Will 'o the Wisp

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Users Information:

Name: Takei Miyo.

Date of Birth: 13/03/2×××

Gender: Male.


Eye Colour - Silver.

Hair Colour - White with blue tint.

Skin Colour - Pale. (Similar to a ghost)

Height - 5'10 / 177cm (15 years old)

Weight - 82kg / 180.78 lbs

Body Fitness - Healthy (Toned)

Body Fitness - Healthy (Toned)

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This is Miyo!^^

Biological Parents:

Mother -Takei Kyoto. (deseased)

Father -Takei Raiden.(arrested)

Allergens/Illnesses: None.


- Claustrophobia, (fear of small spaces)

- Astraphobia, (fear of thunder and lightning/electricity)

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Quirk Information:

The user can create small, blue, ghost like spirits that float in the air around them.

(Following the sports festival, ghosts have been able to be "broken" by excessive/brutal force.)

The user can send these ghosts towards people/machinery they can see, causing the ghost to enter, and possess them.

The target is then placed under the user's control.

Ao, the very first ghost created, reflects the users emotions. Ao is unable to "break" or "disappear" and is then usually found with the user the majority of the time.

Ao and the user can speak to each other telepathically. (Through their thoughts/minds)

If the possessed target suffers significant damage, then the ghost is ejected, and must recuperate before possessing anything/anyone else. 

User of said damaged ghost will feel the damage/injury.

People possessed by these ghosts have their hair roots and eyes glow blue.

The shade of blue depends on what type of ghost or phantom is possessing the subject.

For example if ghosts such as Ao possess someone the victim's eyes will glow a vibrant neon blue or just a fogged over blue.

In future chapters you'll witness a new type of phantom/ghost, this phantom will be created while the user is feeling either distressed, enraged, or overly protective.
(Basically extremely strong emotions)

The image at the top right is what the phantom will appear like.
When this phantom possesses anyone their eyes will glow a foggy, clouded midnight blue.

User can see and hear through the eyes and ears of the ghosts.

When looking with the ghosts eyes they appear in the users vision as small screens. User can enlarge said screens for a better view but by doing so causes them to "zone out" of their surroundings/everything around them. E.g. sounds, smells, people, etc...

The user is able to "swap" places with any ghosts created which, to outside onlookers, will appear to be teleporting. This now applies to those possessed by the ghosts.

The users temperature is 6° to the touch of others but the user can "heat" or "cool" themselves up if desired. Ao can do so as well.

Users appearance is slightly hazy, almost ghost like to the human eyes.

To animals, such as cats and dogs are drawn to the user.
(People with quirks related to these animals aren't included in being drawn in.)

When the user experiences certain emotions they will flicker between mist and their solid body. E.g. embarrassment, nervousness, etc...

The user has a mist form:

In this form the user is invisible to the human eyes and is undetectable to anyone.
(It's more like vapor, but meh mist is easier to say)

While in this form the user can "spread out" and is able to sense throughout their area.
(Kind of like a cloud/ or like fog.)

The user has a water manipulation power, inherited from their Mother, the user can manipulate any liquid within a 125 metre radius of themselves. (range expands futher after training with quirk)

The user can manipulate the water into any shape: see 'water whips' after internships.


- If over used the user will become wispy or mist like to others and will be intangible(unable to touch) until fully recovered. Mainly effects lower arms and legs, will spread fruther if pushed too far with quirk. 

- The user is sensitive to the heat, weather and fire, they tend to turn into mist when near anything hot.
(Fear of anything heat related came from Father's quirk. Which is electric based and when used feelt like a hot boiling pool of water suffocating them.)

- If user uses the ghosts hearing and vision too much, the users sight and hearing will seem to be under water, depending on the number of ghosts created, used and destroyed while the user "sees-through" the ghosts.

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I'll be editing this alot so don't expect it to have everything on Miyo's quirk straight away.

Thank you for reading! :)

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