Little girl

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If agreeing to your friend's request of going to a campfire in the middle of the woods at twelve midnight wasn't the most horrifying thing someone can do, then you're wrong.
It all started when your closest friend, Hyerin, technically forced you to join her to this 'twelve-midnight campfire' agenda with a couple other people that you hardly ever know.. Hyerin literally begged on her knees, pleading with those stupid puppy eyes that you couldn't help but to say 'yes' to. "Hyerin, I'm just going to be awkward and say nothing. I'll look so stupid and out of place."
"Y/n, my friends are also your friends and—"
"Okay, that's so not true."
"Okay, whatever. Don't worry, all of them are very nice and we'll get along easily! There's nothing to be afraid of," she smiles and shows off her pearly whites, "You'll love them."
Rolling your eyes playfully, you scoff at her, "They better not be shapeshifters like you."
Hyerin smirks, "No comment."
"What the fuck is this place," You whisper, holding your coat jacket closer to your frail body as the cold winds were brushing your skin. Walking even deeper inside the dark, abysmal woods, the forest of tall but thin trees were the only things visible as far as the eye could see. The crinkly sounds of the dry leaves crushing underneath your shoes perceptible as you tried to find a red-orange light anywhere. "Are you sure this is the right way to go?"
"What a dumb question, Y/n. I've been here lots of times." Hyerin chuckles as she intertwines her arm around yours to guide you. "You know? When I'm feeling the need to go for a little run in the woods."
"Hyerin, you scare me sometimes," you say in a soft voice, making her giggle. She pulls you closer to her body as she maneuvers you to the left – and you immediately saw the large fire amid a cleared-out area. Your eyes spotted a girl and four other boys, and your heart immediately pounds hard in your chest. With only the feeble light of the full moon above you, you couldn't see their faces clearly. They appeared to be already in a deep conversation as they were sat on a huge tree trunk.
"There they are," Hyerin says as she walked faster, dragging you along with her. You felt your heart jump when one of the boys looked directly at your eyes, and you feel your face burning. You couldn't even see his face that clearly. The boy said something to the group and it made the rest of them look at the both of you, smiles painting on their faces.
"Hyerin!" the girl was the first one to stand up and greet the two of you. "This is Y/n, Y/n, she's Solji."
You greeted her politely, going in a little hug. "If you don't mind me asking...are you a doe too?"
Solji laughs, tipping her head back as she places her hands on her stomach. You laughed along with her awkwardly, furrowing your eyebrows as the question of "Why was that funny?" crossed your mind. She places a hand on your left shoulder, "Yes, I am. Gosh, didn't Hyerin tell you?"
You look at your best friend with a glare and looked back at Solji, shaking your head, "No. She just said 'no comment'."
Solji emits a chuckle and turns around to look at the group of people behind her. "Over here," she starts, "we have three other shapeshifters. But don't be afraid, one's a normal human being just like you."
Your eyes expand at her words, feeling bewildered. You immediately scanned the group of people and suddenly all of her words made sense. You felt Hyerin place her hand on your shoulder, "Y/n, they won't hurt you," she snickers, "They won't hurt such a delicate and cute little human like you." You slap her hand away from her words, "Shut it, Hyerin." You have never met any other shapeshifters before besides Hyerin, and you didn't know how others behaved.
"They're not like that, Y/n. Promise you." Hyerin says comfortingly and you finally calmed down a little. Solji motions you to come with her and all three of you walk closer to the crowd. "Guys, meet Y/n."
Their heads instantly whip to your direction and you felt your cheeks blush from all of the eyes on you. "Hello," one of the four boys stands up for a handshake, "I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you." You notice how his eyes sparkled, his smile looked bright and authentic. You obviously weren't good at analyzing who's a shapeshifter or a human being, but Hoseok definitely looked pretty normal to you. You shake his hand back with a polite smile.
"Guys, don't be rude and introduce yourselves to Y/n." he turns around to the other boys and one of them – a tall and well-built man stands up from his seat on the log and walks over to you with a confident strut.
"Jungkook, nice to meet you." He simply smiles, and his grip on your hand was firm and strong. "N-Nice to meet you too." You mentally slapped yourself for stuttering, but you couldn't help it. You heard him let out a heavy sigh that made you crease your brows at him. "Do you already know that...uh, that we are—"
"Shapeshifters?" You cut him off, and Jungkook only nods at you with a little smile.
"Yeah. I'm glad you knew. I'm a bear, by the way."
A bear? A fucking bear? You were about to retort an answer but he was quicker to continue his words.
"That's Seokjin over there—" he points to a very tall, bright and energized looking guy. Seokjin smiles at you kindly and nods once, "He's an owl."
You let out a little giggle "Looks like one," you mutter.
Jungkook furrows his brows down at you, "Is that an insult? Anyway... This," he directs to another man who was leaning forward on his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. He looked very laid back and relaxed, his jet black hair parted in the middle to show his eyebrows. "His name is Jimin. He's a vampire."
"A vampire?!"
Maybe you said that a little too loud, and Jimin's head immediately whips at your direction. The moment his eyes locks on yours, you felt your body tingle at the weird and unfamiliar sensation it brought you. The sudden cold wind brushed your face and you involuntarily shivered. His look was so firm on yours, unwavering. He kept his eyes on yours and you can't help but think if he's the one controlling everything. But then again – you know nothing about vampires.
"Hyerin didn't tell you?" Jungkook asks as he cocks his head to the side. Your eyes never looked away from Jimin's, even though you wanted to. His eyes were dark, looking at you deeply with such intensity that you couldn't escape. It made you nervous, thinking that he might be doing something to your body or to your mind that you didn't know.
"S-She," you took a deep breath, "She told me nothing."
"Oh," Jungkook shrugs, "Oh well. Now you know!" He shouts with a big smile on his face. He drags you to the circle and invites you to sit beside him. You politely smile at whoever eyes you meet, trying to find a comfortable spot on the rough wood. You were sat in between Jungkook and Hyerin while the others sat on their own logs. After the weird little occurrence between you and Jimin, you fought your hardest not to make eye contact with him any further.
"So, Y/n, what do you shift into?" Seokjin asks you genuinely, leaning his body forward. His big and round eyes looking at you innocently. You heard Hyerin chuckle beside you, shaking her head.
"She's mortal."
Jimin's deep and sultry voice spoke unexpectedly, and all heads turn towards him. He wasn't looking at anyone, instead he was playing with his fingers, head hung low. You swallow the heavy ball that formed on your throat, heart beating faster once again. How does he know? Jimin's aura was quite something; he was giving off some rather mystifying and peculiar vibes. But underneath all that, you felt intimidated. His dark irises were the most captivating and intense pairs you've ever laid your eyes upon.
"She is?" Seokjin says, "How do you know that?"
How do I know that?
Vampires can figure out anything about a person with just a smell of their blood. We know if a person has shapeshifting abilities or not. We can recognize how one feels, emotions, and comprehension in the easiest of ways. Y/n – in this case – radiates such a true and natural vitality. She smelled so good¸ and I haven't sensed anyone this untainted and unadulterated in my whole life. Y/n, that girl, seemed so pure, and the blood in my veins boils because of it.
Shrugging my shoulders simply to Seokjin, I replied, "Just felt it."
I couldn't help but lock eyes with Y/n again – just the way how she always seemed so nervous, how her cute and big eyes grow wide made me insane. It was insane how a simple girl can make me feel that way, yet I don't even know who she is.
I wish I could come closer to her, to smell her, to feel her – but I knew that it would be too much, right?
Noticing how Y/n forces a little smile, I felt my heart jump. She was so adorable. She was still trying to fight her tense little persona in front of her, and all I wanted to do is to comfort her, tell her that there's nothing to be afraid of. But she's too afraid of me. Too intimidated.
"I don't have a clue how Hyerin persuaded you to join us. You look absolutely terrified right now." Solji exclaimed to Y/n, which lead to Hoseok slapping her forearm with creased eyebrows.
"Well," Y/n coughs to fix her voice, "It's sort of hard to say no when she's literally begging on her knees."
"Not the first time she's in that position," Hoseok grins knowingly, which lead everyone to cackle in their seats. I turn to look at Y/n, and instantly notice the blush forming on her cheeks. My lips form into a smirk, eyeing how she sits so properly, hands playing with the fabric of her leggings while her head hung low. She looked so out of place, so dangerous for a sweet, little girl like her.
"Hoseok, shut up. Y/n doesn't like hearing these sort of things..." Hyerin attempts to make her feel better but Y/n just feels bad.
The girl shakes her head side to side, "No, no, it's alright," she exclaims, "I'm old enough."
I chuckle at her words and suddenly find the courage to speak up. I nod my head to her direction, tilting my chin up, "Then how old are you, little girl?"
The petname made Y/n go red, and I could feel how she was getting shy. I wasn't really intending to call her that, but the little nickname just slipped past my lips. It was involuntary, and she looked very youthful.
"M-My age?"
I snicker at the way she stutters. She was startled to speak, I can tell.
"I...just turned eighteen."
All the blood inside me instantly shoots down to my core, feeling my cock twitch beneath the skinny jeans that I was wearing. "Fuck," I mutter, pulling my head low so no one could notice. I was always attracted to those who had such a pure aspect, and she was still so young. Innocence was just an internal desire, and it makes me want more from her. It always turned me on how one can easily corrupt themselves and give away their innocence to someone else. How someone can completely lose their control and let their partner handle them in whichever way they want.
Somehow, young ones were more fun to play with. More fun to chase. Y/n exuded such a fragile aura that makes me want to hold her still in my hands, take care of her, let her know who's in charge. Yet, there's this feeling where I just want to bend her over a table and spank her cute ass until it's all red with my handprint, wanting to punish her, to degrade her for being so naughty for a vampire like me. I'd imagine how tight she would be, already knowing that her past fucks weren't as good as a girl like her deserves.
Damn, what is she doing to me?
Did I say something wrong?
You thought as soon as you saw Jimin lowering his head down. Still, you tried to shrug the thought aside and let yourself calm down. You still weren't over the fact that he called you 'little girl', and you feel like you won't. The petname somehow struck something inside you, and you couldn't explain what it was.
The evening went out nicely, the other boys were pretty kind to you as they tried to keep a conversation going. They got to know you a little bit better, how you became friends with Hyerin, how you reacted, and all that without looking at Jimin. You would often notice observe how Jimin would run his hands through his thick hair, or how he'd lean forward on his elbows. They were such simple actions but he made it look so alluring to not notice.
"Hyerin..." you whispered, tugging on her sleeves. She turns to you with a raised brow.
"I badly need to pee."
All of the muscles in her face tense from your words, and you see her clenching her jaw. Your foot tapped repeatedly on the ground, panicking.
You shouldn't have drowned all those bottles of water earlier.
"Just go hide here in the woods." She said a matter of factly, and as if it was just such a simple task. Her voice was a bit too loud as she intended it to be, and a few other heads turned to the both of you.
"She wants to go to the toilet?" Solji asks, and you felt your face blush in deep red. Mouth opening to reply, but Hyerin was faster. "Mhm. I told her she can just pee on plants, it's a good thing."
"She isn't a doe like you, Hyerin."
"She acts like one."
"Is that a compliment?" You butted in, but Hyerin shushes you.
Solji fills her mouth with a handful of popcorn that someone has brought, munching as she speaks, "There's a little cabin somewhere, it has a working toilet."
"It's too far from here, she's gonna pee her pants." Hoseok says who was apparently listening attentively to the conversation. You groan in annoyance as you stomped your feet on the soil, your bladder getting weaker and weaker every second.
"Do you want me to take her there?" The familiar deep and sultry voice speaks, and your head instantly flips to his direction with creased brows.
"Yes!" "No!"
You and Hyerin both say at the same time, and you both look at each other with a confused look.
"Y/n, he can take you to the cabin in a speed of light. You're either gonna go with Jimin or you'll have to pee your pants."
Jimin smirks to himself as he sees you contemplating whether to go with him or not. But you feel like you were about to burst in any second, so you agree.
"Okay, okay, I'll go with him."
Solji and Hyerin sighs in relief and Jimin swiftly stands up. You gulp, walking to his direction.
Jimin makes a 'come here' motion with his index finger and you simply oblige. He places his right hand on your back and was about to crouch down, but you stop him. "A-Are you sure you can carry me?"
Jimin lets out a deep chuckle which resonated all throughout your body, sending electrifying shots. Instead of replying, he continues his interrupted scheme and lifts you up swiftly, bridal style. You blink rapidly when Jimin sends you a wink, biting his lip teasingly. You wanted to feel disgusted at his rude actions, but you were rather turned on. Some of the black strands of his hair fell down on his forehead, which gave him a very seductive and hot look. He holds you without any difficulty, your body feeling like a sack of feathers. You nervously wrapped your arms around his neck, not knowing if he was okay with it until he nods, reassuring you. You gulped the knot forming in your throat.
"H-How fast can you—"
Before you could even finish your sentence, the surroundings around you immediately turned blurry, feeling a cold gush of wind hitting your body with such force. It felt like all the blood in your body was gone as you shivered. You didn't feel nor see anything, not until three seconds later and you were in front of a brown cabin.
Jimin settles you down but you stumble on your feet, losing your balance for a moment. He was quick to place his hands firmly on your waist, preventing you to fall. "Hey, hey, you alright?" he rasps, looking straight at your eyes. Something about his firm grip on your body made you feel so tiny around him. It was such a stern and domineering hold which ignited a fire in your stomach. You forced a smile, "Y-Yeah."
Jimin smiles, eyes turning into little crescents as he motions you to go inside the cabin with one hand.
"Can you hold my coat?" You ask with a small voice which made him chuckle. Jimin thought you sounded so adorable, crossing his arms together as one hand played with his bottom lip.
"Of course." He simply states and smiles, shrugging your coat off and handing it to him. He hung the clothing on his left arm as he watches you walk inside the shed. It didn't have a door, and you immediately saw a lot of dusty tools, metal scraps and wooden planks all over the place. There was a large wooden table which had an empty flower pot placed randomly on one side which you furrow your brows to.
Nevertheless, you walk towards the other side where there was a separate room (that thankfully has a door) and you spot the toilet, quickly rushing to relieve yourself. Whether it was a clean toilet or not, you didn't care – because you'd rather sit on a few bacteria rather than have a huge wet spot soaking your leggings.
"Thank god," you sigh once you were finished, walking out of the little room to find Jimin fiddling with your coat. He was holding onto it so tightly, almost bringing the fabric up to his nose. He lets out an involuntary groan from the sweet and candy-like scent, his eyes almost closing shut.
You were not gonna lie, but the sight turned you on. The action looked so goddamn filthy and that it made your core tingle. Jimin can sense your presence, of course he did, and he looked up to meet your wide eyes with a smirk forming his luscious lips.
"Do even fucking know how good you smell?"
You would've understood that question just like any other normal human would be, and you took it as a simple compliment. You tilt your head to the side, "Well, thank you, Jimin." The man in front of you chuckles, looking down at the dusty wooden floors as he shakes his head in disbelief.
Ofcourse you wouldn't get that.
"What are you doing to me, baby?" You faintly hear him say beneath his breath and before you knew it, he was pressing his whole body against your own, towering his height over you. You gasped at how fast it all happened at once, heart beating very fast when Jimin takes your chin with one hand to force it upwards. His eyes suddenly turned into a deep-black color, clouded with hunger and desire.
"Precious, cute little girl you are," he growls, his tone a lot lower than before, "You dirve me fucking crazy." Jimin lowers his head and nears it on the crook of your neck as he places a sweet and tender kiss on your soft skin. You shiver at his touch, and he smirks when he sees the goosebumps appearing on your skin. "You turn me on so much, Y/n. The things I want to do to your body..." he trails off and his hands lower to your waist, pulling your body even closer to his. He was now firmly pressed against you, and you were almost holding your breath.
You didn't know what to feel, though. You were nervous because hell – he was still a vampire – and he could probably kill you at any time he wants. You were also turned on because of his words and his hot aura, the way he was presenting himself to you with such a dominating quality. His hot breath was fanning your face, and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as each second pass.
"I-I...I didn't do anything, though." You mumble but you immediately felt electricity running through your veins when Jimin releases a degrading chuckle, making you blush. He runs a hand through your messy hair, but suddenly grips it tightly that causes you to gasp and your head is tilted back. Your core tingled at his rough action, your soaking underwear was making you uncomfortable. 
"You give off such an innocent and sweet vibe, baby. I get so horny whenever you're near." He grows the last sentence and you gulp, trying to look at him with big eyes. "I know how wet you are, baby. I know that you're so turned on right now, you love how I talk dirty to you, huh?" he asks with a stern tone and you instantly nod.
"Words, my little girl."
"Y-yes, I love it."
Jimin tsk-ed and releases the hold he has on your hair. He places your coat on the table behind you and grabs your body to roughly push you against the cabin's wall. You release a soft 'oof', and he takes your hands to trap it against the wood. He was being so rough with you – and you loved it.
His lips were teasingly brushing against yours as you felt him press his hips on you. You felt his hard member against your lower stomach, causing you to moan softly. Smirking, he was slowly grinding his hard-on against you as he analyzes your reactions. You bite your lip to prevent yourself from moaning, but Jimin releases your hands to grip your jaw. "Moan for me, baby. C'mon, don't be shy," he mocks, his sinister smirk growing larger.
Jimin grinds even harder and you finally let yourself loose, moaning and whining for him. You close your eyes shut as you let him control you. "Look at you, fuck," he mumbles, "I'm not even doing much and here you are, whining for me."
Without warning he rips himself off of you and pushes you to the table. He gave a firm push on your upper back, making you bend over the table. He suddenly lands a spank on your right ass cheek, causing you to whimper. "I fucking love it when you whimper," he spanks you again, and you hold yourself up on your forearms as you close your eyes tightly. The cruel sound resonated throughout the small room, and it was making you drip.
Jimin chuckles, "You like that?" He spanks you even harder than before, not having any mercy. "My little girl loves being spanked, huh? Who would've known that a girl like you could be so fucking twisted." 
He pulls your leggings down and he releases a guttural moan when he sees how wet you are for him. You were soaking your panties, and he couldn't help but to take a deep inhale of you. "Fucking shit," he groans and spanks your already red butt once again, "practically dripping for Daddy."
Your stomach did triple axels and thousands of backflips at that word. It was always a fantasy of you to call someone Daddy, and today may be the blessed day.
"Only for you, Daddy," you purposely whimpered in the hottest way that you can, obviously teasing him.
He lands another hit to your cheek accompanied by a groan, "You love teasing Daddy, don't you?" he chuckles. "I'm gonna eat that wet fucking cunt of yours, got it little girl?"
"O-Okay, Daddy."
Jimin kneels down and he was now eye-level with your heat. He releases a deep sigh and palms his throbbing dick to relieve some pleasure. You smelled so sweet, and it was messing with his senses. He didn't wasn't any more time and pulls your panties down to reveal your glistening lips.
"Fuck," he rumbles as he takes two fingers to separate your puckering labia, letting your juices drip further down your slick. The cold touch of his fingers made you quiver from excitement, and you involuntarily pushed your hips backward for more. Jimin snickers at your attempt and uses both hands to massage your behind. "Hmm," he spanks you sharply, making you gasp, "you're so wet, baby. Do you want my tongue on that cute little pussy?" he asks and slaps you again when you don't answer fast enough.
"O-okay, okay. I want your tongue so bad, Daddy."
"That's what Daddy likes to hear, little girl."
Jimin leans in to lick a bold stripe from your clit and up to your entrance, collecting your sweet juices in his mouth. His eyebrows were furrowed from how blissful you tasted, like candy-water on his tongue. Jimin feels his dick twitch in his pants – begging for attention.
"Sweet cunt, I can eat you all night." He groans and leans in again, this time sucking on your clit while giving it little kitten licks. You felt so overwhelmed, you feel like your head was about to explode in pleasure. You tried to hold onto something on the table but failed miserably and you only scratched your nails on the old, dusty wood.
Jimin all of the sudden prods the tip of his tongue inside your hole, and you almost burst then and there. "A-ah, please..." you whisper in need, biting your lip harshly when he inches the muscle further and further until you were shaking. Jimin removes his tongue for two seconds before pushing it all back it as his hand flew up to toy with your clit. All of the sensations were too much for you to handle at once as his sinful tongue keeps punishing your entrance. He had no mercy, he like a man on a mission. His tongue swirled around your slick and sucked on your clit until he brought you near an orgasm.
"D-Daddy, I think I'm gonna cum..." you said brokenly, eyebrows creased and your mouth hangs open in pleasure.
"Yeah? Wanna cum on my mouth like the good little girl you are, hmm?" he mutters as his fingers furiously rubbed on your clit. "Gonna let Daddy get a taste of you?"
You nod immediately, "Yes, yes, please..." you mewled, and Jimin grins. "Cum."
Your walls frantically clenched as your cum spilled out of you. Jimin wastes no time to catch your cum on his mouth, lavishing you on his tongue. He growls as he continues sucking and licking your sensitive heat. He finally stands up after cleaning you up with a smirk and flips you around. With great strength, he lifts your body up the table and you lay down on it. The way how Jimin handled you with such roughness made you blush. You liked it.
"You're such a naughty, naughty little girl aren't you, baby?" he mutters as he leans his head closer to you. His plump lips glistening in your wetness was making you clench around nothing. His words truly were affecting you, and he knows that you like it. "Do you want me to continue, hmm? Would you let me have you, y/n?"
You nodded your head, clearly being impatient, "Yes. I wan' it Daddy..." you breathed out. He smiles evilly and proceeds to unbutton his pants. The sight you had in front of you was making you drool, and he kept his eyes on yours. His eyes, those deep irises that always lit a fire inside of you was making your breath hitch. He removes his shirt away, too, and you gawk at his neatly-toned stomach. He had such a thin waistline that looked so fucking hot, and your hands were craving to run it all over his abs.
"Daddy's not going to remove your shirt, baby, it'll be too cold."
"But Daddy, I can handle it..." you whine, but Jimin only shakes his head and tuts. He takes both hands to grope your covered breasts, and your nipples grew harder than it was before. You whimper quietly at the action. "Listen to me, little girl. Or else you'll be in great trouble..." his voice deepens on the last sentence as a warning, making you gulp and immediately obey him.
He finally pulls his underwear down, his long and hard dick springing out with a bounce. You verbally moan at the sight, wanting to cum for a second time then and there. Jimin chortles as he wraps his hand around the shaft, teasingly stroking it as he looks at your reaction. You lick your lips when you see him spreading his precum, using it as lubrication. The view was too much to fucking handle. His other arm reaches up to comb his jet-black hair back, while the other one kept stroking his cock. You knew he was doing this to get you more riled up.
"Please..." you mewl, getting so desperate for his cock. You've never felt so eager before, and he was messing with your mind. "Please fuck me..."
Jimin smirks as he tilts one eyebrow up at you, "Really? You want me?" he taunts while stepping forward to just lightly brush the tip of his dick against your throbbing hole, making you squirm. "How bad do you want me?"
You groan in annoyance yet Jimin only chuckles. "Words. Daddy needs to hear those words, little girl."
"Please please please, Daddy. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fill me up, I want it so bad. Please...I'll be a good girl for you. Only yours..." You couldn't believe that those words really came out of your own mouth. Yet you didn't care, you couldn't think of anything else but to have Jimin dick you down in this small, dusty wooden cabin.
"That's what I like." He groans, and finally enters you carefully. Inch by inch, you were already a moaning mess beneath him.
"Thaaaat's it. That's my good fucking girl," he growls with creased eyebrows. You were so tight yet so wet that he had no trouble in entering you. Your walls were clenching sporadically around him, and Jimin didn't waste any time and started to thrust hard and deep inside of you.
"O-ohh, Da-ddy," you whimpered, clawing at his back for support. He had the table shifting on the floor which made your whole body rock back and forth.
"Who would've known a cute, preserved-looking girl like you would let a vampire fuck her tight little pussy, huh?" he snarls as he keeps going faster and harder, making your eyes roll back from the pleasure. Suddenly, his hand reaches up to wrap around your jugular, and you almost came at that moment. The way he held your throat so possessively and so firmly caused you to whimper, looking straight into his orbs. "Oh, you like that, huh?" he smirks as he tightens his grip just a little bit, making you gasp.
Jimin was astonished that you didn't even react weirdly to his little action, thinking that you'd be uncomfortable. But you handled everything he gave you like a champ. You looked so cute underneath him as he pounded into you, a whimpering and moaning mess. You tugged on his hair as he fastens his thrusts in an inhumane pace, and you instantly felt the knot in your stomach for the second time.
"Mmnggf, Daddy...I'm so close," you whined and Jimin's mouth came in contact to your lips, kissing you tenderly. You feel your body and mind about to burst from all of the overwhelming sensations that he was giving you, yet you loved each second of it.
"I know, baby, I can feel it," he grunts when you tighten your walls around him, "Wanna cum on my cock little girl? C'mon, I know you can do it." He removes his hand around your neck and instead lowers it down to reach for your clit, rubbing it just the way you liked it. Your body quivered as you arched your back from the addicting and blissful feeling, shutting your eyes tight. "Come for Daddy."
And with that, you released your load around his cock. Your walls were spasming intensely, making Jimin release an animalistic growl. "Goddamn, baby," he mutters as your orgasm kept going, "such a good girl."
Jimin catches his high as well and pulls away, pumping his cock several times until his cum spurted into your lower belly. Jimin threw his head back in pleasure, his abs flexing as he was breathing heavily. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and his chest was moist, and both of you looked fucked up. Literally.
After you both calmed down, Jimin reaches for his underwear and pants and pulls it back up. He helps you get dressed too, assisting you in putting your coat back on. He turns you around with a smile on his face, pressing a kiss on your lips. He pulls your body closer to him, "You did so well for me, Y/n," he nuzzles his face on the crook of your neck and he smells you once again. You smelled even better than before if that's even possible. "So, so good."
You giggle at his remarks and you push his face away, "You were amazing too, Daddy, the best I've ever had."
Jimin raises a brow up at your sentence, "The best you'll only have, baby."
His words surprised you. Did that mean...
"Anywho, let's go? They're probably waiting for us."
You disregarded the thoughts you were having from his earlier statement and instead you nod your head. "Yeah, let's go."
"There you guys are! Holy fuck," Hyerin yells as she sees the two of you in her sight, making everyone turn their heads. Jimin lays you back down on the ground with a little smirk on his face.
"It's been two and a half hours, where have you been?" Solji asks, standing up as she walks over to you and Jimin. Solji creases her brows when she sees you blushing, and Jimin with that shit-eating grin on his face. "Odd," she tilts her head to the side, "I sense something odd with the two of you."
Hyerin stands up as well and approaches you with a concerned look, "Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay, don't worry."
Neither the less, Hyerin shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, what took the two of you so long? We were already eating smores without you."
"Did Jimin lose his vampire abilities? Maybe they had to walk back." Jungkook laughs with a mouthful of smores, making his cheeks look puffy and full. Jimin rolls his eyes at the youngest, "I didn't."
"Then why—"
Solji suddenly comes closer to you and takes an inhale, raising her brows right after, "Y/n smells like sex."
Everyone, besides you and Jimin, releases a teasing satisfactory sound. Your face immediately goes red, covering your face in your hands. You felt Jimin's arm snaking around your waist and tugs your close to him. Jimin lowers his head down to press a kiss on top of your head in front of everyone. He had no shame at all.
"Well, Jimin, you like her?" Seokjin asks with a smirk.
Jimin locks eyes with you affectionately and flashes a genuine smile, "I do. A lot."

𝓟𝓳𝓶 𝓼𝓶𝓾𝓽 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now