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Author's Note: Hi, all! I really meant to update this a few days ago, but a headache and family took priority. Hello as well to all new followers! I am BEYOND honored that over 700 of you have chosen to follow me! It blows my mind daily, and I am forever grateful xx

You slowly begin to stir the next morning, and when you feel the blanket against your bare skin, the memories of everything from last night comes back. Then you feel the cool of Loki's body next to you, "Even with my eyes closed, and still partially asleep, I can tell you're staring at me."

A a little laugh escapes Loki, "Well, waking up with you is not the worst view I've had."

You open one eye, "We have woken up like this before, Charming." Now you shift your head to look at Loki, "Although, this time there seems to be less clothing."

Loki looks down a little and then shifts closer to you, "That does appear to be the case."

Your hand intertwines with Loki's, "Even though I've locked the door with a spell, we should still probably get up." You lean-up on your elbows.

"No thank you," Loki tries to pull you back down to him.

"Somehow i do not see your mother being as amused, if she were to see us this time," you laugh at Loki's attempt.

Loki sighs, "My mother has caught me in more...compromising situations that this." He then sits up, leaning against the headboard.

You stiffen at Loki's words, "Oh, right." Loki's past doesn't really matter to you, but it still hurts just a little, "You've probably had a few oth..." You clear your throat, "You know, I'm just going to uhm, get dressed and see you at breakfast." You stand and pull a shirt over your head.

Loki instantly stands as well, "Hang on. Where are you going?"

You turn, but don't look at Loki directly, "This and all I guess, but I don't want Frigga to come in and see me as another...compromising morni..." You stutter through most of the words, "You know what, never mind."

Now Loki is next to you on the other side of the bed, "Stop. Look at me." 

You bite your tongue, slowly bringing your gaze back to Loki.

Loki has one of the most serious expressions you've ever seen, "You are not another....anything, Hlin. This...WE are not just fun, or...a situation." There's a pause, as Loki searches your eyes, brows furrowing, "Do you want this to be just 'fun'?"

"No!" you say right away and meaning it. "I don't want fun. I Us."

Loki's face turns into a slight grin, "I AM fun, darling."

Time to push some buttons once more, "That stinks then." 

Loki tilts his head, smirk and all.

"Guess we end here, since I don't want fun," you walk around Loki to the door, hiding your laugh.

Loki quickly spins you around, his arms wrapping around you, "Darling, we have simply just begun."

There's less than a second before you both pull the other into a kiss, which not shockingly, lasts longer than a peck.

Loki groans against your lips, "I say we skip breakfast, and stay here." He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Hm. Tempting. Very. But, I do believe I have an offer to accept right after breakfast," you kiss Loki's cheek and leave. 

Loki uses his magic to change his clothes, and is immediately next to you in the hall, "You've chosen to accept the offer of Protectress?!"

"I have," you look at Loki and both share a smile.

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