Possible Continuation?

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Hello everyone! 

Sorry for disappearing for a bit, my state exams got me all stressed out, and I got writers block for a while after my exams finished. Then I had a bunch of jobs to do regarding school trips and things like that and I honestly forgot I had Wattpad for a while. 

However, I have read over a few of my own stories and am considering continuing this story? (I have considered re-writing this story but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.)

I'm thinking that I'll start a second book beginning around the mall, where the rest of class 1-A go shopping for the training camp, or the start of the camp?

I'm work-shopping a title at the moment, but I'm leaning towards: 

'Two Birds, No Stone. Please Don't Kill My Birds,' 


'Error: Fucks Not Found, Try A Different Network.' 

Please tell me which title you think'll work best/ is your favourite, I'll start writing and then post the chapters gradually, depending on how quickly the title is decided on and how long I can fight off the writers block.  

Meanwhile, I am after publishing some short fics on here, a spiderverse one and a five nights at freddy's one. So you guys can enjoy those while I shake my brain for the inspiration juice and get to writing! 

Thank you guys so much for supporting my stories this far, it means a lot. 


- E. 

#1 - Life's Not Fair(Was It Ever?)Where stories live. Discover now