it isn't my place to answer that question and you're far too young to find out," she said, "But I assure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you" she continued.

"Well, what's your name?" I asked as I tried to look around with my eyes closed for I couldn't see her. "I would recommend you stop looking for me, for I am like a second conscious, you will not be able to see me," said the voice before continuing "And to answer your question, my name is Micaela," the melodic voice said. "That's a beautiful name Ela, I hope you don't mind if I call you that," I said "Thank you, and no I don't mind at all, after all, I am a part of you," said Ela. "Could I open my eyes?" I asked after a moment of silence. "Yes, you can," Ela said as the bright light dimmed.

I opened my eyes slowly only to see my family standing before me with their eyes closed. I tried to speak and tell them to open their eyes, but all that came out was a small whine. That was when I looked down and saw that I was on all fours and pure white fur covered my limbs. My coat of fur was so white that it seemed to be glowing. Everyone opened their eyes only for them to gasp and bow their heads. I tilted my head in confusion as I remembered what my grandmother told me when I was five years old.

"Granma, when will I become the Moon gawddess?" Said a five-year-old Athena as her feet dangled in the air off of the swing she sat on with her grandmother. "On the day you turn eighteen and shift for the very first time," Serena said as she smiled fondly at her granddaughter. "Everyone would bow down to you due to the amount of power you would emit" she continued. "Would you bow down to me?" Athena asked as she tilted her head curiously. "No silly, the Moon goddess never bows down to her heir," said Serena as she kissed Athena's nose.

Why was my grandma bowing down to me?

How do I shift back? I wondered. "Just think of yourself in your human form" Ela answered my question. I imagined myself in my human form and felt my bones break and reposition themselves, it didn't hurt as much this time. I opened my eyes and looked down only to see that I was back in my human form. A peculiar thing I noticed was that I was wearing a soft white dress that came to my knees. "Why do I have a dress on?" I asked no one in particular. Only highly trained wolves were able to shift back with clothes present on their body. None of my family members have been able to do it.

"You're meant to be covered when you shift back since you are the Moon goddess," said grandma with a soft smile. Everyone then embraced me and congratulated me on my first shift. I knew that I was an anomaly. There wasn't a female wolf who had shifted before the age of seventeen. "Well let's get to bed then" I suggested after I saw Axel yawn for the umpteenth time.

A question lingered in my mind as I lay down in bed. Why did Grandma bow down to me?

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 I hope you all enjoyed it. I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that let me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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