They're Bonding! Secrets Spilled?

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To say that Miyo's a little concerned about the person he's found during his morning walk is putting it lightly, but he's even more confused as to why Dabi's even this close to Hitoshi's house. It's nearly a forty minute walk away from the bar, more if he were to count the area where Dabi usually ends up during the late hours of the night.

Miyo had left the house around 5 a.m., seeing that his brain no longer approved of the term "sleep," so any rest right now is just labeled as "long blinks." Ao had been awake when he was leaving, so he had gained a companion for his morning stroll.

Not, even ten minutes later, Ao had shot off in front of him and ducked into an alley like the devil himself was nipping at his back. Miyo had followed the ghost not a moment later, thus resulting in his current predicament. A possessed but knocked out Dabi with nasty looking acid burns traveling up his right arm.

The injury seems fresh; blood is seeping out of the wound, and the leftover acid is staining the edge of Dabi's coat sleeve and the scarred skin surrounding it. But the wound should be cleaned out and treated properly; Dabi could get an infection. 

Miyo thinks over his options: a hospital, bringing him back to his room in Hitoshi's house, the underground mall, or the bar.

Option one is the first one crossed off; they would ask questions, and Dabi isn't exactly a fan of those. Neither is Miyo, so that's a definte no.

Option two is out as well; Hitoshi was up when he left, as was Manami. They would probably freak out if he came back with someone who looked like a corpse. Then Manami would most likely call the police, which would result in Dabi and/or Miyo being arrested. No one wanted to be stuck in a holding cell all weekend.

The bar? Both Tomura and Akira had said that they were out of medical stuff like bandages and antiseptics, and they had little to no painkillers left. Then Akira wouldn't be able to help; the older man had told Miyo he was leaving Japan for the week, something about someone's relative or an old friend or something along those lines.

Underground mall it is.

He gets up quickly; he's on a time limit here. He creates a ghost and sends it directly to his personalized room hidden in the forgotten building. Within seconds, he reappears in the dark room, summoning several ghosts and instructing them to light the room, already opening his first aid kit and taking out the necessary supplies to treat Dabi.

The older man is laid out on top of thick blankets, a pillow tucked under his head and neck. When Miyo gets to work, he thoroughly washes out the acid, disinfects the surrounding area, applies the necessary stitches for the deeper knicks, and wraps Dabi's arm firmly with bandages that are quirk reinforced.

He's not going to chance the older male waking up and burning the material or him out of confusion, fear, rage or spite.

Once he finishes the process, he asks Ao to exit Dabi, taking several steps back as the ghost leaves the male. Silence. Ten seconds pass. Twenty. A minute. A low groan echoes in the room.

Dabi's uninjured arm comes up and covers his face, his jaw tensing and untensing. Miyo shuffles to the right, cautiously sitting down on the blankets thrown haphazardly on the floor. Ao settles on a pillow beside him, and they wait patiently for Dabi to wake up fully.

Eventually, the groaning stops, and Dabi stirs; his hand comes away from his face as he blinks his eyes open and he rises to a sitting position.

His confusion is extremely visible on his face; he looks around himself. Pinching the soft, fluffy blanket under him, he squints up at the spray paint covering the wall to his left, the book shelf lining the wall to his right, and finally his eyes land on Miyo.

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