Maybe Hospitals Aren't So Bad-

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Beeping. Why is it always beeping that he wakes up to? He doesn't have an actual alarm, well, he's never needed one in the first place. Miyo tries to open his eyes- he stops immediately over the blinding lights in the room.

One of the beeping rythyms speeds up, footsteps approach, a door to his right opens and shuts, they come closer and the beeping lowers in volume. He releases a breath, the dull thumping in his head vanishes and the person that came into the room leaves, there's a tiny flick and the door shuts with a small click.

Something moves on top of him. It touches his neck, and Miyo lets a smile slip onto his face. It's Ao. He tries to lift his left hand; a shock of pain rushes up and down his arm, and he stops his attempts.

His right arm is capable of moving, though; he brings that hand up and pats Ao's back. He tries to open his eyes again; it takes a few harsh blinks, but they open fully and he's able to see what's around him.

It's a hospital room; he's in a bed; Shouto is in the bed to his left; Midoriya is in the bed across the room from Miyo; and Iida is directly across from Shouto. It's still dark outside, but the windows allow light from the moon and the streetlights into the room.

To his right, the door that someone, most likely a nurse, came in through a little while ago is in the middle of the wall. All along the wall is a strip of windows; he can't see out into the hall, though, because the blinds stop him from doing that.

He looks down at himself. His legs are both covered by the thin blanket, which he lifts up; his right thigh has thick bandages wrapped around it. He puts the blanket back down. The next thing he looks at is his upper body. He finds that he's wearing a plain baby blue hoodie that has a picture of an animated cat on it.

Ao put it on; he knows Miyo doesn't like others looking.

Ao's soft voice murmurs through their link. Miyo hums while sending the ghost a wave of warmth, thankful that he was able to get the clothing over him before the others in the room had gotten a glimpse at all of his scars. Miyo tugs the fabric away from his chest.

His eyes look over the thick bandages layered over his collar and left shoulder, he pulls his sleeve up his arm to see that they also reach down to his wrist. The knife must've done more damage than Miyo thought it would have.

He sighs, unsure of what to do while he waits for the others to wake up. He shuffles into a sitting position, turns his head to the left and right sides of his bed, finds his phone on the side table, and the bag he packed everything in for the internship is on the floor near the right side of his bed.

Reaching out for his phone, Miyo unlocks the screen, squints at it while turning down its brightness, and opens his chat with "Tenko," seeing that there are several unread messages sent.



Oi, pipsqueak. (This is Dabi.)

Answer your damn phone.

You can't just ignore me after yelling like that!


Kid .

Brat .

Answer me already!


You better not die. Crusty will kill everyone if that happens.


You better tell me that you're not one of the four unnamed UA students the news is ranting about.


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