24. Pluto and Proserpine

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From the moment after the meeting, Olympus was on fire. Zeus- the king of the Gods- had been disabled. And not even by a worthy opponent; he was incapacitated by his daughter. Kore was beloved, not for strength, but for entirely the opposite reason. The sweet little goddess of spring had not only taken down Zeus, but was also now betrothed to Hades.

All the while, the impending groom was oblivious to the frivolities on Olympus. He had far more important things to worry about; such as the cracks in Tartarus. The titan prison was located under the lands of Sicily, which was lain over the giant Typhoeus. Hades feared the movement happening in Tartarus would rouse the sleeping giant and bring about the Apocalypse. Getting on his black chariot guided by black horses, Hades left the underworld to see if there were any cracks top side.

While everyone else was busy hunting down the runaway goddesses, Aphrodite was rather enjoying recent events. She was lounging in her castle at Eryx when who should cross her sight other than Hades himself. Aphrodite rested her chin on the ledge as she gazed at him, her laugh catching her son's attention.

"What's so funny?" Cupid asked as he joined his mother.

''Do you see him there?" Aphrodite pointed out Hades.

Eros leaned over and saw what she was looking at. "Lord Hades? I've never found him funny," he involuntarily shivered.

"Poor man, busy working while his little brother binds his fate."

"Again? What did Zeus do this time?"

"He's betrothed him to Kore!"

Cupid simply mused as he sipped his wine. "Has anyone told Kori the good news?"

"Good news? Why should that be good news to her?"

"Why not? She's only been in love with him for forever," Cupid casually dropped important information.

Aphrodite turned with a gasp, shocked at the new information she was hearing. "And no one thought to tell me?! The actual goddess of love?!"

"Sorry," Cupid shrugged again. "It was just some insignificant conversation between Kore and I."

"Well, given the recent prophecy, I should think that's the most vital information today!" She turned back to look outside, finding Hades resting on the ground. Aphrodite smirked as a wicked idea came to her. "Do you know if he loves her back?"

Eros glared at her. "Mother, I'm only best friends with the goddess of spring, not the god of the underworld."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes and sat beside her son, taking him into confidence. "Right, right. And, you do care about your best friend, don't you, Eros?"

Cupid gave his mother a cautious side eye. "Of course!"

"Wouldn't she appreciate if the object of her affection loved her back?" Aphrodite batted her eyelashes at him with a pouty look on her face.

"...I suppose."

"And notice!" Aphrodite jumped up with enthusiasm. "You've conquered the gods and Zeus himself. Even the the lords of the sea, and their very king, who rules them. Why is the underworld spared? Why not extend your mother's kingdom and your own? We are talking of a third part of the world!" Aphrodite was on fire. "Imagine: the divided brothers three fight for rule over all the world, while we would have it already!"

She turned to her son to find him lost in staring at her, and she jumped back into her seat beside him. "Eros," she held his shoulders, "my child, my hands and weapons, my power. Won't you help your mother-and along with, your friend- and aim your keenest arrow at the heart of the gravest of them all? Two birds, one arrow!" She waggled her brows at him, making him see the benefits for himself.

"Alright..." Eros stood up shakily as he reached for his quiver. "But I don't want a kingdom from you," he looked at her sternly, reminding her of what he personally wanted from her.

Aphrodite sighed aloud. "Fine, fine. You have my blessing to be with your little butterfly. Now hurry up before he leaves!" She joined him, and helped him pick out his most potent arrow of the lot.

Cupid, the god of desire, aimed his weapon at the unassuming God of the Underworld, hitting true to aim, of course. The arrow burrowed deep inside his heart before Hades could even rouse from sleep and notice.

Aphrodite jumped with glee. "Alright! Good job, then!" She patted him and began walking back inside. Eros put down his bow and rushed after her. "Not so fast! We still need to talk about Psyche..."

In their refuge, Kore and Demeter were not alone. They were joined by nymphs and swans, who sang many songs to cheer up the disheartened goddesses. The winds blew light, providing them a cool breeze as the trees surrounding them protected them from the harsh sun at noon. To keep herself entertained and cheer up her mother, Kori challenged the nymphs to pick the most flowers.

The girls ran through the purpled fields, each trying to outdo the other. Kore was picking flowers in a distant field when the ground erupted, and black horses leading a black chariot emerged near her. Cyane-the nymph nearby- shrieked, but Kore was overjoyed. She was looking forward to cry her woes to Aidoneus.

Hades descended and, without thinking, Kore ran to him. "Oh Hades! I missed you!" She cried, hugging him. Hades rather roughly pried her away by her head so he could look at her, but Kori didn't notice. "Oh thank Styx you're here! I can't tell you what I've been through! Would you believe Zeus's gone-"

Before she could finish, Hades roughly pulled her head back closer, kissing her. While normally she would have been overjoyed, Kore had more important things to talk about. She resisted against his mouth, and had to push against his chest to get away.

Hades breathed hard as if he had been offended. "Come, we're leaving," he cupped her face and informed her.

Kori smiled nervously as she placed her hands on his, intending to pry him off. "Without a beat, my love, any day. But mother-"

Hades's one hand went to her arm and his other slipped to her neck. He gripped her throat tight, enough to worry her. "I didn't ask your mother. I am telling you, and I am taking you with me." He pulled her by the arm, guiding her to his chariot.

Kori failingly attempted to pull his hand off. "Have all the gods gone mad!? Hades, release me!" Kori shouted against him, hitting his arm to make him let go. As she struggled in his single handed grip, Hades yanked her forward and tossed her over his shoulder as he headed back to his chariot. Kori's scarf fell as she smacked and wailed against his back to little effect.

This all happened in front of Cyane, the water nymph. She saw Kori be tossed into the black chariot and ran at Hades, blocking his way with wide arms before he could get into his ride. "No! Go no further, Hades! You cannot take Demeter's child by force!"

Hades scoffed and grabbed the nymph's arm and tossed her aside, making her fall on the ground. The girl cried so broken heartedly, she became one with her tears and made a pool where she had stood. Hades hadn't paid a second's worth more of attention and got on, opening a portal to the underworld as he took his bride home.

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