Makeup artist

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Pairing- Jimin x reader
Genre- smut, dominating!Jimin, fem!reader, established friendship/work relationship, makeup play?
Warning-smut, dominating, oral sex, fem!receiving
Word count-1,956
Summary-You landed a job as Jimin's makeup artist and his good boy persona gives you a run for your money.
"Do I make you nervous?"

Jimin looked up at you as you blended some blush on his cheeks lightly, you hadn't noticed how much your hands were shaking.

You had been Jimin's new makeup artist for the new tour. For the past few weeks you had been proving yourself to the team time and time again.

When you spent time with Jimin doing his makeup for the promotional material, he was so friendly and welcoming; this continued and eventually you two came to have inside jokes but something about him still made you nervous.

"No. Not at all." You responded steadily.

You watched as Jimin continued to stare into your soul as you continued with the makeup. The way he looked up at you while you patted rouge lightly on his lips was making it difficult to focus.

Suddenly, the shout from one of the management team members summoning your idol broke the oddly building tension. In a way, saving you.

"Thanks for your hard work. I'll be seeing you later," Jimin spoke fondly.

You watched as Jimin stood up and winked at you before proudly walking off to where he was being asked. He looked better than ever. If that was even possible. His hair was dyed a fresh pink that he managed to pull off as if it was natural and he seemed refreshed compared to when you first met him.

Watching him as you put away your supplies you felt your eyes constantly roam over the shirt that hugged his toned arms and torso, then the leather pants that hugged his even more toned butt and thighs.

As if feeling your eyes burning into him he turned around briefly and wagged his brows in a playful manner that just about sent you flying into the vanity behind you.


"My apologies, Jimin had an earlier appointment today so as you know missed his makeup test run for the wardrobe change during the set switch."

You nodded as your supervisor spoke.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you but you'll need to stay after tonight and meet with him a little later and get this done. We have to make sure the performance is done right for this tour. Send me a picture of his final look so I can log it."

You took in the words. It wasn't like you had anything to do anyways. Your new job was what your life was now devoted to, even if you did had some free time this evening it wouldn't be exploring the sights of Tokyo; it'd be passed out in your hotel bed from exhaustion.

You waited for Jimin watching the clock get closer and closer to 8 pm.

The hair and makeup room was dead silent, everyone else had went back to the hotel or went out for a quick beer and dinner.

Just you were left.

You and Jimin.

It was just three days before the concert, a lot was resting on everyone's shoulders.

"Don't look too excited for me."

You quickly look up and lock eyes with Jimin, he's smiling in a seductive way that makes your stomach turn in knots. 

He was wearing a loose black button down shirt; unbuttoned lazily to expose some of his chest, a pair of black jeans that did little to hide any imagination and his usual Chelsea boots. The way he walked on his way over to you did something to your heart.

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