Episode 2: Different Similarities...

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A/N: just a head's up: from now on I will always note whenever a song should be played, so don't play the song yet until you see the hint :) anyways, enjoy reading~

"Well... that went well," Taehyun commented.

He and Kai were on their way back to his house to hang out after finishing college for the day, scooping ice cream out of their cups.

Anyone who doesn't get ice cream after their first day of school or college is a little weird if you ask me. I mean, it's ice cream!

"I didn't exactly think we'd start college life with a fight. But I gotta admit, you were pretty cool with your remarks," Kai said.

"Why thank you."

"But then you're still cute."


Taehyun skipped over a puddle that was in their way on the sidewalk, and Kai just stretched his long legs over it. He was lucky that Taehyun didn't punch him for that because he may have thought he was trying to mock his height.

"So, wanna record something?" Kai asked.

"Like what?"

"You know, the song that you've wanted to cover for a while, and I play the keyboard to it?"

"Ohh yeah!"

Taehyun's face morphed into a smile.

"I nearly forgot about it. I would need to warm up though."

"Lemme grab my keyboard first and then we'll do that when we're at your house, okay?"


After picking up Kai's instrument, and carrying it as a team effort (or duo effort if you please) they arrived at the Kangs' house, dropped their bags in the hallway and headed into Taehyun's bedroom.

Just a few minutes later, Kai was plugging the cables in and tuning his keyboard, while Taehyun was searching for his microphone stand.

"Do you have a tuner?" Kai asked.

"Need it?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't ask otherwise."


Taehyun crawled under his bed, finding the little tuner hidden underneath his SHINee merch. He pulled it out, and barely missed hitting his head on the bed frame.

"Here," he said, tossing it over to his best friend.


Kai tweaked a couple knobs and buttons on his keyboard, and he made sure that it was on jazz mode, knowing that Taehyun would need that genre for what he wanted to cover. While he was tuning, Taehyun also warmed up according to the notes Kai was playing on his keyboard.

Melodious indeed.

"Okay, ready?" Kai asked.


Taehyun finally found his mic stand and placed it up, adjusting it to his height, and then placed his phone on his dresser so they can record.

"Do you know the notes by heart?" he asked.

"Duh. You're talking to me after all."

"Okay then."

Taehyun tied his cardigan around his waist, feeling a little hot (granted, it gets warm in here) and held the microphone tightly.

He exhaled quickly before whooping.

"Bring the beat in!"

"You got it."

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