Flames of us

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Pairing: Jimin x Reader

Genre: Chiropractor!AU, Smut, Old Friends.


"and, done!" You shut the screen of your laptop, throwing yourself back against the cushioned office chair. The wheels roll back a bit from the sudden weight.

"Now all I have to do is send this in to my editor-" The doorbell sounds, as it is quickly followed by a loud crash that echoed outside of your door.

You quickly run down the stairs of your two story house that your aunt has been letting you rent out for the past two semesters while she's away in Bora Bora on retirement. The door opens to reveal a smiling young boy that's around your age. His jet-black locks fall Infront of his face, blocking his vision but making a cute look that others would admire. He flashes a shy bunny-toothed smile as his arms swing nervously back and forth while holding his pillow in hand.

"Uh, this is the right place, right?" You glance down, seeing a small suitcase hiding behind his built frame. Smiling, you lean against the door frame while crossing your arms.

"I presume you're Jungkook, correct?" He quickly nods at your question, as his sights travel down to where you'd been looking. The small black shiny little suitcase that had a few Avenger stickers on the front. The navy blue handle attached along with it.

"Yeah. My other stuff is in my car. I just didn't wanna get it all out and find that this is the wrong address.." He shyly smiles, as you widen the door gesturing for him to join you inside. He carefully walks in, admiring the beautiful pieces of artwork your grandmother had gifted your aunt before she died as he makes his way through the house entry.

"Wow.. Is that Italy?" He questions, eyebrows knitting together in focus.

"Sure is. It's a whole set, actually. My aunt got them before my grandma died. They both shared a love for weird stuff but I never really got into it." You lean in close, creating an eerie ambience of silence before whispering in a hushed tone.

"I sometimes actually think it's haunted.." His eyes widen at that. You burst into a small fit of giggles at his cute expression.

"Ah, I'm just teasing you! Nothing here's haunted, promise." You reach your pinky out for him to grab. He hesitates, but soon joins your finger with his own. You pull away, stretching your back while glancing out the front door's big glass window at his tiny packed car.

"So, shall we get started?"


Well one thing's for sure. His personality defiantly didn't match his looks. The black inked tattooed sleeve had cover almost all of his right arm. He had removed his leather jacket a while back to reveal a sleek back T-shirt underneath. His prominent biceps had no trouble in making that 200 pound dresser look easy to lift. If you had one word to describe Jungkook so far, it'd have to be black. He straightens up, as you watch him twist and pop his back before shaking an imaginary chill-like feeling off, getting ready to get back to work. You'd helped him move the small stuff at first. Testing your own rusty strengths with each piece of furniture.

First, it had been the pillows to his bed.

Next, a few boxes full of knickknacks.

Third, his huge box that held all of his gaming equipment. Now, you two had been halfway up the stairs with his bedframe that had been so kindly dropped off by one of his acquaintances by trailer, You'd been leading, and he was supporting.

His black steel bedframe had been a lot different to haul than his measly little nightstand.

"Okay now swing it your way- wait!" You quickly stop, making sure your side doesn't make a dent in his wall. He panics at your sudden voice, and immediately stops.

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