Bothersome Trouble.

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It's the middle of the night; the usual Friday parties, still lively, are leading into the early hours of Saturday, and drunken fools still wander the streets and bars. The loud music, the laughter, and the various conversations mix together into a cacophony of noise that can be heard from outside, ranging from slurred flirting to gruff offers and threats in back alleys.

As he strolls down the street, his ears pick up information easily: a warehouse drug deal happening in the later hours of Sunday; a certain person being out of town for a couple days; another person injured in a fight in an alley over grudges between two gangs; and the exchange of money from a desperate gambler to a ticked off loan shark.

All of this is heard as he passes through the night, a regular occurrence that he has grown used to. Although the night may have seemed chaotic and lawless to an outsider, this was a world he knew well, plus it didn't hurt to know things others didn't.

He could often hear pieces of gossip and information that would be useful to him, allowing him to stay one step ahead of anyone looking for trouble, avoid a specific area in order to steer clear of conflicts, and take advantage of opportunities to gain knowledge or resources.

He's both well known and a mystery at the same time, an enigma of sorts to all who observe him as he silently glides through the night with his long coat flowing behind him and the collar covering his face when passing those he would rather not be seen by.

Information is one of his specialties, and he utilizes it to his advantage by seeking out the truth and secrets that can be used as a bargaining chip or piece of leverage. The big man himself sometimes says he could put Giran to shame.

But that doesn't mean he can slip past everyone he wishes to avoid. No, his quirk is a bit too bright for that.

The blue flames that burn through his skin can scare others but also cause unwanted individuals to flock around him like annoying little flies. He's normally better at hiding from unwanted attention, but tonight seems to be an exception.

A new hero has ventured much further than others would dare. See, the area where he's been collecting his information is on the "bad" side of the city, the part that heroes have lost interest in since the media wouldn't bother reporting any stories that may have come from it, thus gaining no public recognition or reward for their "heroic" acts.

Regardless of what would "normally" happen, Dabi is currently being pursued by the new baby-faced hero, who apparently believes they have big enough balls to come anywhere near him or this side of the city and has chosen Dabi as their target for the rest of their patrol.

He's already turned into several disease-infested alleys and slipped his way through dingy warehouses where a small cluster of druggies were preparing some weed to smoke (Dabi actually managed to swipe a little bag or two of the stuff and shove it into one of his hidden pockets on the inside of his coat as he tumbled past them at a slightly panicked pace; maybe he could have a bit when he gets back to the bar. The high usually helps to distract him from any scars that are bothering him), and he is now attempting to worm his way into an underground fighting ring solely through his sly words and amazing charm alone.

It works, just not in the way he was hoping.

So now he's standing at the entrance of said fighting club, and he's been told that the only way he'll be able to leave without warrants for his death is if he fights. He takes a deep breath, knowing that he has little to no time to decide. But then his answer is chosen for him as the scowling face of the hero shoves their way through the crowd lined up to enter the club.

"Fine! Let me in already, asshole." With a sneer on his face, Dabi hisses at the bouncer, his eyes tracking the rapidly approaching hero in the crowd. The bouncer steps aside and lets him pass, throwing a gruff "Enjoy your night," in Dabi's direction, and as he does, another stranger guides him through the back hallways, listing rules and people that Dabi needs to be aware of.

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