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💕Pairing: Jimin x Reader

✏️Genre/au: Canon, Smut, Long time relationship, Idol x Idol AU 

✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit

⚠️chapter warnings: Explicit smut


You watch him while he unbuttons his shirt, unsure on what to do. This time you feel different. Your mind engraves in flames the lines of his exposed skin at the collarbones, lowering down with every button that loses connection from the other side of the clothes that cover him. Every inch of him defining perfection for you. His face with those sharp yet sweet eyes, the line of his nose to his cute cupid bow and puffy lips. Those lips you so much crave against yours.

No Turning Back
✏️Jimin x Reader🔞
✏️Fluffy, Smutty oneshot
📖WC: 1002
🛑 18+ Due to adult themes and mature content
⚠️Warnings: Oral, mild sex, intercourse ⚠️

"Jimin," You whined when you entered the bedroom, "Get off the floor."

"But, y/n it's comfortable." He pouted.

"Not as comfortable as the bed. Come on. I'll help you up." You offered your hand to him.

"Nope. You're joining me down here." Jimin grabbed your hand and pulled you down on top of him.

"Jimin, we need to get up and get you in bed."

"God, you're beautiful," Jimin said as he brushed your hair out of your face.

"We've both been drinking. Now is not the time for flirty Jimin to appear." You tried to get up, but Jimin held onto you.

"It's true, though, and I wouldn't have had the guts to say that sober." In one swift move, he had you on your back. "Tell me that you don't want me as much as I want you."

"Jimin, you know the answer to that already." You cupped his cheek with your hand. "My feelings for you have never been a secret."

You gasped as you felt his lips kiss your wrist. He looked at your eyes filled with passion. It was too late for you two to turn back now. The flame inside of you had been lit. Jimin slowly lowered his lips to yours. His lips felt just as you had always imagined.

"No turning back now," Jimin said softly as he backed away a little to look at you under him. "I mean it, y/n. If we continue, I'm not letting you go." You reached up and brought your lips back to his.

Want, need, and pleasure shot through both of your bodies with every kiss, touch, and nibble. Jimin's lips moved from yours down to your neck. His hands under your shirt, his grip firm your hips. Your hands roamed the muscles of his upper body. You felt Jimin's hand slide along your thigh as he brought your hips together.

A moan escaped you as Jimin began to rub himself on you. He wrapped his arms around you, scooping you up so that you sat on his lap.

Your legs wrapped around his waist as he removed your shirt. The room was filled with the sound of your heavy breaths and moans. Jimin's lips explored the newly exposed skin of your chest.

You stood up and stepped away from him to remove the rest of your clothes as Jimin looked at you. Taking in every inch of your naked skin. "Bed," You said, a little out of breath as you pointed to the edge of the bed. Jimin stood and removed his clothes. This time it was you who stared, taking in every inch of his body.

You moved back to him, and pressed your bodies back together. Jimin's soft, plump lips were back on yours as he maneuvered both of you to the edge of the bed. He kissed his way down your body as he knelt. Your fingers combed through his hair as your head fell back and moaned his name. The leg that you had just put on the bed so that you could straddle him was being held in his grip. You felt his tongue slide between your lips to taste you. His other hand moved up your body and played with your breast as his mouth explored your folds.

"Jimin.... you're gonna make me..." You lost your ability to speak as the pressure grew inside of you.

"I know." You heard him growl as he adjusted your leg before he returned to his attack. You gripped his hair and cried out his name as you came undone from his mouth.

You quickly pressed your lips to his and lowered yourself onto him. Jimin gripped your hips to guide you. Your nails dug into his back and scalp, his fingers tightened around your hips as he filled you. After a second of adjusting, you start to rock your hips. Once again, the room is filled with the sound of heavy breaths and moans as you ride him. You leaned back away from him some as pleasure shot through your body.

Jimin took one of your nipples into his mouth, sending you closer to euphoria. Feeling both of your bodies need for more, he laid back on the bed and tightened his grip on your hips, his own thrusting harder. It didn't take long for you both to hit your breaking point and scream each other's name in pleasure. You laid on top of him as you kissed his lips and rocked on him until neither one of you could take any more.

Jimin helped you roll off of him, then reached over and grabbed his shirt to clean the both of you up. Once he was sure you had been both cleaned up enough, Jimin placed soft kisses on your lips and chest before he moved you to the top of the bed, making sure you were covered and comfortable.

"I'm going to turn off the lights," he said as he put his underwear on, "Don't you move." He pointed a finger at you, making you laugh.

"Don't worry. I don't think I could if I wanted to." You snuggled further into the pillow and blankets as you watched him. On his way back to the bed, Jimin went to his closet and returned with a shirt.

"As much as I hate to say this, you might want to put this on, just in case someone walks in while we are sleeping." You sat up in bed, causing the blanket to fall from your bare chest. "Yeah, I'm regretting it." You laughed as you took the shirt from his hand and pulled it on over your head.

"So a quick nap and then round two?" You asked as you laid down to face him. Jimin reached over and grabbed your hip and brought your body closer to him.

"I guess that all depends on if we fall asleep," Jimin said with a mischievous grin bringing his lips to yours.


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