Bets and regrets

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"The awkward game?" You frown at Jimin's game suggestion as you roll over on your bed cover to be on your stomach, allowing yourself to look at Jimin who's sitting on the white beanbag chair by your dresser. You prop your head up by resting your chin on your hands, and your elbows on the bed. You give Jimin a questioning look, indicating that you've never heard of his suggestion. "Is this another one of those drinking games? Jimin, I'm a poor college student. I don't have extra money for hard liquor."
Jimin starts laughing as if what you said is so amusing. He grabs his stomach, closing his eyes and tilting his chin up. "No it's not... well the version I was thinking of doesn't involve drinking." His laughter dies down as he starts speaking.
Your eyes motion him to continue, but just in case he doesn't get the message. "Go on, JimJam. I'm listening."
"Well basically two people have to go closer to each other with a straight face, doing whatever possible to make the other person lose composure. The person who breaks first loses. Usually you play with a lot of people but..."
"But?" You raise an eyebrow.
"But," he continues, "there's only the two of us, meaning we need to add something to the game to make it interesting," he starts, tapping his fingers together in a sinister manner.
"And you're not gonna use alcohol to make it more interesting?" You blink at him.
"No... we can do something else. We can make a bet." A grin curves up on the side of his face.
"A bet?" you repeat his words. "What kind of bet?"
"Hmmm let's see." Jimin puts a finger on his chin and looks around the ceiling as if he's thinking but he already has something in his mind. He's just pretending to think. "If you lose the first round, you have to let me take a photo of you naked in whatever pose I choose."
You sit up on the edge of the bed, placing your palms on either side of your thighs. "And if you lose the first round?" You puff your cheeks, waiting for his response.
He hesitates a little bit. He actually has to think this time. "Then... I'll walk around the dorm hall naked."
You blow a raspberry. "That's not so embarrassing for you. I know you'd love to walk naked in a hallway with only girls' dorms. How about... you walk naked in the hall after I draw on you with Sharpies." You laugh, thinking about all the humiliating things you could possibly ink on his body.
Jimin wiggles his eyebrows with that grin still on his face. "If that's what you want~" he sings. He has complete confidence that he'll win, but then again, so do you.
"Oh wait!" you call out as Jimin stands up from the chair.
He shimmies to where you're sitting on the bed. "Yes, my dear?" he says in a playful voice.
"Best out of three?" you ask, pursing your lips.
He laughs again. "Are we losing confidence in ourselves?"
Jimin put his hands on his hips. "Good," he says with a triumphant smile. "Then we shall have one round and one round only, and you cannot change that after the round is over."
You exhale, standing up, brushing the nonexistent dust of your knees. "Fine, whatever you say, Jimin."
"Yes! Whatever I say!" You roll your eyes at his comment. "Okay." He sounds marginally more serious. "I'm gonna count down from three, and after I say one, we're starting and you can't laugh or even smile after that because if you do, you lose."
You nod. "Got it."
"Okay." He closes his eyes. "Three, two, one!" He opens his eyes and they're cold. They're serious. His gaze seems to pierce yours in a way they've never done before. You didn't know Jimin was capable of looking at you like this. He makes you feel so vulnerable, so naked, just by looking at you. You feel your body shiver, going right down your spine. You try to keep a straight face and so far you can, despite how much you just want to melt right there. He takes a step closer but you freeze. You find yourself unable to move, still petrified by his scrutiny. "What's wrong?" he whispers, his soft voice brushing against your eardrums, making you shiver even more. You open you mouth to respond to his question but no words come out. It's like his very presence constricts your throat, your vocal cords. "Cat got your tongue?" He seals the distance between you two, pressing his body on yours. He caresses your cheek with the back of his fingers, his nails tickling your soft skin.
"M-maybe," you manage to stutter, gawking up at his countenance.
He grabs your hips, pulling his crotch against your stomach. "Why do you look so afraid?" He chuckles evilly. "You shouldn't be. I won't bite you..." he kisses your ear, "if you're a good girl, that is." He runs his fingers through your brown hair, lifting the locks to his nostrils, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and takes a deep breath, kissing and biting the skin. "You smell so good... I wonder if you taste good too~"
A gasp almost escapes your mouth at his actions. You feel your cheeks heating up and you're sure there's a deep red color to them by now. Your heart is thumping loudly in your chest, as if it's trying to break through your ribcage. You can't handle his tantalization any longer. Your bring your hands to his chest and push him back from you. "I can't do this anymore." You look away, embarrassed, covering your face with your hand.
Jimin body-rolls. It's his form of a happy dance. "I knew I'd win. You get too flustered to handle these kind of things. You should've gotten me to do best out of three but it's too late now!" He sticks his tongue out at you.
For a moment, you remember the bet and you hope Jimin has long forgotten about it. Unfortunately, there's no such luck for you.
"So now it's time for you to go through with the bet..." Jimin claps his hands together.
"I g-guess..." You sit down on the bed, trying to figure out how to stall.
"Well what are you waiting for? Strip, my dear." And that saucy smirk of his finds its way to his lips.
You fold your arms over your chest. "Striping for you wasn't part of the bet."
"You need to strip so I can take a naked photo of you," Jimin states the obvious.
"I'll strip in the bathroom and then when I come out, you can take the photo." You don't want Jimin to watch you strip... well more like you don't want to meet stares with Jimin while you uncloth yourself.
Jimin sighs in disappointment. "Fine. I'll let you since I didn't specify how you'd prepare for the photo. Just don't take too long, okay?" he pouts, lying back on the bed.
"I won't, promise!" You go into the bathroom. Good thing your roommate won't be back until the next morning. You don't want her to walk in on... whatever this is. Torture? You look at yourself at the mirror for a good solid minute without even touching your clothes. Now that Jimin can't see you, you can finally stall.
"What's taking so long?" You hear him yell from outside the bathroom.
"I'm having trouble unzipping my dress. Be patient!" you yell back.
"...Do you need me to help you get it off?" Jimin responds with a dance in his voice.
"No, I do not!" you say, firmly. You don't know what's up with Jimin today. Usually he doesn't act like that. Maybe it's that he's just finally showing you his true colors. Maybe he likes you. You shift the latter thought away, thinking it to be impossible. 'No, it can't be. There's no way he likes me like that... we're just friends,' you think. You reach behind your neck to the zipper of your dress. You know if you stall any longer, Jimin will become suspicious. You slide it down, opening out your dress. You let it fall to your feet and you step out of it, leaving yourself in only your underwear. You look in the mirror again as your hands inch behind your back to unclasp your bra. It falls down, forming a pile with your dress. Finally, you grab the sides of your panty, pulling it down to join your bra and dress. You study your naked body and your nose scrunches up. You don't know how you feel about Jimin having his eyes on your bare figure. You take your hair and comb over to the front, letting it cover your body partially. It makes you feel slightly less embarrassed about it.
"If you don't come out in thirty seconds, I'm finding a way in that bathroom!" Jimin screams with impatience, and that's when you know it's your cue to come out. You turn the dial in the doorknob, unlocking the door. You turn the knob slowly, with the kind of patience Jimin currently does not posses. You swing it open just as slowly, hiding your body behind the wooden frame. "Why are you hiding?" he murmurs, but he already knows the answer to his question.
You step toward him timidly, covering your face with both your hands.
"Hey," Jimin says gently, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. "Don't be shy. It's just me."
"...I'll try." You sit down on the bed, slowly peeling your hands off your cheeks. "So how do you... want this photo?"
"Lie down on the bed." he instructs and you plop down on the bed, looking like your body is bound together. He lets out a small chuckle. "No, not like that. You need to spread your legs."
"Like..." you pull your legs apart barely, just like they're a pair of scissors, "this?"
"No, not like that." He grabs your ankles, folding your legs up and pushing them back so that your feet are flat on the bed. He places his palms on your inner thighs and pushes your legs far apart. You can't help but gasp at what he does. "Like this."
"I-Is that i-it?" You're becoming a stuttering mess and you can't look at Jimin at all.
"No... I have more in mind~" He shimmies his shoulders. "Put one of your fingers in your pussy."
"What?" Your jaw drops.
"Yeah... you heard me~ You did agree to any pose I choose."
You sigh. He's right. You did agree to this. "Fine..." You reluctantly place your hand on your crotch, slipping your middle finger along your clit, into your vagina. Your skin pulses, not completely expecting it. "Anything else?"
"Stick your other index finger in your mouth liking you're biting it and look at the camera sexily," Jimin gives his last instructions. You pause for a moment, not saying anything, but eventually you follow through, finishing the pose.
You try to mimic the way Jimin looked at you earlier, attempting to pierce his eyes with yours. You think it works from the satisfied look on his face. "That's right, just like that." He takes his phone out to take a photo of you. He smirks when he looks at the screen, moving the device around to get the perfect angle. "Perfect." He cackles when he finds the right spot. He taps the screen to snap his photo, and oh man do you feel the regret in you. You make a mental note to never let Jimin make bets like this with you again.
Jimin sets his phone down on the bedside table. "That wasn't so bad was it?" he asks, approaching you.
You hug your knees to your chest, not looking at him. "It was pretty bad... but I'll be okay, maybe..."
"I know a good way to distract you." He takes his shirt off, flinging it to the side.
"Do you?" Your face is still covered.
"Yeah." He plays with his belt buckle, letting it make a noise. "Would you like to find out what it is?"
"Maybe... " You uncover your face to see his half naked body right in front of you. You choke on air. Without even realizing it, you reach your hands forward to run them over Jimin's defined body.
"Clearly you like what you see~" he teases you with his words and his body, leaning forward on top of you to give your hands better access to his skin. He grasps your knees and pulls your legs down so that he can go down on you further, propping himself between your legs. He seizes your lips in a heated kiss, making you gasp immediately as he bites your bottom lip. His tongue slides in, tasting your mouth, dancing with your tongue. You begin to feel a pulsing sensation in your clit. It makes you wrap your arms around Jimin's neck to pull him closer to you, wanting more of him. He continues engaging you in the French kiss, trying to leave you as breathless as he did before. You take a deep breath, gasping when he parts your lips to leave trails of kisses along your jaw and on your neck. He kisses your sensitive skin like he's searching for something, and once he finds that particularly sensitive spot, he sucks on the skin, ready to leave his mark on you.
Your hands inch down, feeling his chest and abs again and they rest on his belt buckle. You tug on it, making it slap against your bare body. "You want me?" Jimin whispers in your ear, biting it. "You can have me." He pecks your neck again and kneels, holding your hands against his belt. "Do the honors." You bite your lip as you fumble with it. It takes you a few more motions that usual. You're nervous about it and his growing erection bulging through his bleached jeans isn't helping the situation. Eventually, you get the belt out of the loop, and Jimin grabs the buckle from your hand, yanking it out of his pants to throw aside. He throws his head back and moans as he unbuttons his pants, undoing the zipper as well in a fluid motion. Jimin pushes the denim down his thighs and pulls it off his ankles, not caring about where it goes. Your eyes widen when you see his cock rising freely with the limited restrictions of his boxers. "Don't worry." His eyes fall down your body. "I'll prepare you well."
He hovers over your body again, pressing his lips against your collarbone. His hands grope every curve of your body, going down to massage your thighs. He takes one of your breasts in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the nipple. The action makes you arch your body toward him, wanting to feel his touch more. A loud moan comes from your mouth when Jimin begins to rub your clit with his thumb. You can feel the growing arousal in you by the second. He moves his lips to your other breast, swirling his tongue over it, and he starts to insert fingers into your core, first two to start off easy. He rubs overs your wet folds to tease you to begin and then he starts pumping in and out. After a while, he gets creative with it, scissoring his fingers, making hooks, moving in various motions. His name starts rolling off your tongue with groans of pleasure. You gyrate your hips against his hand, against his touch. He slides two more fingers in you and you try not to scream. He thrusts faster into you, making your sensations ripple in your inner thighs, and when he pulls his hand away, it leaves you with an empty feeling.
"Jimin~" you whine.
"Yes, my dear?" he says every word slowly, in a kind of husky voice you've never heard from him.
"Why'd you stop?"
"Because," he slithers his boxers down his hips, fully revealing his cock, "it's time for the main event." He positions himself between your legs and you moan when you feel the tip at your clit. You reach for his muscular shoulders for support and he keeps his hands on your inner thighs, holding your legs apart. "I hope you're ready for this," he says with confidence. You gasp breathlessly when his length fills your body. Jimin eases into it not to fast but not too slowly either. He starts at a comfortable pace, not wanting to go at full strength right from the start. He wants to build up your anticipation. Your body shakes every time he slams into you, every time his skin slaps against yours. It sounds in the room, joining your moans. As Jimin increases his pace, he pushes your legs further apart and he places your ankles on his shoulders, wanting more access, better access. His thrusts become violent. Jimin overtakes your senses, not letting a single thought go through your mind besides those of him. "You feel so fucking good," he hisses into your chest as he takes nips at your skin.
Your hands reach down his back and your nails dig into his skin when he starts hitting against your spot repeatedly. It's enough to make the feeling of your high build up in your stomach. Jimin starts rubbing your clit again to stimulate you even more. "Oh my God, Park Jimin!" You let out another moan.
"Are you close?" He smirks against your skin, continuing his speed.
"I... I think so," you stutter, but for a different reason this time. Your body jerks against Jimin's when his orgasm comes, spilling inside you, but what truly makes your toes curl is what immediately follows. Your body sizzles when your climax arrives. You throw your head so far back, you can feel your muscles stretch in your neck. Your eyes rolls back in satisfaction, but an empty feeling comes when Jimin pulls himself out of you, lying down next to you on the bed.
He takes a few breaths, trying to refill his body with oxygen once more. "When did you say your roommate it getting back?"
You turn your head to face him, your body still shaking. "Sometime in the morning..."
"Excellent." He grabs onto your sweat covered body, pulling your head into his chest, wrapping his arm around your waist and covering your legs with one of his. "That means I can stay here... and we can stay like this for a while."
You nestle into his hold. "As long as we don't make anymore stupid bets."
He chortles against your hair. "But why not? The last one ended pretty well~"
"Shut up and sleep, Park Jimin." You slap his chest.
"Fine, I'm sleeping, okay? Sheesh."

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