Getting Away(Or It's A Date!)

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Miyo has been extremely jittery. Mainly because of how touchy Shouto had become with him since the study sessions last week. He doesn't dislike it or anything!

Actually, the hand holding, the side brushing while studying, and all that other stuff... It's left him a complete and utter gooie mess. 

His small chat with Dabi didn't really assist either....

So, it's Tuesday. Aizawa had mentioned in homeroom this morning that there wouldn't be any classes tomorrow due to some type of teacher meeting, the teacher had given the whole class a list of items needed for the summer camp and that had led to everyone whispering throughout classes.

(He had also said "only those who passed the practical exam were going," it was glaringly obvious to Miyo that it was one of the mans "logical ruses." but apparently, to everyone else in the class, they thought the man was actually threatening them)

Thus resulting in Miyo's current issue: asking Shouto to spend Wednesday with him. But now, the thought of asking that one question had left him shaking in his shoes and his gut twisting in a nervous knot.

So far, the opportunity to ask the question has been thwarted by a loud classmate, an irritated teacher who had noticed Miyo's less-than-subtle note passing, or Aizawa, who had materialized out of thin air right beside a frazzled Miyo during the five minute gap between classes.

Miyo's rational thinking had been put on hold by all of these distractions, from jumbling his words while answering a question in class to turning in Midnight's history homework to Present Mic in English. 

It's made him quite frustrated, to say the least. To make matters worse, Miyo had gotten under thirty minutes of sleep, and Bakugo and Iida both kept yelling like toddlers on pure adrenaline and sugar alone.

The bell signaling lunch rings. It takes Miyo about twenty seconds to register the noise before he slowly gathers his things and blinks into awareness as he stands from his desk. 

Wow, he's tired... Didn't they just have homeroom five minutes ago? How is it already lunch? What about English, World History and Math? His head is pounding...

"Miyo? Are you alright? You're not looking very well." Shouto's taut voice hardly reaches Miyo's ears, and he turns to the concerned gaze of the boy he's been attempting to question all morning.

Miyo nods weakly, attempting to dismiss his friend's concerns. The final bell for lunch rings, and Ao moves to cover his ears within moments. Over the buzzing left in his eardrums, a small cluster of tears forms in his eyes.

Miyo tries to avert Shouto's view of his eyes by tilting his head downward, but Shouto still manages to catch sight of them. Two soft and tender hands catch Miyo's face and pull it up, revealing a soft and comforting smile on Shouto's face.

Shouto softly brushes away the tears as he speaks, his voice gentle and calming.

"Hey," he says, wiping away the stray tears that had escaped Miyo's eyes. "You look so worn; how much did you manage to sleep? Your eyes are all red and droopy too."

Miyo looks away embarrassedly, shifting his feet awkwardly. "Not much," he mumbles, his face flushed with shame. "My thoughts wouldn't settle, 'n' then, before I knew i', 'Toshi was knockin' at m' d'r f'r breakfas'..." He explains groggily, a yawn forcing its way out of his mouth.

"Now that won't do. Come on, let's go outside. You can have a nap once you have your lunch." Shouto slides his hand into Miyo's and gently guides him outside to their area. 

Despite his protests, Shouto was able to trick Miyo into letting him feed him. Miyo pouts through the whole process, sticking his tongue out at Shouto whenever he swallows the food that was just shoveled into his mouth.

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