Come out and play

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genre: smut, pwp, a wee bit of fluff, roommates!au, f2l
summary: The end of finals week means catching up on all the sleep that you lost. With your best friend/roommate/love of your life. In the same bed. Whoops.
warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, dry humping, fingering, hand job, cream pie, spooning, creampie, the l-word
prompt: "I haven't slept in three days, is it that obvious?"

The presence in your doorway only distracts you for half a second before your eyes focused back on the screen before you, fingers pounding the keyboard. After almost two weeks of nothing but textbooks, notes, flashcards, and essays, your final exam week for winter quarter was nearly finished. All you had left was this damn paper on the impact of an isolated economy on technological innovations in Cuba, and you were so close to finishing- only three paragraphs to go.
Finishing up your thought, you turn to look at your roommate and best friend of the past decade, Jimin. The dark circles under his eyes and his messy hair gave away this stress he had also endured over the past two weeks. He looked dead on his feet.
"You look like shit," you smiled.
He rolled his eyes, "I haven't slept in three days, is it that obvious?"
You chuckled and nodded.
"You're welcome to lay down, I'm almost done with this paper."
He accepted your invitation, promptly face planting into your bed. You chuckled and turned back to your ten page Word document.
"Why is your mattress so much comfier than mine?" his muffled voice called from the pillow he had buried his head in.
"Because some of us actually invest in nice things, instead of taking mattresses they found on a street corner."
"Hey! That was one time."
You glanced over at him, and found that, despite the indignation in his voice, he was flashing you the brightest smile. Not just any smile, but the one that you had slowly fallen in love with over the course of your friendship. Not that you would admit that to him, or even yourself for that matter. Oh no, you keep your long sheltered crush on Park Jimin buried deep within the recesses of your soul. Except for times like this when he looked so sweet and domestic that your heart couldn't help skipping a beat. You had long accepted that he would never love you back, at least not romantically, instead settling for the fact that you would at least get to spend the rest of your life by his side as his oldest and closest friend.
It takes you another thirty minutes to complete your paper, along with another ten to briefly edit it, before you're sending it off into the digital void for a grade that you honestly couldn't find the energy to care about. Now that the adrenaline of completing finals was over, you could no longer ignore the absolute exhaust that was weighing on your body. Looking over at the bed, you found that Jimin had passed out completely, a tiny trickle of drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. You smiled softly, and, unable to find it in yourself to wake him and make him go back to his bed, you crawled under the covers beside him. Turning off the light, you closed your eyes and tried to drift to sleep, but found yourself uncomfortably hot.
Most nights, you would forgo pants, the extra bare skin keeping you a comfortable enough temperature in your sweltering apartment. (It was either a lot of heat or no heat, with no inbetween, but hey, at least the rent was cheap.) With Jimin's added body heat, you were far too warm to find the peaceful slumber you so desperately wanted. In a moment of sleep-deprived desperation, you slip off your sweat pants, leaving you in just one of Jimin's tee-shirts and your underwear. It wasn't like Jimin hadn't seen you in your underwear before- living together for two years means you've seen shit and besides, you were under the covers. Before you could think anything more of it, you're fast asleep.
You startled awake a few hours later, and it took you several seconds to figure out why. Your back was now pressed to Jimin's chest, one of his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you close to him. You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck, sending a slight shiver down your spine. But what made you gasp was the feeling of Jimin's very hard dick grinding persistently against your ass.
It wasn't the first time you had experienced Jimin hard. As you said, you've seen some shit, which happens to include the time you had walked in on him about to jerk off, pants around his thighs, hand gripped tightly on the most beautiful dick you've ever seen. You would rather not admit to how many times you had used that image to get yourself off. But this was different, because now he was hard, and he was using you, and fuck, you were starting to get wet. You unconsciously began to grind back on him, your own lust beginning to cloud your judgement.
The word was quiet, but rough in the back of his throat and you froze immediately. A million thoughts shot through your mind, terrified of what was going through his. Before you could dwell on it too long, Jimin's hand found its way under the hem of your shirt, fingers gripping your bare skin, pulling you back into him, before rutting his hips into you with renewed strength.
"J-Jimin?" your voice whimpers out.
"Hmm baby?" his voice was low and raspy, sending heat coursing through you.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm using you to solve the problem you caused, baby girl."
"The problem?"
"Yeah, this problem," he punctuates his words with sharp thrusts against you and you couldn't help the small moan that escaped you.
"Oh you like that, don't you baby?" his voice was low and demanding, "you like that you made me so fucking hard I can't think. Wearing nothing but my tee-shirt and some flimsy ass panties."
As if to make his point, his hand moved from your hip to to teasingly brush your clit through the lace of your underwear, making you whimper and bury your face in the pillow, hips bucking to meet his touch. He chuckled at your reaction, before slipping his hand under the light pink lace to rub gentle circles that had you squeezing your thighs around him. His fingers slipped lower, toying with your folds and your entrance.
"Fuck, you're so wet baby girl, is this all for me?"
You nodded eagerly, desperate for him to slide his fingers into you and relieve the ache that has begun to blossom. His hips were still rutting against your ass and it does all the more to increase the pleasure when he slips two fingers into you, a loud moan falling from your lips. He swears softly at the feeling of your pussy clenching tight around him, and you felt his hips stutter slightly behind you.
"I bet you taste so good princess, like fucking honey."
He began to curl his fingers inside you, the tips just brushing that one spot that makes you soak the sheets beneath you and lose control of the noises you make. Desperate to make him feel as good as he was making you, you reached behind you to slip your hand under the waistband of his sweatpants, pleasantly surprised to find that he had forgone boxers. Despite your knowledge that Jimin had a decently sized dick, it made you feel all the more turned on when your fingers could barely wrap all the way around his length. He met your short strokes with little bucks of his hips, soft moans falling from his lips, mixing with yours. Suddenly he removed his hand from your underwear grabbing yours from around him, stopping your movements.
"I wanna fuck you now, princess. Is that okay?"
"Yes, please fuck me. I need it. I need you," your voice delirious with lust.
You felt him shuffle to push his pants down his thighs just far enough to release his profusely leaking cock, before reaching  between your legs to push your panties to the side. He grabbed his cock, sliding it between your legs a few times, before he pushed the tip inside. You both let out long moans as he slowly sunk into you. You felt so deliciously full in a way that satiated something intangible inside you.
It's then that it hits you. You were having sex, with your best friend, who you have been in love with forever. What this means to him, you have no idea, but the feelings of adoration that you have kept buried inside you come bubbling up as he began to thrust into you softly, arm tightly around you, his face buried in your neck, peppering kisses onto your skin. Tears slowly fell down your face as the emotional rush and extreme pleasure overwhelmed you. You've had your fair share of sex, but you had never felt as complete as you do in this moment, surrounded by him.
"Are you okay, princess?"
Jimin had noticed your tears, and you looked back at him for the first time since this had begun to find a soft look of concern gracing his face.
You nodded, "I'm more than okay," before bring your lips to his, finally kissing him and feeling those stupid, cliches fireworks you had been reading about since you had first picked up a book. His lips were plump and soft as they moved against yours, his thrusts beginning to pick up speed. You broke apart, breathing hard as small moans and pants began filling the room.
"Fuck, baby girl, you're so tight, I don't think I'm gonna last long."
You lost the ability to form words as his hand moved down to play with your clit again. Between the combined pleasure of his tip continuously hitting your g-spot and the figure eights he was drawing on you, a knot was quickly beginning to build within you. Tears flowed  freely down your face as one hand gripped the sheets in desperation, the other his wrist. The messy pace of hips let you know that he was close to.
"Fuck, princess, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna- oh fuck, fuck fuck, I love you."
With two more thrusts, he whined into your neck, hot strings of cum shooting inside you. His words triggered your own orgasm and your pussy clamping down hard as he marked you as his from the inside out. Your vision went white as your body shook and trembled through the most instance high you had ever felt. The two of you laid like that for minutes, before he slowly pulled out of you and you turned around to face him.
His eyes shone with something that looked like home as he took in your appearance.
"I really meant it," his voice was soft and low, his hand grabbing yours and rubbing it with his thumb.
"That I love you."
You stayed silent, your brain desperately trying to process that this was real and not some dream or fantasy.
He continued, "I think I've always loved you, and I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure how. But I guess now you know, and I don't know if you feel the same and if not-"
You cut him off, lips pressing gently against his. His hand immediately reached up to cup the side of your face, pulling you into him. When you pulled back, you couldn't help but giggle at the small, shy smile on the face of the man who just fucked you stupid. The man you loved.
He raised an eyebrow, "what?"
"I love you too, silly."

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