Studying = Student Dying (Prove Me Wrong)

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Look, Miyo is aware that he's one of the top five in the class when it comes to academics. Hell, he aced the English, Geography, Science, and History sections in the entrance exam.

But seriously, he's always been good at Math! Why is it now driving him into insanity? The last two chapters they've done in Math with Ectoplasm are driving him around the bend. He also hopes who ever invented Geometry is suffering more then a thousand painful deaths in hell.

Luckily for him, the people that were begging him for help had been swooped away by the one and only graceful goddess, who is also known as Yaomomo, said female had asked(read threatened) the whole class to call her the nickname. The tall girl had even organised a whole class "study party" at her house, everyone in the class was invited. Miyo himself included.

He's honestly touched by her, she very kind for the offer, but the thing is; Miyo is after using up every drop from his social battery for the week and is physically incapable of conversing with more then two people without zoning out or loosing track of the whole conversation.

Just the thought of being stuck with his rowdy classmates is making him freak out. So, as he slowly makes his way to the address Yaomomo had messeged him, he rethinks his decision of agreeing to this meet up.

Does he need to be there? Of course he does, he's the class president(a very unwilling one actually), he'll need to be a "good example" for his classmates. Could he just hide in a corner away from everyone? Maybe he could drag Shouto off with him... the other is quite good at Math.

He turns a corner, the streetlights look more expensive then Hitoshi's house. The path under his feet looks like it's been polished to within an inch of its life and each tree he passes is trimmed to perfection. Miyo's honestly feeling too dirty and poor to even walk or breathe here.

The reason he's walking alone is that Hitoshi had left much earlier than him; the sleepy teen had practically fallen out the front door, mumbling,"Kami's waiting for me. Can't be late, I'm gonna miss dinner. Love you, bye," while still wrangling his shoes onto his feet.

Ari had merely shook her head at the purple haired teen; a fond smile settled on her lips before she disappeared upstairs, leaving Miyo in the living room with Ao perched on his shoulder.

Huge black gates come into view; they tower over Miyo, the top lined with spikes. He looks around, unsure as to how he's meant to enter. Then there's a creak, the gates shake a little, and they drag themselves open for him to pass through. As Miyo steps through the gates, a feeling of awe washes over him. Yaomomo's house is gigantic. The sheer size of the building is making Miyo feel like an ant.

His eyes wandered over the mansion-Yaomomo said it was her house; the place was almost double the size of his former apartment building. Miyo can't help but feel a little intimidated, only now remembering how wealthy his classmate actually was compared to him.

He began to take in the various features of the house-the large staircase leading up to the entrance, the lush gardens and fountains adorning the grounds surrounding the building, and the glossy, dark wooden double doors as the front entrance.

He searches for a doorbell, he finds it on the wall to the left of the doors. He presses it, standing back a little while adjusting his book bags strap on his right shoulder. A few seconds pass, his hands fiddle with the small tassels on the side of his bag, he glances behind him, and foot starts to tap impatiently.

Does he have the right place? Did they not hear the bell? Is he here at the wrong time or day? Does he need to knock instead?

He moves to knock on the door, the door handle twitches, he lets his left hand rubs the back of his neck, and a man with a thin mustache opens the door.

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