Peaches and cream

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pairing: jimin x reader / word count: 9.1k / genre: smut (NSFW, 18+)
summary: you wouldn't mind your cute neighbour being such a shameless fuckboy if a) the walls weren't so thin and b) he didn't seem intent on adding you as another notch in his bedpost.
but there's only so much you can resist park jimin, especially once he gets that peach involved.
warnings: sexually explicit content, Jimin being completely shameless/a lowkey ho, messy peach eating, mentions of masturbation, oral sex (m + f receiving), overstimulation, protected sex, multiple orgasms (f), dirty talk and some cursing, hmm I think that's it?

It's official. Park Jimin is the neighbour from hell.
He'd tricked you, to start with. With those cherubic features, those doe eyes, and his cute little smile? He looks like an angel. A sweet, innocent angel, one who'd knocked shyly on your door and presented you with a small selection of chocolates when he'd moved into the apartment next to yours. Your heart had gone boom boom at the sight of that cute smile, the slip of teeth, the way his lovely face had scrunched up.
Nowadays, whenever you see that face, you want to punch it.
Well. Not punch it. Maybe slap it a little. Because Park Jimin is a fiend.
Your studio apartment is cheap for many reasons. The plumbing is creaky and the heating isn't exactly great but those are small sacrifices for such low rent—ones you're willing to make. Creaking doesn't bother you and throw blankets exist for a reason, right? You get a balcony and a parking spot, which is more than you can say for a lot of other places in this price range, so you'll take the negatives for these positives.
But you'd give up all the things you love about this cheap flat for some sound proofing.
Because Park Jimin fucks.
A lot.
He'd been nothing but lovely for the first few weeks. You'd barely been aware of his existence, minus when you could hear him in the bathroom—your flats are mirrored, rooms sharing walls, so you'd been washing your face when you'd heard his shower start up and then the sound of his dulcet tones drifting through the wall. That had actually been really nice; Jimin can hit some high notes, and it had been a pleasant backdrop as you'd cleansed your face. It had been another bullet point you'd added to the list of things you thought were cute about him (along with his face, his laugh, his smile), and you'd stupidly started to develop a tiny little crush on this boy-next-door, thinking him some soft, kind thing.
But then he'd started to have people over.
You've lost count of how many days you've had to listen to the moans and gasps that echo through your walls. You can't escape from it. As a freelance programmer, you're pretty much always working from home, so it's not like you can get away from the sounds of pleasure that shudder through Jimin's flat and into your own.
It's never consistent, either. There's not a single hour of the day that's off limits to Park Jimin. Morning, afternoon, night; the boy is always ready to go, apparently. And judging from the sounds through the walls? He never leaves anyone unsatisfied either.
Which, like, fine. People fuck. You get it. You're not judging. You just wish it wasn't so loud. You have to sleep, for God's sake. But it's not like you can knock on a new neighbour's door and be like hey, I appreciate you have an incredibly active sex life, but can you keep it down, please?
So you'd bit your tongue. You'd gritted your teeth to bear it. You'd still smile at Jimin if you ever passed in the hallway, acknowledged him with a small nod, exchanged pleasantries, all the neighbourly stuff that you'd do with anyone. You'd just invested in some good earplugs and thought that was it.
And then Jimin had started doing his morning yoga routine outside.
You start each day with a cup of tea on your balcony, watering your hydrangeas and enjoying the dawn sun that lifts up over the horizon alongside your plants. It's a small, singular moment of quiet in an otherwise dull day and you treasure that serenity.
Well. Treasured. Past tense. Because Jimin has invaded this part of your life, too.
The first time Jimin had unrolled his yoga mat on the balcony adjacent to yours, he'd been dressed in a deceptively unassuming outfit—a loose white t-shirt and leggings that hugged every inch of his calves and thighs and shapely ass, which you had pointedly Not Looked At. He'd tilted his head at you with a smug little smile flickering at the edge of his lips, and when he'd greeted you good morning, you'd responded in turn, even if you were still annoyed at how he'd interrupted your afternoon nap the day before with the sound of his headboard smacking into the wall repeatedly. You were still fairly new neighbours and you still felt like you had to be polite, even if he was starting to fray your nerves.
And then he'd started to bend.
Now, you'll be the first to admit that you don't know much about yoga. But you'd swear Jimin was choosing poses that did the utmost to display his flexibility, the flex of his muscles and twist of his limbs, balancing his body on his arms before easing into a pose that had him bent in two, head towards his toes—and with how he had his back to you this meant you got full glimpse of his ass, straining against his leggings, the way his loose shirt slipped up his body to reveal the lines of his stomach and chest, how his face was still twisted into that little smirk even if it was upside down.
Staring at you.
You'd promptly stopped watering your hydrangeas and walked inside your flat, shutting the sliding door behind you.
Jimin is relentless.
He's pretty and he knows it. All that shy, new-kid-on-the-block innocence he'd had initially is completely gone, and all he does is flirt, flirt, flirt. He winks at you. Stands a little too close whenever you talk. Lets his eyes flicker down to your lips, trail over every inch of you, lashes fluttering when he catches you watching, unashamed and unabashed. He frequently just... hangs around on his balcony. Not topless, no, but he may as well be, his thotty muscle tees doing nothing to hide him from your eyes.
(The worst thing, though, is when you catch him unawares. When he's tired and clearly not expecting you to be awake, too, his eyes sleepy and his hair ruffled; a little vulnerable, a lot softer than he usually presents himself. Curled up on the small seat on his balcony with a hot drink in his hand, phone in the other, his screen throwing blue-tinted light over the easing lines of his features.
You wish Jimin was like that all the time. But the second he sees you, his eyes flicker, and his brows lift, and his mouth curls, and once again you rue the day you had a fuckboy move in next door to you.)
It's not that Jimin isn't hot. It's not that you wouldn't fuck him, either. But you have no interest in being some sort of convenient hook-up for him, purely there by circumstance, fate, whatever you want to call it. You dread to think of him sending you haha wyd x texts whenever he feels like having sex and you just happen to be nearby. So you weather all of his obvious come-ons and swerve him something chronic, even if he seems intent on making his attraction to you obvious.
You've been managing it for months. But as time goes on, your patience wears thinner and thinner, an atom-thick layer of fortitude the only thing keeping you from grabbing Park Jimin and kissing him and/or killing him. It doesn't help that you haven't fucked for a while now, and you're reminded of this every time you hear another pornstar moan through the wall (the people Jimin brings home seem to like hamming it up for effect), every time you see another mosaic of hickeys laid across the column of Jimin's gorgeous throat, every time you see the way his yoga outfits do nothing to protect the delicious shape of his body from your eyes.
You dig your fingers into your palms. It's fine. It's okay. You can handle Park Jimin and his overt sexual energy, oozing out of him almost every second of every day.
It's a little harder to handle how he still seems sweet despite his fuckboy nature. How he picks your parcels up for you. How he lets you use his laundry detergent when you run out. How he lets you keep food in his fridge when yours breaks down and you have to wait for a replacement. How he sheds that fuckboy facade whenever it seems like you genuinely need help, how you've heard his soft phone calls through the wall, to his friends, his family, sweet and kind and supportive.
Park Jimin is a multi-dimensional being, for sure, and maybe you sometimes wish he was actually genuinely interested in you as a person and not as a lay, so you could peel back those layers to the lovely core at the centre of his being.
But it's fine. You can handle this stupid yearning and pining. You can handle the knowledge that Park Jimin is a genuine gentleman who just happens to like fucking, is open in his desire for it, and is apparently Very Good at it. It's difficult, but you can do it.
You can do it.
The date you set up with someone from Tinder ends up being disappointing and lacklustre. You'd escaped before dessert, unable to put up with one more second of this asshole going on and on about stocks, and investments, and trading, or whatever, cursing the day you'd decided to swipe on him. You're so sick of your luck (or lack thereof) with guys. (At least the food had been nice.)
Of course Jimin sees you schlepping your way back into your apartment, disappointment obvious in the line of your shoulders and lips; it doesn't take a genius to clock your date outfit, cute as it is, makeup and hair soft. But the night has barely begun and here you are, stepping back into your flat. Alone.
"Bad date?" Jimin asks, voice gentle, and you just snort.
"Just like the rest of them," you reply with a small sigh, before shutting your door quietly behind you, missing the look on your neighbour's face.
Jimin, to his credit, eases off after this. You're not sure if it's due to a misplaced sense of pity or something, but even if he still smiles and flirts lightly with you, it's less... salacious. Still there, still obvious, just a little softer. You hate how this has you feeling grateful towards him, because he's still got so many fuckboy tendencies that it should outweigh this gentler side of his flirtation, but your traitorous heart still goes gooey every time Jimin smiles at you.
But then.
But then.
There's that fucking peach.
You're just chilling on your balcony, sipping at a glass of lemonade in the warmth of the afternoon when you hear Jimin's door sliding open. You flick your eyes over at the sound, watching the way Jimin slips out onto his own balcony, how he throws something up in the air and catches it with ease, a flick of the wrist, a curl of the fingers each time he catches it again.
He hasn't had any fuckbuddies over for a while. A few weeks, almost a month. It's the longest Jimin's gone without having sex for as long as he's started having people over and you'd been sort of concerned. Which, yeah, you know it sounds super weird when you think about it, especially considering how much you complain about Jimin to your friends—help, my fuckboy neighbour hasn't fucked anyone in nearly a month so I'm worried if his dick has fallen off or something.
(Well, actually, you know his dick is still attached, based off the little gasps and moans he lets out whenever he pleasures himself in lieu of fucking someone else. You'll take this secret to the grave but those noises that Jimin lets out have been the melody you use to reach your own peaks, although you're a lot quieter than he is whenever you touch yourself, biting your lip and muffling the wet sounds of your fingers thrusting into your cunt under layers of blankets. You'd never give Jimin the satisfaction of knowing that the mental image of him fucking into his fist and cumming over his stomach and chest is what throws you over your own edge, toe-curling orgasms that shake through your body in time with Jimin's own.)
Anyway. He looks loose limbed and relaxed when he saunters into view, utterly unsurprised by your presence behind your window box of hydrangeas, giving you his usual, sultry smile.
He's started to ramp up his flirtations again. This smirk is one which you've learned not to respond to. You just stare levelly back at him, unimpressed as you start to water your flowers, which does nothing to dissuade him. It never does. He clearly revels in the challenge.
Jimin keeps his eyes locked with yours as he lifts his hand to his lips. You catch a glimpse of what he was throwing and catching—a ripe, flush peach, tiny droplets of water shimmering on its fuzz, freshly washed.
And then he starts to eat it.
The peach yields immediately to the press of his teeth. Juice bursts out of its softness, running down his lips, his chin; he makes no moves to wipe it away, the lewd sound of his slurps as he curls his tongue into the fruit, messy and sweet.
It's shameless. He's shameless. His gaze is unwavering as he stares at you, his mouth glistening with the peach's juices, the only sound the wet smack of his lips and tongue as he licks up the honeyed liquid that drips from his skin, curving around the fruit as he swallows, Adam's apple bobbing.
Water's been trickling from your small can onto the hydrangeas, cascading over the plants; the soil is waterlogged now, but you haven't noticed, fixated on the way Jimin is looking at you as he wantonly eats out this peach.
Drip drip, goes the watering can.
Drip drip, goes the peach.
By the time there's nothing more than the pit in his hand, Jimin is a mess. His fingers and mouth and chin shine with peach juice, eyes dark and heavy as he watches the way you drink the sight of him in, the way his tongue slowly drags over his full lips, catching the sweetness that lingers.
The second he puts his tongue to his fingers to get the stickiness on them, that's it. You watch the way he sucks his fingers into his mouth and promptly put the watering can down and turn on your heel to walk inside, slamming the balcony door shut behind you.
You're done. You're only human. You've spent months with Jimin parading himself in front of you, seen the way he contorts his body every morning in an unnecessarily complex sun salutation, listened to the way his voice rises when he cums; the peach is the metaphorical cherry on top, and you're just. Over. It.
You hammer your palms against your neighbour's door, rap-rap-rapping on the wood, your blood rising and your heart thudding in your chest, every part of you tense, wound up, pent up. The door swings open to reveal Jimin, his chin still slick with sweet peach, lips curling up in a self-satisfied smile when he sees you.
"Park Jimin." Your voice shakes and you hate yourself for it, hate the way Jimin's eyes glitter at the sound, the little hitch in your breath. "You are a fucking menace, you know that?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," he says. He leans against the doorframe, effortlessly gorgeous, hip cocked, head tilted. He lifts his hand, and there's a heavy moment of tension as you watch him slowly swipe a thumb over the last remnant of juice on his chin, before his tongue lolls out of his mouth and he licks the final taste of peach from his fingers.
When you grab hold of his collar his expression shifts from something coy into something far more self satisfied, months of his brazen come-ons finally culminating in this—you, shoving him backwards into his apartment, kicking the door shut behind you.
"I swear," you say. "I swear to God—"
"You swear? I can think of better things you could be doing with your mouth," Jimin says, and then laughs when you scowl at him. "Damn, you're so hot when you're mad."
"You are infuriating," you bite out, and Jimin just laughs again, his whole body shaking, every part of him still loose and relaxed even as you continue to tighten your grip on his clothing, feeling every motion of his body under your hands. You hate how pretty he is, even now, utterly unafraid of your frustration—the brightness of his eyes and his smile, that undercurrent to it all, the way his hands slide so smoothly around your waist, your hips, sliding down to grope at your ass.
"I know," he agrees, still giggling, and then he kisses you.
Jimin dives straight in, no holds barred, and you immediately melt into putty under his touch. He lets out a hum of satisfaction into your mouth as your hands go lax and slide down his chest. You can still taste the peach on his lips, his tongue, licking into his mouth.
You've thought about this mouth more times than you'd like to admit: the full swell of his lips, the little curve of his cupid's bow, how it'd feel pressed against your own, and honestly? It's so much better than you'd let yourself imagine it to be.
He nips at your bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue, and you bite off a gasp when he pulls you forward, grinding against you. You shudder. Jimin's mouth is a pleased curve against your own before he pulls away, murmuring in your ear in a voice that's equal parts sultry and sweet.
"That's it," he murmurs, kissing the sensitive skin of your jaw just under your earlobe, making you shiver. "Just relax. You're always so tense."
"Maybe that's because my neighbour keeps me up all night," you say, but your voice is weak, no strength behind your words, breath stolen out of you at the way Jimin starts to trail his lips down your neck, across your throat. "I find that constantly getting my sleep interrupted—oh, oh—"
Jimin sucks at the hollow of your neck, the delicate skin there so sensitive to his touch, the warmth of his lips magnified, every nerve ending alight with pleasure. Your hands have slid into his hair and you unintentionally tighten your grasp, fingers tugging at his dark locks, and Jimin bares his teeth against your skin.
It's maybe a little embarrassing how wet you are just from a little making out. But after months of Jimin teasing you and putting you on edge, coupled with how long it's been since you've had sex? You're allowed to be a little desperate. All the small frustrations you were about to voice die on your tongue, slipping away from you as Jimin starts to walk you backwards with a confidence that shows just how often he's done this—leading people to his bed, never taking his hands off you.
By the time Jimin eases you to lie down, you feel breathless. He hovers above you with that satisfied smile flickering at the edge of his lips, taking in the sight of you, finally underneath him—lips kiss swollen, exquisite, all the sharp words on your tongue softened and gone, goosebumps trailing down your skin. You tug at his collar, which catches him off guard; he sways forward and almost hits his face against yours, but before he can spend too long looking smug at your desperation you capture his lips again. You melt into the mattress, hooking a foot over his calf and revelling in the weight of him between your legs, your hips flush, and how hard he's getting through those stupidly tight leggings of his.
When he grinds against you, the outline of his cock pressed up against your cunt, an embarrassing whine leaves your lips and trembles against Jimin's own. Jimin goes still before pulling away from the open-mouthed kiss and when you see the expression on his face you slap a hand over your mouth, burning with shame.
"Oh." He sounds delighted. "You're noisy, huh?"
"Shut up," you say, though your words are muffled against your palm. He grinds down again, a slow and deep roll of his hips that lets you feel how hard he is, and a noise shudders out the back of your throat, audible around your hand.
"It's hot." There's that little smirk on Jimin's lovely lips, every inch of him dripping self confidence. He knows how you're entirely at his mercy, in spite of your words; your voice is weak. "You're normally so quiet."
"Some of us try to be considerate and think about our neighbours."
Jimin just smiles, pulling your hand away from your mouth before gently kissing your palm, a motion that's surprisingly tender and makes you pause.
"Trust me." His voice is low. "I do think about my neighbour."
Your breath hitches when he slides his free hand under your shirt, trailing his fingers over the softness of your stomach. He pulls the fabric up, letting his gaze rove over the bared skin. The way Jimin looks at you makes you feel like you're the only woman in the world, like he's never seen anyone prettier.
You wonder if he looks at his other fuckbuddies like this.
The thought slides away from you as Jimin dips his head and starts to kiss your throat again. You tilt your head back as his lips trail across the soft skin, his hands coming to rest under your breasts, contained as they are by your bra; once he coaxes you to sit up, it only takes him a few moments to strip your upper body, kneeling between your spread legs as he starts to trail his hands over the parts of you that are now bared to him.
"Pretty," he says. You'd roll your eyes if he didn't sound so reverent, and also if you weren't distracted by the way he flicks his thumbs over your hardening nipples, your core clenching as he does, biting your lip to stop yourself from making a sound. A frown flits across Jimin's face and he lifts one of those thumbs away from your breast, dragging your lip away from your teeth, letting his grasp linger so your lips are parted. "Don't do that. I've been waiting for months to hear you properly."
Before you can reply, he kisses you again, licking into your mouth and swallowing down the noise you make when he drags his hand between the valley of your breasts, down your stomach and settling between your legs, running his fingers over your cunt, the feeling dulled by layers of fabric even though he presses with intent. Your hips jolt at the sensation, and Jimin repeats the motion, dragging the fabric across your flushed lips.
"Jimin." Your voice is a gasp against his mouth, and you can't keep the pleading out of your tone, desperation bleeding into every letter of your words. "Please."
He just hums, sounding pleased, and a breath of surprise escapes you as he pushes you back against the pillows. He wastes no time in getting to his prize, drawing a scattered constellation of kisses that trail across your chest, your nipples, your stomach, the line of your hip bones as you lift up so he can pull your shorts and underwear off. You're entirely naked underneath him, bare and wet, cunt flushed and shining, and Jimin groans at the sight.
"Look at you," he murmurs, fingers digging into your thighs as he pulls your legs wider. Your cheeks burn as Jimin stares at your pussy, but you can't help but feel a pulse of self-satisfaction at the visible twitch of his cock in his stupid yoga leggings. "You're so wet."
You should probably feel embarrassed, but by now you've thrown all your previous inhibition to the winds. You've ended up somewhere you'd privately sworn you were never going to—in Park Jimin's bed, leaned up against his pillows, laid out for him to touch and take and have, every inch of you desperate for it. There's nothing in your brain or body but arousal and need. So instead of letting out a snip of a remark you just cant your hips towards him, another pleading sound slipping from your lips.
He gives you what you want. He dips his head and trails his lips and tongue down, down, down, wet and hot, until they press against your cunt. He looks at you with the same hooded eyes as earlier, motions of his mouth an echo of his peach eating, sloppy and messy; he's unabashed in the way he slides his mouth over you, lips slick and tongue hot, sliding over every sensitive inch—sucking your clit, licking your folds, burying his face between your legs and drinking up every sweet drip of your juices.
You can't help but make noise. Small gasps that slide into moans of pleasure, hitches in your breath that make your chest jump and your breasts shake; Jimin lets out noises too, muffled against your cunt, sounds that let you know he's enjoying himself almost as much as you. It's honestly pretty fucking hot, the way your own pleasure seems to turn him on, how he chases that feeling, eyes blown as he takes in every one of your reactions, repeating the motions that are affecting you the most.
The sight of him between your legs has you tensing. He continues to stare up at you, the curve of your stomach when you bow towards him, the fall of your breasts, which he slides his hands over, cupping them in his palms, pinching your hardened buds, layering sensation on sensation, never taking his mouth off you.
When he presses one finger inside, and then another, both thrusting firm and deep as he mouths at your clit, you tangle a hand into his hair. He watches the way your hips jump from the sensation of his tongue directly on your clit, and does it again, and again, your voice crescendoing from the explosion of sensation, how it's too much, before he circles his lips around it and sucks messily. Your brain registering nothing but his lips and tongue against you, the hands that are trailing up and down your sides and still skimming across your breasts.
You're not even aware of the words that are falling from your lips, oh fuck, yes, Jimin, there, oh, the way your grasp tightens in his dark hair, your hips bucking against his mouth as you can feel your orgasm approaching. The pleasure keeps building, flames fanning brighter and brighter as Jimin buries his mouth even further in between your legs, fingers speeding up as you gasp.
"Don't stop, don't stop," you chant, voice getting higher. "I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, oh—"
Your words slide into a moan as your back arches and your thighs tighten around Jimin's head and you cum. Jimin continues to finger fuck you through it, your cunt pulsating around him as he keeps licking and sucking at your clit, his gaze fixed on your face as your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth falls open and every line of your body sings of the pleasure that Jimin has given to you. Even when your legs and hips start to jolt from oversensitivity and you cry out at each ripple of his tongue against you, he's relentless, almost cruel in how he watches you writhe from a mixture of pain and overextended pleasure.
You're sobbing by the time Jimin pulls his mouth away from your cunt, tears pooling in the corner of your eyes, body shaking as you try to suck in air. He thrusts his fingers into you one more time, slow and deep, watching the way you turn your head into the pillow and muffle a gasp against it.
"I knew you'd look and sound gorgeous when you cum," he says, and though you feel boneless from your post-orgasm high, you can't help a little huff escaping your lips. Jimin clearly catches the sound, quiet as it is against the linen of his pillowcase, and takes your chin in his hand to turn his face towards you. His fingers are slick with your arousal, wet against your skin.
"You sound like you're reading off the script to a porno," you murmur.
One of his eyebrows arches. "Oh? You don't think I'm just speaking my mind?" Those fingers move away from your chin and trace over the swell of your bottom lip; you let your mouth fall open and swallow them down, licking the taste of yourself off Jimin's skin. "You don't think that I've been thinking about how pretty you'd look as I fucked into you, begging for me to let you cum again and again?"
Your tongue stutters against his fingers and your core clenches at his words, the dark undercurrent underneath them, and Jimin's expression shifts as he notices.
"You really have no idea, do you?" He runs his fingertips over your tastebuds, saliva starting to pool in your mouth, the slide so wet and messy. "Who do you think I picture whenever I touch myself? Who do you think I was wishing was in my bed every time I took someone else home?"
You nip at his fingers, running the edge of your teeth along his knuckles from equal parts surprise and disbelief at his words. You find it impossible to believe that he really means that, but then you realise—recently, on the few occasions you'd bumped into Jimin in the hall when he'd had one of his lays trailing behind him, for as different and unique each of them was, each one of them had shared some sort of trait with you. Hair colour, eyes, the set of their lips, the shape of their face; once, you'd heard a girl giggling through the wall before it had trailed off into a moan, and you'd done a literal double take at how much she'd sounded like you. Similar, but not exactly the same, a slightly off-tone echo of the sound that spills from your own lips whenever you laugh.
And the emptiness in his bed had only started after the night that he'd seen the way you'd trailed into your apartment with discontent heavy around your shoulders, disappointed at that awful Tinder date.
Oh, fuck.
"You're shameless," you say, words a little garbled around Jimin's fingers, but you know he understands.
"No, I'm not," he replies, a small smirk curling up the corner of his lips. It should be illegal: the way he has such soft features that can turn so quickly into something sharper and entirely sensual, eyes hooded, lips flushed, the column of his throat so lovely and graceful as he tilts his head to one side. "I just know what I want and don't try to hide it. What's shameless about that? I know you want me too, but you always deny yourself the things you want. Don't you?"
You hate that you've been so transparent in your attraction to him. Because the truth of the matter is that for as much as Jimin frustrates you with his entire existence, you do want him. After all—you wouldn't be naked underneath him, still trembling from the aftershocks of a deep orgasm, if you didn't.
"You're not always as quiet as you think, you know," he adds, pulling his fingers out of your mouth and enjoying the way your eyes widen at his words. You thought he couldn't hear you through the wall, but it seems like you were wrong.
Before you can say anything in reply, though, he grinds down. Without your clothes in the way you can feel the drag of his yoga pants against your cunt, how the wetness of your cum and Jimin's spit soaks into the fabric, his hard cock hot, and you let out a whine. He still has yet to remove any of his clothes and you want to  see them off so he's finally naked. You've seen enough of his bare skin over the months to have a pretty good idea of what that looks like, but you want to see the real thing.
Jimin seems just as eager to shed his clothes, yielding to your grasping hands and carelessly throwing his top aside; you end up straddling his waist and kissing down his chest in an imitation of his motions earlier, letting your fingers trail over the lean muscle from his yoga and dance. When you tongue at one of his nipples and he gasps, you feel euphoric. He's unfairly beautiful, from the lovely collarbones to the flex of his shoulders and arms and the line of his chest and stomach, delicate and somehow entirely masculine. You still sort of want to slap him, but settle with kissing the hollow of his neck instead, digging your fingers into his ribs as you roll your hips down against him.
His own hips buck up. You can tell that he's desperate to be inside you, but you want to taste him first.
When you slide down his body and settle between his legs, you hook your fingers into the tight waistband of those stupid leggings and tug them down. Jimin hisses through his teeth as you let the material settle just under his hips, baring the top of his briefs to you, how his cock strains against them, the patch of wetness at the head, darkening the fabric.
You don't strip him. Not completely. You just hook your fingers into those dark blue briefs and pull them down just enough to reveal the flushed head of his cock, wet with precum. You let your tongue flick out to catch that salty bitterness, and Jimin bites off a curse at the almost shy licks you start to lave across his slit, circling around the weeping head.
Hearing Jimin's gasps without the wall in the way is honestly an experience. Before, whenever he had people over, they usually drowned him out, theatrical wails and groans overpowering his far more natural noises, but now there's nothing to prevent you from hearing the way his breath hitches in his throat or the way he moans. Even the smallest things have him letting slip sounds, a noise escaping him as you coax him to lift his hips so you can finally, finally peel those leggings and briefs off, dragging over the hardness of his cock as you do. You want to take in the sight of him fully naked, give it the proper attention it deserves, but then you feel his cock throb in your hand and you can't stop yourself from immediately lowering your mouth to it again.
His whole body shudders. You let your jaw fall open as you take him in, tongue curling around him, hands touching every part of him that isn't in your mouth, making sure there's no part of  him that isn't receiving attention. His eyes are wide under the mess of his fringe, hair falling over his forehead as he watches the way you run your lips down the side of his cock before sucking one of his balls into your mouth, circling his length with your hands, a twisting rise and fall in the motion as you drink down the noise of surprised pleasure that drops from his lips.
Jimin's fingers have been tangled in your hair but he lets you control the flow. The sounds of you swallowing him down into your mouth as you bob your head are obscene, wet and messy, but you can still hear how his voice starts to rise, how his fingers tighten against your scalp, and you know he's close when he tugs you upwards and drags your lips away from his cock.
Jimin pulls you towards him and you settle against his chest as you start to kiss again, shivering at the way he rolls his tongue in your mouth. This time when Jimin rolls his hips, there's nothing between your skin and his, dragging the underside of his cock across your flushed lower lips, the slide between your folds and against your clit making you shiver.
You're breathless, and Jimin quirks a smile at you.
"Top drawer," he answers. Of course they would be, in easy reach whenever he needs them.
You lean forwards to reach for the bedside table and Jimin takes the opportunity to circle a hand around your breast and capture a nipple in his mouth, ignoring the way you bite back a surprised noise, staring up at you with almost innocent eyes as he sucks at your skin in the way he's worked out that you like best. Your hands are a fumble as you pull a condom out of the pack, ripping the sachet away from the others, a bottle of lube rolling into your grasp. You try to focus on your task and not the sensation of Jimin switching attention to your other breast, cupping the swell of flesh in his hand and drawing his teeth gently across your skin.
"You're insatiable," you mutter, and Jimin laughs before he kisses between your breasts.
"I've been wanting to fuck you since we first met," he says, utterly unrepentant. "I don't want to take my mouth off you."
"Insatiable," you repeat, but you're flustered. Even if you know he's not lying, and you're naked and straddling his hips, the taste of his lips and cock now familiar on your tongue, it's... kind of incredible to think that the gorgeous Park Jimin has been lusting after you for that long.
Or lusting after you at all, really.
But as you tear the foil of the condom, the look he levels at you is burning with desire, roaming over you, every inch of your nakedness, every movement of your body. His hands rest at your waist, thumbs rubbing over your skin as you hold his cock in one hand and roll the condom down with the other, letting your fingers circle his length, dragging your touch over the heat of him and revelling in the way he twitches. As much as you've thought of Jimin as a fuckboy, you know that he wouldn't lie just to get someone in his bed, so as unbelievable as his words are, every single one of his actions backs up what he's said: he wants you.
You don't notice how soft his gaze is as you take time to warm the lube in your hands, even though you're desperate to feel him finally slide home. You've always been so considerate, even when he knows you've been frustrated at him, and that's evident now, in this small thing.
You spread the warmed lube over his covered cock, pumping it in your hand to get him slick and ready, loving the way he hisses though his teeth. He has to stop his hips from bucking up as you line his cockhead up with your entrance, his fingers digging into your sides as you hover in place.
"Come on," Jimin urges. "Give it to me."
"Insatiable," you repeat, one last time, then you bend your knees.
You finally ease yourself down and onto his cock. You both let out moans; Jimin, finally feeling the wet heat of you around him, and you, falling into the sensation of him stretching you open, snug inside you, slowly splitting you open as you take him in, inch by inch, until you're sitting on his hips and he's fully buried in your cunt.
It's been a while since you've had someone inside you. You grind downwards, rolling your hips, biting your lip at the sensation. Jimin's chest expands as he sucks in a sharp breath, and you roll your hips again, a hand bracing on one of his lovely, thick thighs, the other resting just under his stomach as you lean back and arch your spine. You lift your hips, easy and slow, and then fall, Jimin's cock dragging and pressing against your inner walls, a gasp shuddering out of your lips at the electric feeling.
Again and again, noises of pleasure drip from your mouth as you ride him, head tilting back at the sensations rippling through your body and across your skin, the apartment full of the sounds of your sex—the moans, the wet thrust of Jimin's cock into your cunt, the praise that falls from his lips, months of feeling pouring from his lips. How pretty you are, how gorgeous, how well you're taking his cock, how wet and tight you are around him; all the things he's been thinking about, come to life, his hips snapping into yours as a sharp cry cuts through your lips at the sudden change of pace.
The pleasure's been steadily building between your legs again, warm and unrushed, but then Jimin flips you without warning, fluid and graceful. Your eyes are wide as you end up on your back, Jimin's hands braced either side of your head as he looks down at you with those dark, dark eyes of his. He thrusts forwards and your hands fly up to grab at him, your entire body shifting up the mattress at the force of his movements. His eyebrows are drawn together as he starts to drive himself into you, unapologetic in how aggressive he's being, each thrust pushing the air out of your lungs in harried little gasps that shake the air between you.
The sound of his headboard slamming into the wall, a noise that's been haunting you each time you've been trying to sleep or relax, is one you don't even register. All you can think about is Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, caught up in the way there's sweat beading across his forehead, strands of his dark hair sticking to it, the intense look in his eyes, the way his full lips are parted, small ah-ah-ahs falling from his lips in time with his thrusts, your body tightening around him each time he slides home.
You can't remember the last time you were fucked this good. Jimin reads the language of your body with ease, knowing exactly when to lean back and trail a hand over your hips, circling his thumb over your swollen clit, the slide over that bundle of nerves messy from the mix of cum and lube and spit that's laid slick across you. Each fluid roll of his hips is perfectly timed with the press of his thumb, your thighs going tense and your pussy clenching around Jimin's hot cock as you start to reach another peak of pleasure.
"Cum for me, baby." Jimin sounds breathless. "Let me see how pretty you are when you cum around my cock."
Normally dirty talk seems so ham-handed and stuttering, but the words fall out of Jimin's lips  as natural as breathing, thoughtless. Stirring your arousal even further. He's gripping your hips, pulling you down each time he presses up, and you circle your fingers around his wrist as his other hand is occupied with rubbing at your most sensitive part, tightening your hold as you feel another orgasm approaching.
"Jimin." Your voice is a keen. "I'm so close, please, there, right there, theretherethere—"
You can't blame Jimin's other partners for being so noisy. The sound you let out is just as loud, maybe even louder, Jimin continuing to snap his hip forwards as you cum hard, a drawn out moan that crescendos as you pulsate around Jimin's cock, still hard inside you. He watches the way you writhe beneath him, tangling his fingers with yours when you reach for him and swallowing the end of your moan in a surprisingly sweet kiss, his lips gentle against yours as he slows to a stop before you become too sensitive.
Your voice is a quiet murmur against his lips. "How have you not cum yet?"
His eyes squeeze into a smile as he laughs, light and bright, the sound so sweet. "I've got stamina for days, darling," he says, oozing that trademark arrogance you've gotten used to.
You clench as hard as you can around him and feel smug when he bites off a shocked curse, his smug facade broken. You can't help but laugh at his expression, scandalised at it is, though your giggle cuts into a gasp when he pinches one of your nipples and then soothes it with his thumb. He seems amused by the look on your face and then laughs in turn, the two of you dissolving into laughter that's edged with pleasure, your motions shifting his length inside you.
When the laughter trails off, Jimin stays smiling down at you. You draw your hands over his body, tracing all that smooth skin, and he touches the back of your hands with gentle fingers. There's a beat of silence but it's not an uncomfortable one, the air light after your shared giggles. It's... really nice. It's nice and soft and sweet, just like the expression on Jimin's face, tender, even if he's still buried inside you.
You feel so empty when he slips out, already missing the thickness of his cock when it seems as though he's about to coax you to roll onto your front. Your hands are still linked with his and you tighten your fingers, making him pause.
"I want to see your face," you confess quietly. It's probably too much to ask of him but you feel like if you're turned away from each other then you'll feel like nothing more than a fucktoy. Just another warm body in Jimin's bed. You don't want that.
Jimin stares at you, surprise written across his features before his expression softens.
"Okay, baby," he murmurs indulgently. The small pet name sounds so sweet in his mouth. "We can stay like this."
He lets your hands go so that he can reach for a pillow that ends settled under your ass, tilting your hips up towards him. You're not as flexible as he is—maybe you should start doing yoga too—but Jimin doesn't push you far, hitching your legs up and draping your calves over his shoulders, leaning towards you so that the back of your thighs are warm against his chest. He's bent forward, face hovering above yours, so much skin-on-skin contact that your entire body feels warmed by him.
When he slides back in, you can feel the change in angle immediately. The head of his cock brushes over your g-spot and you suck in a sharp breath; Jimin notices, of course, aiming to hit it again, and again.
It feels good, of course. Amazing. But as much as you'd be happy for Jimin to make you cum again, you'd rather see him fall apart.
You dig your nails into his shoulder blades, turning your head so you can press kisses along the line of his jaw, murmuring into his ear.
"Are you going to let me see you cum?"
Jimin's hips stutter as your words curl out of your mouth, warm against his skin. You've been picturing Park Jimin's o-face for an endless amount of weeks and you're ready to finally see the real thing.
"Cum on me," you say, and then choke in a sob of air as Jimin responds with a sharp snap of his hips. "I want you to cum on me, Jimin, please."
Your begging is shameless and you know it. Jimin's face is so close to yours in this position and you can see how blown his pupils are, how his mouth is flushed from your kisses and how he's been biting at them, his teeth digging into his lip as he starts to get faster, sloppier in his thrusts. It feels so good to know that you're making him feel like this, that he's reaching the peak of his pleasure with his body against yours, inside you, above you; he might have had other people in this position in the past, but right now it's you who's making Park Jimin come apart.
You urge him onwards with large, pleading eyes, rocking down on his cock each time he thrusts forward, begging the whole time. Pleading for him to cum, to give it to you, to cover you. Jimin obviously likes you loud and desperate, and you're more than willing to give him what he wants.
He slips out of you, fumbling with the condom and carelessly tossing it aside before he starts to pump his cock, hungry to reach his peak as he fucks into his fist. You let your legs fall open as you watch the way his body tenses, his brows drawn together and little breaths falling out of his mouth, barely audible over the wet slide of his cock in his hand. You run your hands over your body, across the swell of your breasts, down your stomach, dipping between your legs, trying to look as arousing as possible, anything to throw Jimin over the edge.
"I've imagined you cumming for months," you confess, words thoughtlessly falling from your lips. "On me, inside me, in my mouth—"
Park Jimin's o-face is just as gorgeous as the rest of him.
You love how noisy he is. He paints your stomach with his cum, ropes of white spattering across the soft skin of your stomach and hips as he rides out his orgasm, moaning as he continues to milk his twitching cock. It's so fucking hot, honestly, as is the expression on his face when you swipe your fingers through his cum and lift it to your lips, mouth filled with salt and warm.
"Fuck." He's breathless, panting. "You're unbelievable."
You let out a small scoff, but it's edged with affection. "Says the man who was ready to fuck me six ways to Sunday," you say. "If anyone's the unbelievable one here, it's you."
"I can last longer, but you're just so hot," Jimin says. You respond by curling your fingers at him, beckoning him towards you, and you end up sharing a series of messy kisses.
You were, honestly, genuinely angry when you'd stepped into his apartment earlier, even if that irritation had been rounded out with arousal and desire. Now, though, you feel thoroughly boneless and content, loose limbed on Jimin's mattress, his lips and tongue moving against your own.
He leans too far forwards and smears his own cooling cum against his stomach. He doesn't seem bothered, though. You're the one who has to coax him to clean up, though with the way he looks at your still naked body, you know he would happily launch straight into a second round of fucking so he can add more cum to the canvas of your skin.
He really is insatiable, apparently, when it comes to you.
Even so, you wonder if Jimin's going to kick you out now that he's finally had a taste of you. He doesn't. He keeps you close, your body pressed against his side in a way that feels far more intimate than you would have expected.
"Are you hungry?" Jimin breaks the soft silence.
You've been trailing nonsensical patterns over his chest but pause when he says this. "Hm?"
"Are you hungry?" Jimin repeats, and there's a cheeky smile flickering at the edge of his lips. "I have some more peaches in the fridge, if you'd like one."
"That peach." Your voice is an embarrassed hiss and your cheeks burn, but Jimin just laughs, boyish and bright as you slap halfheartedly at him. "That was just unfair. Who eats fruit like that?"
"Someone who's trying to make it obvious that he's imagining the peach is his neighbour's pussy instead." He's so brazen. "And it clearly worked, didn't it?"
It had worked. It's annoyingly effective, actually; thinking about the way Jimin had been staring at you as he tongue fucked that peach has arousal shooting through you, even after being so thoroughly fucked by him.
"Yeah, now you've had me," you say. "What do you plan to do next?"
Jimin goes quiet. You wonder if you've misstepped, but then he sweeps his hand down the curve of your spine, goosebumps appearing in the wake of his touch.
"I was planning on asking if you wanted to go out for lunch," he says, his voice so sweet, miles away from the fuckboy persona he usually puts on. This is the softer Park Jimin that you've caught glimpses of when he's unaware, the side of him you wished he'd show more often—revealed to you, now. "Then, if you said yes, I was going to take you out on a date. If that date went well, then I was going to ask if you'd like to go on another one with me. And then another."
One thing you know about Park Jimin is this: he doesn't do dates. Each of his lays are one time affairs, no attachments made, no real connection beyond the physical act of sex. Your heart rate picks up.
"Obviously we'd fuck between dates," he adds, raising his eyebrows at you in a way that's so exaggerated that it makes you laugh. Of course. Jimin likes to fuck. "Unless you didn't want to, but there are only so many peaches I can eat, you know?"
"So if I said I didn't want to fuck, and you ran out of peaches, what would you do?"
Your question seems casual and light but Jimin isn't stupid. He knows what you're really asking. Is he genuinely interested in something more exclusive, or would you just become another notch in his bedpost if he grew tired of waiting for you to spread your legs again?
"I can always buy more peaches."
You stare at him. He's looking at you levelly, a small smile on his face that's a little cocky but mostly warm. And, well, you know he's already gone without other partners for you, even before he'd gotten you in his bed. Park Jimin is serious about you, it seems. He'll wait.
You mouth at his collarbones, tasting the salt of sweat as you kiss and lick at his skin.
"After lunch, we can go back to my apartment, if you want," you whisper against his throat.
Just because Jimin's willing to wait doesn't mean you're going to force him to, especially as you're still as hungry for him as he is for you.
His hands squeeze your sides as you end up kissing again. You feel soft and ripe and sweet, easing under the touch of Jimin's hands and mouth.
"I still think you're a fucking menace, though," you add, and Jimin laughs so hard the bed shakes, still utterly unrepentant and entirely yours.

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