18. A Whole New World

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Kori had fallen asleep after talking with Hestia, and this time woke up alone. She got off the bed and walked around the room, but this time kept her hands to herself. Kori went over to the window, white with frost. As she looked in closer, she found that each piece had its own shape; all of them fitting like a puzzle. Kori had never seen anything like it before.

Pulling herself away from the window, Kori went out of the bedroom. The hallway was dimly lit from fire torches hanging along the walls, casting a blue color over the room. Luckily, there was light at the end of the tunnel, and Kori quickly went in. Immediately she felt embarrassed having run in, as the room wasn't unoccupied.

"Good to see you running about," Hades said as he looked over his scroll.

"Oh! Lord Hades!" Kori regained her manners and curtseyed. "I didn't expect anyone else here."

"Well, you'd taken over my bedroom..." Hades raised a suggestive brow.

Kori grew tired of apologies and boldly went closer into the room.

"Well if it was an issue, you could have kicked me out," Kori said as she sat on the next sofa.

"Oh, it wasn't an issue," Hades sipped his hot drink, "now you'll just owe me one."  

"On top of you saving my life."

"We'll just start a tab!" He winked.

"What are you reading?" Kore pointed her gaze at the scroll in his lap.

"Oh, this?" He lifted the item, "A legend. One of the authors in Elysian sent it."

"May I see it?" Kori asked, and he gave it to her.

She could see it, but she couldn't make sense of a single thing. Hades laughed at her struggle.

"They're Elysian letters. I don't suppose they teach those at Olympus."

"A pity, really. Can you read me it?" Kori jumped off her seat and sat next to Hades, not noticing how close.

Hades coughed nervously and took the scroll back.

"Alright, then." And he began reading her the story of Allerleirauh.

"... A wondrous beast is lying in the hollow tree; we have never before seen one like it. Its skin is fur of a thousand different kinds, but it is lying asleep...

"... Then she ran into her den, washed herself quickly, and took out of the nut the dress which was as silvery as the moon, and put it on. Then she went up and was like a princess, and the King stepped forward to meet her, and rejoiced to see her once more, and as the dance was just beginning they danced it together...

"...But the King said, "Thou art my dear bride, and we will never more part from each other." Thereupon the marriage was solemnized, and they lived happily until their death. That's the end of it."

Kori sighed. "Could you imagine how beautiful it must have been? Dancing in gold one day, and in silver next?"

Hades looked her over.

"Well, the dress you're wearing now isn't too terrible."

Kori jumped off the seat, offended.

"Not too terrible?" She flared her skirts. "It's gorgeous. It'd be quite a shame if I didn't get to dance in it." She stopped spinning to look at Hades.

The god of the dead took the hint and got off his seat. He folded one hand behind his back and offered her the other.

"May I have this dance?" He smiled cheekily.

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