A Bit Of Normality.

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Getting to UA on the train with Hitoshi that morning felt oddly normal. Miyo had even managed to drift off for a few minutes during the trip.

The two boys walk side by side as they enter the main gate; Hitoshi has a concerningly large flask filled to the brim with coffee. Miyo is half expecting his brother to die of caffeine overdose before they reach their twenties.

Miyo had been told by Recovery Girl to visit her this morning when he had been allowed home from the hospital, but he just doesn't have the energy to deal with the elderly woman's glares or her sharp words right now. Plus, Akira had looked him over before he had left yesterday, so he's fine. He'll be able to remove the bandages sometime tomorrow at the latest anyway.

Recovery Girl could shove her cane where the sun doesn't shine, Miyo can't deal with her moods anymore. She's a nurse, caring medically for any and all students in the school is her job. He's also noticed that Midoriya was beginning to become rather jumpy around the elder, he had seen the green eyed boy flinch when she had stormed into their shared room last week.

He accompanies Hitoshi as they move through the hallways, even holding open the classroom door for the other, just because he was feeling like a gentleman. Hitoshi just rolls his eyes at Miyo and heads inside. Miyo is feeling underappreciated.

Most of their classmates are already in the room; Iida is sitting silently at his desk, glaring down at his bandaged hand. Bakugo is brooding at his desk and Kirishima seems to be trying to console the blonde, Bakugo's hair does look to have lost a fraction of his spikey-ness in his hair. Midoriya is mumbling animatedly with a bubbly Uraraka.

Then there's Shouto calmly seated in his chair, sending Miyo a small smile as he slides into his desk. Miyo feels a fuzzy warmth swell in his chest and returns the gesture with a smile of his own.

Looking across the room, he spots Sero, Ashido, Jiro, Hagakure and Kaminari chatting together, quite loudly, about the rucus that occurred in Hosu last week. Kaminari says something with something far from his indoor voice about how he thought Stain was cool, Iida stiffens in his seat and avoids looking in the groups' direction completely as Kaminari continues to ramble on for everyone and their mother to hear.

"Do you think Stain was working with the league? I mean, with all the nomu that were wrecking the city it's like they were trying to distract the heroes while Stain went around the place stabbing people! And did you see the news? Nearly fifty heroes had moved to patrol Hosu to catch Stain! Do you that they're all jealous or ashamed that students caught him? The video was so intense!-"

Miyo rolls his eyes at Kaminari's unnecessary enthusiasm about a serial killer of all things, and the idea of Stain working with Tomura of all people is just idiotic, Tomura already went into a far too detailed description on how he was going to torture and kill the serial killer when he had seen the injuries Miyo had gotten from the other man's blades.

Miyo clears his throat. "Kaminari," The blonde looks over, "Could you tone it down a little? Some of us were there when everything happened. It was a bit of a nightmare, even I don't want to hear about it, alright? You can still speak of it, but could you just, lower the volume a bit? Please and thanks, man."

Kaminari nods sheepishly and his voice lowers in volume, clearly hearing Miyo's no-nonsense tone in his voice. The classroom door opens with a slam, and Aizawa waltzes in, the older man's grumbling is audible to everyone's ears in the room. Everyone scrambles for their seat, bumping into others and desks all the while. He faces the front; Aizawa is standing with his hands buried in his pockets and an agitated expression in his eyes.

"Settle down. I'm hoping you all learned what you wished for during your internships, but we need to move on. Kaminari, phone, put it away before I need to confiscate it."

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