Heroes Aren't Always Heroic

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Miyo listens to the robotic voice as it announces their classmates and teachers names absentmindedly. Still following Bakugo in the hall, he's led outside, and they eventually stop between the second and last buses lined up.

Which is where they stay the whole time they're waiting to be carted off to their exam grounds, throwing ideas back and forth while Ao, having grown large enough to encase them, blocks out anyone from listening in.

"Stick man is here, on the other side of the bus."

Miyo thanks Ao for the heads up, and the ghost shrinks before resting on top of his head. Bakugo frowns at the sudden loss of blue around them, but when All Might rounds the front of the bus, his eyes drift back and forth from his now pale and blank faced exam partner to the tense No. 1 hero, and an understanding of sorts settles in his eyes.

Adjusting the utility belt on his waist, Bakugo scowls up at their teacher and stomps onto the bus loudly, then barks out to Miyo to follow. "Come on, Ghosty! I've got no time for dawdling! Get your ass in here!"

Miyo swiftly avoids All Might's hard gaze and slips into the bus, nearly tripping over himself to get to the very back seats to join Bakugo. The vehicle wobbles when All Might enters, and it tilts slightly to one side when he sits down. The engine roars to life, and they begin to make their way to their exam grounds.

Bakugo leans back against the side of the bus, his left leg resting on his right knee and his right boot on the seat next to him. He turns his head to face Miyo and glances up at the ghost in his hair, then to the front of the bus. Miyo gets the message and gets Ao to block unwanted ears from listening to their conversation.

"What's your shit with All Might about? He's been givin' you the stick eye since our first heroics lesson, and it's only gotten worse since the sports festival." The statement comes out in a bored tone, but there's curiousity, and, if Miyo is sure that he hasn't lost his mind, a hint of concern is showing through his ruby red eyes.

Miyo blanches and fiddles with the sleeve of his costume. "Ah, you noticed that?"

Bakugo huffs. "Anyone with a brain would notice all that; All Might hasn't exactly been hiding it. But I'm pretty sure that the other extras haven't picked it up. Actually, no, your little posse has definitely fucking seen it—and maybe our hobo of a teacher, but that's probably pushing it." He crosses his arms, his eyes narrowing as he waits for an answer.

Miyo contemplates whether telling the truth would work in his favour or not. He recalls how Bakugo listened in on Sho and Midoriya's conversation during the sports festival and that he hasn't told anyone else about all that, so he finally decides that Bakugo could be in the know.

"All Might threatened mine and Hitoshi's places in UA during our "hug" at the awards ceremony. Turns out he's quirkist and basically has a stupid grudge against me for knowing a super secret of his." Miyo scowls down at his lap, making a tiny ghost and using it as a stress ball. "Also said that you should've won the damned competition too." He grumbles while crushing the ghost in his hand until it evaporates.

Bakugo stays quiet for a minute, a small furrow in his eyebrows as he takes in the new information. He scoffs after a few seconds, "What the fuck is wrong with him? As far as I can bloody see, you and your stupid gaggle of crackheads are the only ones in the class that are worthy of being there." He finishes with a low growl and lets off some pops in his palms.

Miyo looks up at Bakugo, surprised by his sudden defence. "Thanks," he mutters, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I appreciate it, especially since it's coming from you."

The corner of Bakugo's mouth quirks up but is covered by a cough. "Whatever, let's go. We're here." He calls as he stands from his seat.

They make their way to the front of the bus and step out. Miyo looks up and sees the huge gate leading into the area. Gulping down his urge to freak out, Ao wraps himself around Miyo's neck to offer some comfort, and he breathes deeply to try and calm down.

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