19. The Exchange

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The flying carpet exited the Underworld, zooming through the skies on its way to Paros Island. It took them right up to Kori's balcony, folding into descending stairs to let her down. Hades offered Kori a hand, helping her down onto the floor.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asked as the carpet straightened out again.

Hades scoffed at her Innocent inquiry.

"I am no one to stop you, Kori. But next time, perhaps in less... life threatening circumstances, yeah?"

Kori giggled at his subtle reminder of how many times he'd saved her life.

"If I won't get in trouble, how will I make you come visit me?"

Hades smirked and drew a knuckle down her face.

"You don't need to put your life in peril for me to come see you."

Lights turned off inside the castle, reminding the two lovebirds to say goodbye.

Hades took her fingers in his hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Sleep well, princess," and the carpet sank away.

"Goodnight, my handsome prince." Kori said to herself as she draped over the balcony wall.

Once he was completely out of sight, Kori finally went inside.

"Mother? Mother, I'm back!" Kori called out as she ran through her room.

Demeter, hearing her daughter's Voice, woke up and ran towards Kori.

"Kori?! Is that you, my love?"

Kori met her mother halfway down the stairs. Demeter quickly engulfed her in a hug, not able to bear separation for a second more.

"Let me look at you!" Demeter pulled away, cuppug her face. "Let me touch you. I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Kori laughed through her tears, "yes mother, it's me. Your Kori."

Demeter tugged Kori closer, peppering her face with kisses.

"Where did you go?! Why would you leave your mother like so?"

Kori pulled away and wiped her tears. She took her time to think of her response as she found a step to sit on.

"I... I ran away with Hermes. But it was my fault," she defended him quick, "You mustn't say anything to him. And then I got lost, and pricked my finger on a thorn and fainted. But Aunt Hessy found me and returned me home."

Demeter smiled at the end at the story and pushed Kori's hair out of her face.

"You two have grown quite close recently, haven't you? You and Hestia?"

"Mhmm," Kori responded, but Hestia was far from her thoughts.

''Anywho, quite the adventure you've had my love. Are you tired? Or hungry?"

"Starved, I'd say!"

Demeter laughed and kissed her head.

''Alright, let's get you some dinner."

In the morning, Kori woke up rested, but uncomfortable. It felt as if there had been a pea under her bed all night. Her own bed, which she'd had for as long as she'd been on Paros, just didn't feel like hers anymore. Sighing at the frustration of not being able to do anything about it, Kori got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Since she hadn't been expecting guests, Kori had only bothered to put on her robes. No one could have imagined her embarrassment as she walked into the dining room where mother sat with a friend.

''A-Artemis!" Kori exclaimed as she hastened to make herself look more presentable.

"Good morning, Kori. Gave us quite the trouble the last few days!" Artemis greeted her as she sipped her tea.

"Yes. Um, sorry about that. I didn't think it'd get so out of hand." Kori replied as she awkwardly took a seat.

"This has made me consider some other setting for you, Kori." Demeter began, passing a tray of food to Kori.

Kori was thrilled inside. She could finally be free of Paros and return to Olympus. Be with her friends and have the freedom to do whatever she pleased.

Demeter smiled watching the happiness glow on her daughter's face.

"I think it should please you to learn you'll be returning to Olympus with Artemis."

"Oh, mother! Truly? You'll let me go back?" She grabbed her mother's hand in excitement.

"Of course!" Demeter squeezed her hand, "Artemis has agreed to accept you in her society of eternal maidens."

Kori was thrown off. "S-society of eternal maidens?"

"Mhmm. And you can go with her today!"

The balloon of joy growing in her heart burst into a million pieces. But, as long as she was away from mother, she could figure out a way.

''I would love to! Allow me some time to prepare and we shall leave, yes?"

Artemis nodded.

"Fantastic!" Kori quickly finished her breakfast and ran back upstairs to grab her things.

She ran back down with her things, and impatiently waited for Artemis to get going. Demeter held her back for as long as she could, but eventually the sisters went off in Artemis's chariot.

Once back at Olympus, Artemis took her straight to the sorority house. She assigned Kori a room, and after the younger one had dropped off her things, took her to meet the other girls. Kori spent three days with the society, pretending to be happy as she participated in their activities, before her sister finally noticed. Artemis invited Kori to her room to have a talk.

"So, I've noticed you're not wholeheartedly invested in the society, Kori. Anything I can do to make your time better? After all, it is a life long commitment."

Kori fiddled her fingers, not knowing how to answer. She saw the earnest look on Artemis's face and sighed.

"C-can I be honest?"

Artemis nodded.

"I'm only here to be away from Paros. But I'm sure if mother found out I wasn't here, she'd take me back!"

"I see. Hmm, I'm sure we can find a way to do something that works for you both. What is something you would be interested in?"

"Um... I still have to think about that," she laughed nervously, "but I don't think this group is for me. Nothing against you!" She added quickly, "I just don't think I would really hold true to the one thing this society is for."

It took Artemis a short minute to pick up on what her younger sister was meaning to say.

"Ah, I see. Well, if you don't plan on staying an eternal virgin, then this really isn't the place for you."

Artemis leaned back in her chair in thought.

"Although, this leaves you no choice but to enter the herram."

Kori got a bit too excited, and Artemis noticed.

"Aright!" Artemis said, a laugh in her voice, "I suppose I can talk to Hera. Meanwhile, we have to find a way to deceive your mother."

They arranged to have another girl look as identical to Kori as possible. Kori taught her everything to make it as believable as possible, so when and if Demeter ever dropped by, she would find "Kori" there. And Kori could ask the pauper for information to stay alert. Meanwhile, the real Kori prepped to transfer into Hera's society.

Hera welcomed Kori in with the next group, so they could all get oriented. She told the girls the rules, what to expect, and how the girls had to willingly be open to receiving graphic and sometimes hands on lessons.

Kori was one of the few who were excited. She was looking forward to learning many and everything. So when once she was an expert, he wouldn't look to anyone else.

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