Hugs For Everybody!

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A yawn slips out of his mouth as he walks through alleys, this week has been exhausting. He only got two actual days of learning during his internship, he fought and won against a serial killer that other heroes had died to, and he spent a few days in hospital with his classmates. He supposes that's one way to bond with them.

Iida's still an ass in his books though.

The left over wounds remaining from his stab injuries on his thigh and his shoulder itch so badly that he feels like skinning himself and scratching the skin with a cheese grater. Then the thin bandages the hospital gave him are irritating his skin so much his skin feels like fire ants are crawling all over him.

He'll need to ask Akira if he could borrow any different types of bandages from the bar or if he can heal him any faster then Recovery Girl's poor efforts. The old nurse has a serious grudge against him since he found out who Yagi actually was. Devil woman, does she not think I know any laws that involve healing or health?

He turns another corner, boxes and beer bottles along the sides of the footpath become more frequent, and soon enough he's chucking his shoes off and shutting the creaky door behind himself. Walking down the hall, being cautious of the louder floorboards, Miyo slowly pushes the door leading into the bar open.

Yellow eye's immediately notice him, Kurogiri gives him a critical look over before nodding in satisfaction. Miyo sends a small wave to the misty man, his eye's then looking around the room. Dabi's thrown across three bar stools at the far end of the room, his arms are draped over his face.

Jin and Mr. Compress are chatting together at the booth in the corner, there's two other people sitting with them; casual clothes, sunglasses, lips similar to Miyo's classmate, Sato, and they have a large item covered with a cloth leaning up against the table, then there's also a girl in a school uniform with blonde hair styled into messy buns figiting with a small knife.

Miyo's eye's drift to the sofa next; Tomura and a person —In a Stain cosplay? How are they still breathing, let alone playing Smash Bros with Tomura?— with bright purple hair and their quirk must be some sort of reptile mutation given that their skin consists of green scales.

Miyo steps further into the room. Jin's "little ghost buddy" rushes over to him and whips around his neck before settling down on his uninjured shoulder with a happy noise. Miyo pats the little guy on his head, his movement having brought Jin, Mr. Compress, and the two sitting with them, attentions to Miyo.

Jin shoots up from his seat and bolts in front of the TV, which earns the man several swears from Tomura and the other person on the sofa, and nearly tackles Miyo to the floor with a hug that leaves him wheezing for a breath of air.

"Spirit! You're alive! How dare you fight a serial killer and not tell me about it beforehand!? YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK! Don't ever do that again! You are sooo grounded, young man! "

Miyo nods along with Jin's words, he pats the older man on the back in hopes of getting free of the strong hold before some of his stitches comes lose. Jin eventually let's go and Miyo is able to breath normally again.

"Sorry, fighting the "popular dude" wasn't exactly planned out on my timetable. Be careful with me, stitches and stuff." Miyo glances at the three new people in the room. "Who are the new people? They friendly?" He whispers to Jin.

"Ah, right. The one playing with Shigaraki calls himself Spinner, then there's Toga Himiko and Magne, who strictly uses she/her pronouns, over with Mr. Compress. Giran showed up with them a day or two ago, they all claim to be "followers of Stain" and said they heard Stain was working with the league before he got arrested."

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