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You hear the shuffling around you, but you can't move. 

"Hlin!" you hear someone call over and over, but then something changes as it fades.

"Y/N!" now you hear a new voice and feel someone lightly shaking you. "Come on, wake-up, Y/N!"

Your eyes slowly start to open again, and you focus on the face in front of you, "W...Wanda?!"

"There you are, Mystery! You scared us for a moment," Tony hands you some water in a glass.

You look down at the water and then shake your head, "What?"

Steve stands a few feet away, arms crossed, "You blacked out, after puking in the garbage. Thor and I carried you to the couch."

You take in more of your surroundings, and you see Nat, Thor, and Loki as well, "That's not..." You shake your head again, "We were on Asgard! How are we back at the tower?!"

Thor and Loki exchange a look, "Y/N, we have not traveled to Asgard yet." Thor turns back to you.

You stand-up from the couch, "Yes. We have. I went back to my home, met Frigga and Odin..." 

Wanda places her hand on your forehead, "Sweetie, we were training, and like Steve said, you blacked out after we came upstairs." 

You remove Wanda's hand and scoff.

"You were out for maybe an hour," Tony explains.

That actually causes you to laugh, "No. Sorry, but no." You look around at everyone and land on Thor and Loki, "WE went to Asgard. I...I don't even know how long we were there." You squint, but the anger is starting to build inside of you.

"Y/N..." Thor notices and tries to calm you.

"And STOP calling me that! I have told both of you my Asgardian name while we were IN ASGARD!" you nearly get into Thor's face.

He steps back, "Loki, maybe you can look into Y/N's mind to see if anything is....jumbled?"

Loki nods and moves closer to you, "This will not hurt, Y/N."

You take matching steps, but away from Loki, "NO!" That causes him to stop in his tracks, "Stop! This is not..."

"Y/N...." Loki's jaw slightly clenches.

" don't..." the way Loki is looking at you. It's not...he's not... You sigh, "Loki."

Loki looks from you, then Thor, and everyone has the same confused and worried expressions plastered on their faces.

"I...." there's only one thing you can say that will make Loki understand. "I'm Hlin."

His head whips around back to you and his face goes through about 5 different emotions/expressions in less than 3 seconds, ending with his mouth hanging slightly open, eyes becoming wider and wider.

"Andddd based on your current...reaction, this is clearly something I've said before," you don't understand. Loki, YOUR Loki, knows your name. 

Loki's expression doesn't change.

"Ok, Reindeer Games. You look like you've just seen a ghost, and turned about 50 shades paler than you normally are," Tony now takes a drink.

"Hlin...." Loki finally speaks. "SHOULD be a ghost," Loki swallows. "You're not them," he says quieter, still taking in your appearance. 

"So, what? I made the name up?" you raise and eyebrow.

Loki points, "Whatever it is that you did, it is a lie."

"Why?" your anger begins to slip once more.

"BECAUSE HLIN IS DEAD!" Loki shouts.

The room falls silent.

"Hlin never returned. 100s of years ago. Heimdall could not even find them," the frown on Loki's face gets deeper and deeper.

You fold your arms, "Of course. Because once you're 'dead', you stay that way. You'd be the expert in that area, from what I've hear." You roll your eyes.

Loki's jaw clenches, "Get out."

"Seriously?" your arms drop.

Loki's fists clench at his sides as he slowly steps towards you, "Get. Out!"

You exhale a laugh, "Gladly." You nearly whisper and grit your teeth.

"Lady Hlin..." Thor tries to speak.

"Do NOT speak that name, brother," Loki interrupts him.

"It's alright, Thor," you nod. Loki never turns back around to you, but you speak anyway, "Take all of the time you need..." There's only one last thing you can try, "LOUIE." You say before walking to your room, not even waiting to see a reaction from Loki.

"Why in the realms would they call you Louie? Even I have not called you that in..." Thor half laughs.

Loki looks at the hallway, "...100s of years." He blinks and now shakes his head, "It is nothing but mind tricks. Lies."

Tony steps in, "You've spent the most time with Y/N, training since they've been here. Do you really think they're a liar?"

Loki's brow furrows in thought.

"Plus, you go ON AND ON about being the God of Mischief and Lies. Can't you of all people tell when someone is actually lying?" Nat tilts her head with a smirk.

"You will watch your tongue, spy!" Loki begins walking towards Nat.

Thor grabs ahold of him, "Loki! I think it best if you retire to your chambers."

Loki yanks his arm from Thor, turning to give him a glare. Wordlessly, Loki walks off to his room.


Somehow you got around an hour of sleep, but you packed your bag immediately the next morning. You couldn't stay at the tower. Not right now.

With just your luck though, most of the team is in the kitchen when you try to leave.

"Someone is up early," Wanda takes a sip from her coffee.

"That's for su..." Tony frowns, noticing your bag. "What's with the bag?" Everyone turns to you.

You take a deep breath, "I...can't stay here. It's...." you pause. "It's just...a lot right now." You fight meeting anyone's gaze.

Wanda walks up to you, "Hey. You can talk to us. We're all here for you. What happened when you blacked out?"

You slowly bring your gaze to Wanda's, "Everything." You bite the inside of your lip, "And being here, is a constant reminder of that."

"You're talking about us like we're not real," Tony laughs.

You look past Wanda, at Tony and the others, but remain silent.

"Do you not think that we are real, Lady Y/N?" Thor questions.

You take a second before speaking, "I don't...I just..." You start stepping back to the elevator, unable to form a sentence, "I'll see you all around." The door to the elevator closes and it begins its descent. 

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