Chapter 24: Clifford

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-Erica's POV-

"Michael was bitten hours ago, we have to assume they let him turn. Why would they bring a walker down to just let all of us live?" I whisper, looking around the room to see everyone silently staring at the wall in front of them. Ashton's head snaps in my direction with teary eyes filled with fury.

"Don't speak like that. You have no idea what's happening up there," he states trying to walk closer to me. Kyleigh puts a hand on his chest to stop him from coming closer. Jensen steps in front of me giving Ashton a look that Kyleigh picks up on.

"We need to relax and think of a new way out," Jensen says trying to defuse the group. The walkie-talkie makes a quiet noise before Luke's voice comes through.

"What do you guys know about the other guy...Dylan...he was going to help you?" he asks. Ashton stands in front of Kyleigh so the cameras don't become suspicious. I try to think through everything we have seen and heard in the past twenty-four hours. It's all a big blur as time passes.

"Harry only said he caught Tyler. That means Dylan is still up there....hopefully," Kyleigh says, adjusting the walkie to lay flat under her shirt. Ashton moves closer to Kyleigh embracing her in a hug. His shoulders are slack as he puts more of his weight onto Kyleigh.

"Erica was right about Michael. It looked pretty bad guys. His arm was already fucked up. He lost a lot of blood and then the new bite...I don't think he's gonna make it this time," Ashton cries, burying his head in Kyleigh's neck. I've never seen Ashton be anything but optimistic. He was like Niall always cheering people up and fixing them when they fell.

"Ash, he's gonna be fine. It's Michael we're talking about, he always bounces back," Calum says sounding like he's holding back his own tears. I look at Kyleigh and try to imagine how painful it would be to lose her like this. They deserve to see each other one last time.

"We have to think of a way out. A way to get to Michael and to get back to camp," Jensen says, running a stressed hand through his hair. We all look at each other trying to think of something that could be slightly helpful. I step up to the small window, standing on my tippy toes to see outside. I look out the dirt-covered glass and see the sun is already starting to rise meaning we haven't slept in a little over 24 hours.

"We should get some rest. We won't be any good if we are exhausted," I say, getting closer to Kyleigh, "Guys get back to camp without being followed and we will call you when we think of something. Make sure you don't speak unless we speak first. We can't risk them finding the walkie when we are asleep," I tell them.

Everyone says a quick goodnight and tries to get comfortable on the couch and floor. I finally find a semi-bearable position on the floor, using a couch cushion to shield the light that's shining down on us. How are the lights and cameras even powering? I move the cushion off my face and turn to see Jensens still awake. He sees me turn towards him and copies my movements. He gives me a confused look before moving to the far corner away from the group.

"What's up?" he whispers. I look at Kyleigh and Ashton and see they are fast asleep. His head is resting in Kyleigh's lap as her hands are resting in his hair. My heart breaks a little at the sight.

"How are they powering all of this? Assuming it's more than just this house," I ask him. He sits up a little and looks at everything and follows the wires upstairs behind the stairs with his eyes. Loud footsteps pound on the flooring upstairs making it hard to do anything.

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