25. Mania

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"No! Release me this instant!" Kore woke the dead with her screaming, and all the other residents of the underworld. Charon saw the black chariot flying overhead and raced towards the castle. Thanatos and Hecate also exited their respective chambers to see what the commotion was.

The car landed outside the black palace and Hades again dragged Kori out and held her under his arm as he stormed inside. Eos exchanged looks with Hecate as Hades walked by them with a screaming Kore. "Oh styx!" they swore and ran after Hades.

Hades went towards his room but Hecate and Eos blocked his way. "My lord! You're not in your senses!" the witch revealed.

"Get out of my way, witches!" Hades growled, attempting to push past them. They resisted and managed to shove him back. He stumbled back, but would've easily recovered if Thanatos hadn't punched him across the face, making Hades finally release Kore.

"Eos, get the princess out of here!" Thanatos ordered and Dawn didn't need to be told twice. She quickly grabbed Kore's arm and lead her to the twins' room.

Hades saw her leaving and got up to chase after, but Thanatos held him back, dragging him to his room. "My lord! You've gone insane!"

"Yes! For her! Release me now Thanatos or suffer my wrath!" Hades struggled.

"He's been struck by desire," Hecate explained as more Underworlders joined them.

Hades growled and grumbled and the god of death required help holding him down.

"I'll need to dispel the damn arrow from him. Lie him down!" Hecate ordered.

Hades resisted being put down while many deities held him. Eventually, Thanatos had to ask Hypnos to put him down. With Hades locked in slumber, it was easier for Hecate to remove the spell he was under.

"Why would the Goddess have done this?" Thanatos asked.

"Haven't you heard? The fates announced Kore is to be his queen."

"Yes, but why should the Olympians have to interfere? He loves the princess already."

Hecate smirked. "I suppose no one told the goddess of Love itself. And it wasn't even a regular arrow; it was one of Eros' most potent ones. Not only did it amplify his emotions, it drove him to mania."

Thanatos chuckled at his friend's misery. ''Ah, love.''

"Which is why you'll new see me do it," Hecate passingly spoke as they left Hades's room.

"Why? Even Hades himself is not free of it. Why should you be any different?"

"Because, Thanatos. The price of love... is grief. I should never think to give anyone else the power to give me grief."

"Do you think his love would make our lord experience sorrow?"

"Oh I'd bet on it. Take tomorrow for example. He'll come to his senses and remember his tyranny of today. Then he'd feel rotten for making Kore afraid of himself and forbid her from seeing him no matter how much he wants to meet her himself."

"Ah, so you are a witch, then. Tell me, then. What's her highness doing right now?"

Eos ran Kore to the twins' room, startling them. Helios was roused from sleep, while Selene just smirked in her mirror.

"Have all the gods gone mad?!" Kore yelled once Eos let her go.

"Isn't a full moon some nights later?" Helios yawned, accusing his sister.

"I didn't do anything...recently," Selene replied smugly. "I guess I shouldn't have told you all those stories."

Selene walked over and sat at the end of the bed, reclining on her forearms as she paid full attention to what was happening before her.

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