Infatuated pt.1

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Credits: @hobiwonder
Summary: You liked planning ahead. To save your future self some avoidable heartache, you've set your eyes on the golden boy, and your brother Yoongi's best friend, Kim Seokjin. Some may call it an obsession. Your best friend calls it 'picking the wrong guy'. Park Jimin calls it stalking and you just call it infatuation.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, Reader x Seokjin
Genre: Smut, semi-crack (she tried to be funny ://), some angst if you squint. College AU.
Warnings: Oral, dirty talk (nothing too harsh), unprotected sex and copious amounts of saliva bc Jimin is messy.

It was a striking day. Warm rays of sun shining on your face feeling like the sweet kisses you would receive from your grandmother on Christmas. Or maybe what it will feel like when you receive them from Kim Seokjin.


You were sure that kisses from Kim Seokjin would feel better. I mean, he is your crush of _only_ten years. No scratch that. It wasn't a crush anymore. Crush implies ambiguity about your future with him when really, you knew your future was as Mrs Kim Seokjin, beside him as his trophy wife that he would show off at end of the year extravagant parties his family held. But that won't be it though, oh no. By that time, he would be announcing you as the love of his life, the woman behind his success – well, additional success since he was born into an efficacious family business anyway – the one he stupidly still hasn't even stopped seeing as Yoongi's little sister to even ask you out. But! That won't deter you from your task to be Mrs Kim-

"Are you dreaming about having Seokjin hyung's babies again, you psycho?"

The stinging smack of a shirt that had been aimed to your head from behind was one of the worst feelings you would ever want to feel. You glare at the culprit for such a heinous crime, hoping the stare you willed all your anger in to will wound him just as much.

"I think she is. Also, thanks for calling her a psycho, now she's going to rant to me for about 20 minutes to prove that she is_not_a psycho." Sana groaned beside you, picking at the grass you were all sprawling on, watching the beautiful sun setting over the football field.

Well, you'd mostly dragged her with you to watch Seokjin practice for the upcoming game against the rival university. The beautiful sunset was just a bonus you got to enjoy with Seokjin – again, not really but your subconscious needed to mind its own business and let you fantasise in peace. Park Jimin, however, was not invited nor welcome to your moments of serene daydreaming.

"I'm right here you rude ass jerks." Sana pushed up her glasses by pressing to the plastic covering the bridge of her nose, like she always did whenever she said something she knew you weren't going to react well to.

"Also, fuck off you eavesdropping asshole. Don't you have to practice too? You're making Seokjinie work hard all by himself!" Jimin narrowed his eyes at you, staring you down like you'd told him you were better than him at the game he was handpicked for.

You couldn't help the nickname. It always slipped your tongue, almost naturally. Too instinctively. Another sign this was meant to be, you thought with unhindered confidence, ignoring Jimin exchanging looks with Sana who just leant her face on her hand, shrugging to indicate she had no power over your wandering or your plans.

"Seokjinie? Have you completely lost it now, Y/N? Wahh..." he gives an exaggerated clap, to which Sana slightly jumps in alarm like the timid mouse she is.

But it makes you only glare at him harder, "I must say, I thought you going full on loony would be a little more interesting than just a nickname and watching hyung practice."

He feigns deceptive disappointment as you burn a hole into his head with your eyes, if only they had lasers in them. When he turns his gaze to you again, you give him an almost blindingly sweet smile, ready to indulge him before you strangled him.

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